Has Sup Forums ever been right?
Has Sup Forums ever been right?
They are falling for Capcom paid hype AGAIN, after 2 years of SFV.
There's no end to that shit.
Sup Forums in general is never right.
t.newfag pretending he knows anthing
Sup Forums use to be right about shit a long time ago. Like a decade ago.
In times past I use to get game recommendations and links to rapidshare with indie/dojin games that were fucking great.
Anymore if Sup Forums likes something, don't play it 90% of the time.
Sup Forums introduced me to God Hand and it became one of my favorite games ever.
Sup Forums ain't right often, but when it's right, it hits a homerun
Games universally loved on Sup Forums are genuinely great and only hated by casual.
Games universaly hated on Sup Forums are genuinely bad, and are only liked by casuals.
This is the truth, like it or not
They were right when I decided they were right.
Games universally loved on Sup Forums are genuinely niche and or weeb fan service
Games universaly hated on Sup Forums are genuinely popular
This is the real truth, like it or not
>Games universally loved on Sup Forums are genuinely great
Underage pantsu quest games are good?
>Games universaly hated on Sup Forums are genuinely bad
Except 99% of this place are contrarian faggots who cant like something because someone outside this place likes it
Games that I hold near and dear to my heart are constantly shat on in Sup Forums, to the point you can't even have a discussion about the game because everyone is just being a spergy edgy memelord.
Sup Forums was always right until 2 years ago when complete flood of new users shifted the narrative.
If you say do the opposite of what Sup Forums tells you, then should i do the opposite of the OP or something?
Any day now we'll find all those good reviews Depression Quest got in exchange for sexual favors. Any day now, you'll see.
Just fucking play what you want. Do you really need some autist on here to tell you if you should enjoy a game?
>it's Sup Forums fault that there haven't been a good AAA western game since forever.
>deliberately ignoring how fucktons of smaller western projects gets loved here, and obviously fucktons of older wester games.
>deliberately ignoring how western fans themselves are the ones who shit and hate on western games the most andare in general the most rabid and contrarian shitposters.
>all that while making it sound like you are poor poor victims of the big bad weeb boogeyman.
Man, you people seriously have a strange victimism complex.
they were right about dragon age II being fucking terrible. So bad I felt ripped off even though I played it for free
Everyone loves witcher 3 aside from Sup Forums so there's that
I should have listened regarding Undertale
That game was shit.
>it's Sup Forums fault that there haven't been a good AAA western game since forever.
Except if say i legit enjoyed and had fun with ANY moderns triple A game i get called a shill or that i should fuck off to facebook
>deliberately ignoring how fucktons of smaller western projects gets loved here, and obviously fucktons of older wester games.
Except that praise turns into hate as soon as it gets popular outside here like Undertale
Stupid fuck
>all that while being contrarian shitposters about eastern games while crying like a rape victim.
I mean, I have low expectations when we talk about people like you, but your attitude is insane.
No one mentioned being a victim you retard, this boards obsessed with hating popular games
Learn to read
>Sup Forums introduced me to God Hand
Same here, also Ace Attorney, and plenty of other things.
Sup Forums has great taste. Although harsh, anything that's like a 7/10 is basically trash.
>the Gen Z being right about anything
Ten years ago
Sup Forums hates the mainstream, while simultaneously embracing it.
i learned about umihara kawase from Sup Forums and its been my favorite platformer since. i also tried team fortress 2 because of Sup Forums which i find very fun. it took me awhile but i finally got into morrowind as well. other than that i dont usually like typical Sup Forums gaymes. dark souls for example i just cant get into. actually most vee games are those i have to force myself to get into which seems counter to the point of playing games
Sup Forums got me into Deus Ex and SMT
>there are people with differing opinions on Sup Forums
Just because everyone posts with the same name doesn't mean they are all the same person, user.
They might be right about some things concerning Bravely Second. I need to replay the game and decide for myself. Though I think some people are over critical of Ryo. Ryo isn't a bad composer by any means. His tuff is good but I do admit to missing Revo and having a bias toward him
>Except if say i legit enjoyed and had fun with ANY moderns triple A game i get called a shill or that i should fuck off to facebook
And you get called that by everyone who post here, western games fans included, if not especially by them who are always ready to start a crusade against something. You don't need an imaginary eastern fan boogeyman to cry about that.
