The great debate

The great debate.

Buy DBFZ and wait for PC release of MH, no debate here.

MH obviously. Fighting games are shit and Dragonball is weeb trash.

>7 month minimum delay

what in the fuck

MH for PS4 and DBFZ for PC. Easy as that.

Both are shit

>Buy fighting game for full price at launch
>Having fun trying out every character
>Play a bit of online/arcade mode
>That's all there is to the game
>Get bored after 10 hours
>Immediately regret purchase

Happens every single time

Yeah the delay puts me off. Its never a good sign when a jap developer puts off a PC release. 10 times out 10 it means they don't know what the fuck they are doing on PC.


FighterZ will do better WW but MHW will do better in Japan. Not MH4 good but better than X/XX.

MH World is probably the better choice. DBFZ will probably release the " definitive" "ultimate" "GOTY" version of with all the DLC fighters in a year or so, cheaper than what they are asking now. World is presumably a complete game already.

>paying 60 for a fighting game that's online community will die out in a month with all the pro players weeding out normies
>paying 60 for a 50+ hour campaign + 100 of more hours

MH would be more rewarding. At least you got bros to co-op with online. Better than getting your ass kicked by a bro in a stupid fighting game and breaking your controller and punching yourself for losing all the time.

1 Month >150 Hours


Literally this.

>have friends who play
>constantly play against each other
>hop into training mode to try to get one up on them
>oh fuck they also trained
>keep playing against each other
>have fun

happens every time


I was disappointed with the roster. FF has a truck-load of interesting characters that people love yet they insist on just having pretty boy MC from FF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etcetera.

Give us Setzer, give us Sabin, give us Tifa, Red XII, Cid Highwind, Quistis, Zell, Freya, Fang, Basch. As Dissidia is now it's just lame. It isn't exciting to have all the MCs because they are all so damn similar. The trailer for Dissidia looks like a parody of Final Fantasy.

Sounds to me like your not the fighting game type of guy.
If you dont have any drive to get better at a game like that, why even play it in the first place?

Dbfz, never been more hyped for anything, first game i preorder/pay full price, maybe i'll buy mh later on pc but never played one before, should i try some of the old ones or is it like tekken that every iteration improves in most aspects?

Why are you comparing the two? They're nothing alike

>Have friends that get scared of fighting games because they are too hard.
>Always alone playing the newest Fighter because my friends suck.

>being so poor you didn't buy the ultimate edition of both

>not buying both

lol why do people force themselves to like only one type of game?

>tfw not a poorfag and you're getting both

if in mexico, there is only one choice. you already know the answer.

Fighting game against a real game. What kind of decision is that?


I'm going to buy both eventually, but DBFZ first.

Monster Hunter World

Not really. You would have to play 5 hours a day every day for a month to meet 150 hours. And theres no way DBFz has enough content to keep playing 5 hours everyday and not feel repetitive after a week.

>implying it wont get pushed back to 2019

Get UNI[st] instead

This is the most pointless thread on Sup Forums right now. They aren't even the same genre!

one of them must be better than the other though! it's literally impossible to judge them based on separate merits!

If you like fighting games and Dragon Ball and have no friends
If you like Monster Hunter and have friends
Alternatively, if you have a good PC anyway and can just wait for the PC port for MHW, do that
Also if you have no plans of playing online for FighterZ anyway, don't get it now, just wait for it to go on sale

>theres no way DBFz has enough content to keep playing 5 hours everyday and not feel repetitive after a week.
you severely underestimate the immense autism in the FGC.
There are people who have dedicated their lives to playing one character for hundreds of hours in games like Smash Bros and Street Fighter just to have their 15 minutes of fame during competitions.

What if I dont like DBZ and I have no friends? Can I still play MHW with no friends?

>Expecting package tomorrow.
>Spending all day with father in hospital.
>No time to ever touch it.
Not like I dont mind, but considering I am paying $50 for both and never will touch them until months from now, feels like a waste.

Nice opinions but it’s still a Final Fantasy game so i’m buying.