>Except that praise turns into hate as soon as it gets popular outside here like Undertale
Yep, and that's another thing completely unrelated to your eastern boogeyman.
>Stupid fuck
Or maybe, you know, if you want to bitch and cry you could learn how to do that without writing a lot of completely unreasonable and made up shit. So far you only acted as irrationally as the people you were complaining about, congrats.
Whenever it says it's never right.
Oh dear.
Then why does Sup Forums hate the most popular games
And yes, popular = good
Sup Forums is right about older games that are good, but has absolutely no objectivity on newer games.
>And yes, popular = good
Oh boy.
>but has absolutely no objectivity on newer games.
Nice non statement, troll.
It's a luck of the draw though commonly games that are obscure and praised by Sup Forums will be called shit by Sup Forums the nanosecond it gets an iota of popularity beyond the bubble of Sup Forums. Undertale is a good example of that, and more recently Doki Doki Literature Club
>And yes, popular = good
Why don't you people just go on reddit and resetera, what's the point of posting here.
>Sup Forums has great taste
It is, it's the free marketplace and the best ideas get the most money and the biggest playerbase
It is a statement, what you made was a non statement
Yes yes, the resetera and leddit boogeyman
I like how Sup Forums simultaneously despises AAA games as casual bullshit, and all indie releases shovelware.
At a certain point you just have to admit you don't like video games and aren't a real fan of the hobby.
> boogeyman
I explicitly asked you why don't you just go in place in which you can find more people like you, what the hell does a boogeyman have to do with that? How fucking old are you?
I like how some people on Sup Forums shit on some games and some people on Sup Forums shit on other games.
At a certain point you just have to admit you are fucking retarded for thinking that every single one of the 400+ million posts on this board were made by the same person.
>Am I fitting in yet guise
There's something really suspicious about disposing of your own originality so you can mimic the identity of the hivemind.
Basically, you seriously believe that millions of flies can't be wrong so we must eat shit, and then you wonder why people here shit on you.
Were talking about the average opinion of the board here man. The most prevalent opinions... That is the conversation. You're too autistic to realize that apparently.
Sup Forums wouldnt shut the fuck up about demon souls during the JP release and shilled it so hard that i bought it.
No regrets
And the average opinion on this board is that BotW is the best game ever and that it is the worst game ever.
Whatever "consensus" there used to be years ago has been thrown out the window by the fact that this board has a fucking massive userbase with different and even opposing opinions being popular among some group within said userbase.
There is no one fucking prevalent opinion. The board is not unified.
v and g is always wrong because they are.full of hipster contratards who shill everything bad and hate everything good and popular
no Sup Forums is a lying piece of shit.
A bunch of Smash 4 stuff leaked here didn't it? Guess Sup Forums was right then?
Nice job proving his point autismo
>Board about vidya
Has the following
>Waifu threads
>Sup Forums threads when a game is relevant to them, i.e. a woman or a black guy is in it
>People calling you shill for saying something nice about a game you probably enjoy
>People who are "Nice Guy" levels of bitter about women in general.
Yeah just stay for the filename threads and the occasional thread that actually has a enjoyable discussion going on.
Sup Forums always has multiple opinions but people just choose to remember the one that turned out to be incorrect as being somehow universal so they can perpetuate this "le Sup Forumseddit iz alwaez raung" meme. Also fags will often take "X game will be shit" as meaning "X game will get bad reviews" so butthurt toddlers often end up spamming metacritic scores as proof that Sup Forums is never right.
But Sup Forums loved Undertale initially.
>people letting their opinions be dictated by an anonymous board
No some people on Sup Forums immediately hated it and some liked it. I can't believe how many people take the "Sup Forums is one person" meme seriously. Someone is always trying to out contrarian the contrarians, including OP.
Sup Forums used to suck Witcher 3s cock hard. Really makes you think
Sup Forums has daily threads about Dark Souls 2 being the greatest game ever. Sup Forums is so far up its own ass it doesn't know what right is
In my personal experience, Sup Forums usually likes good games and I havent been tricked into playing any bad games from listening to Sup Forums. But on the other hand when Sup Forums is shitting on a game it seems to often be for reasons that are completely shit, and if I go play whatever is getting shit on 8/10 times its perfectly fine and I enjoy it. Basically the way I see it Sup Forums knows what a good game is but they don't know how to have fun with something if there's even one thing they find wrong with it.