That's being generous, majority of those autis don't even get those 15 minutes

You can try, but MH without anyone to play with is snoresville

>worried about western Monster Hunter
>play beta
>love it

>hyped for DBFZ
>play beta
>it's trash, Jim

Funny how that worked out.

imagine being this much of a slave to brand recognition.

there's a simple solution to that problem, which is to play with randoms and if one of them is even halfway decent then send a friend request and play again later

Fair enough but you have to admit that you're a fanboy. Nothing Square has done lately as regards Final Fantasy has been good or even competent. They are riding the wave of their past glory, and they aren't doing it very well,

I’m buying both because I’m not too poor to afford my own hobby.

MHW. Maybe get dbz later. Not a fan of tag fighters or 30 minutes combos.

>enjoying video games is "immense autism"
fuck off scrub

>dragonball weeb trash

Dragonball is probably the most normie anime of all time


fuck off shills

That’s nice but i’m still buying it and will enjoy it while you shitpost on Sup Forums like the little soycuck you are.

Sure, i still enjoyed XV so i see no reason to stop supporting SE, especially after they funded and allowed a Nier sequel, which became my favorite game of all time.
They are also bringing DQXI so SE is doing great in my eyes.

Neither, both are fucking garbage

Both because i have money

sure, but which one is better you fucking retard

They’re not even remotely similar games. Not everything is a competition you slack-jawed fuck.


FGC soyboy detected

They don't have to be similar for you to enjoy one more than the other you fucking block head.

>Not everything is a competition you slack-jawed fuck.

Literally why did you enter this thread than? Fucking slit your throat, faggot.

But do you have the time?

They want to stick to 3 reps per game, Tifa's likely coming back and we don't know who all is going to get added over time.

>Both are shit
they havn't even been released yet, are you retarded?

>Amazon shipping my dbfz copy on 29th for no reason

DBFZ has super characters and MH is fundamentally a repetitive grindfest.

We already know both are shit.

>Dragonball is weeb
Were you born in 2000 and kinda missed the boat on Dragon Ball? You cannot get less weeb than Dragon Ball, it is literally the most mainstream and most popular anime in the world. It could not have such a mass appeal if it was some moeblob weebshit.


you must be a hoot at parties

I think you're being delusional

Shit nigga, that's too far away. I'll get monhun now and UNIELEST when it launches. [/spoiler]Also thinking about SFV AE, is it any good?

No, it means they're double-dipping

Isn’t super the one with pink hair and a meme rat as the villain?


How delusional do you have to be to enjoy something so artistically bankrupt.

Even GT is better.

This. You can tell how normie an anime is by how much niggers like it.

Dragonball now. MonHun later.
Both on PC.
t. Switch owner

People were putting Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild against each other at the time of release, these two are nothing alike, how the fuck can they compete

why the fuck does everyone already has a copy in here

unironically literally this !!!!

Square are big risk-takers, you gotta give 'em that. Near a Tomata wouldn't have existed without them. But you gotta reckon, when you look at the games they develop in-house, they haven't had a good one for a very long time. Square is a better publisher than developer.

and a giant bugman or a pink goop child was any better? or what about the walking talking dildo?

Obviously the best choice is to buy DBZ on PC for to the superior input latency and visuals, then wait for MHW on PC for mostly the same reasons.

Who the fuck is buying multiplat games for console.....

>fighting game with scrawny waifus instead of muscular men

only poorfags aren't double dipping MonHun and DBFZ will still be alive on PS4 after a couple of months

Buying both. Fighterz on PC and going to check out the player count/how it runs. If the player count is shit I'll refund it and get the PS4 version.

i already have both

Have you even played the game?

>either buy a fighting game you won't put effort into that will have future paid DLC characters and has the worst voice acting I've ever seen because muh nostalgia
>or a 50 hour game you can play and move on until the next free DLC is out

But it's filled with muscular men. Have you seen Gord or Wald?


why? I mean, yeah MHW is going to be delayed for PC but it will come with all the DLC that they will be releasing periodically and it will be the definitive version, as usual.

Dragon Ball is cuck shit

I said muscular men. Any game that has more than three moe girls cannot be taken seriously and is garbage.

kekistanis report in !!!!!

>feminine men with anime superpowers in fighting games

My friend is picking up his copy of MHW 3 hours early from FUCKING GAMESTOP. And people are already playing Dragonball FighterZ from stores that break the street date.

This is one of the only times I feel truly cucked from being a digital-only fag.

>both nipshit

I blame XIV ARR.

Now that’s over with im confident in VII remake, even if it’s splitted into 2/3 parts.


Looks like a faggot if i ever saw one


What about this one?