>It is, it's the free marketplace and the best ideas get the most money and the biggest playerbase
Nah, the real issue is that the likelihood of your average Sup Forums poster shitting on something is about 20x higher than them discussing a game they like. The balance is completely skewed.
Game universally loved on Sup Forums are genuinely bad
Game universally hated on Sup Forums are genuinely bad
This is the truth, like it or not
t. Sup Forums
Sup Forums has always been shit you newfag
Sup Forums is right most of the time, at least for me, but only about older games, when Sup Forums talks about this generation, say games from 2014 onwards, they are always wrong
>Game universally loved on Sup Forums are genuinely bad
Except Ace Combat.
Genuinely popular doesn't mean it's good. It doesn't mean it's bad, either, but it makes me cautious.
Games that are designed with no particular kind of player in mind -- which is to say most AAA stuff -- are likely to disappoint a player with particular tastes.
Like what games? Anything you think you could sell someone else on?
>started lurking 2.2 years ago
Sup Forums hates everything because you're not risking anything at all to shit on a game. When you say that you like a game, you're putting your opinion out there, open to scrutiny, and revealing a vulnerability. If you shit on someone else's opinion, you're making yourself feel better, making someone else feel worse, and are in no danger whatsoever of having your own opinions challenged. It's minimum risk for maximum reward. Sup Forums hates games because it's easier than liking them.
Nope they're always wrong, they thought Metroid Zero Mission (a $30 game for the GBA) killed 2D Metroid and they thought Samus Returns bombed. Now they think that another 2D Metroid isn't coming anytime soon. I don't listen to Sup Forums for a reason but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the fans on Sup Forums are from /reddit/ seeing how their taste in FPS Halo games are also shit.
Been here since before chanology you fucking faggot
I have never played this series but it might be the only one that Sup Forums seems to have a consensus on. I have never heard a bad word about any of them, not even relative to other games in the series, which is indeed quite rare.
And yet there isn't that much talk. Maybe because the series has been tabled for a while? Maybe it's not controversial enough to be entertaining? Whatever, do I play these games in order or what?
*Games universally loved on Sup Forums get too popular and then get hated by Sup Forums.
huh what's that, is it some sort of meme
>mfw i do it and i never buy shit
Memes aside, Sup Forums has gotten me into great franchises that I would've blatantly ignored otherwise. I wish to extend a "thank you" to all of you!
Sup Forums got me into God Hand, Vampire, Thief, SMT, DMC just to name a few.
But now Sup Forums also constantly shits on them and tells me to play some even more obscure games that they never really talk about other than to say "stop playing this game you enjoy and play this instead", so I feel conflicted.
Only that nintenbros are nu-male soyboys
t. newfag masquerading as an oldafag
Sup Forums was right with bloodborne and you can't argue against that
more often than not, yeah
that it's the only worthwhile sony exclusive?
>PC version of Halo CE
Sup Forums was right about literally everything to do with Bioware.
>But now Sup Forums also constantly shits on them and tells me to play some even more obscure games that they never really talk about other than to say "stop playing this game you enjoy and play this instead", so I feel conflicted.
This place will reach to a point where they told you to stop enjjoying that Ukranian drawing software to reccomend you an unfinished platformer made in Africa
you sicken me
>that fighting game list
I don't know what I was expecting.
encyclopedia dramatica seems to be down so i'm in the dark here. please elucidate, old wise one
Which wouldn't bother me if this board at the very least talked about them as passionately as they do with the more "popular" games, but that is not the case.
Nobody is actively shitting on those games you autist. People are just finally willing to admit that despite their benefits that VTMB is a clunkfest, DMC 2 is worse than DmC, God Hand has some questionable moments, SMT is getting as tired and stale as Final Fantasy, and old games like Thief sometimes make questionable design decisions.
Neptunia is objectively shit though.
Sup Forums likes the fucking Senran games. It's hardly so uniform.
It got me to play STALKER at least.
lol sure.
Everyone always sits down to make these points in the most civil manner, no one ever spams or details threads to say these things.
Sup Forums is always right
They never are unless they follow the majority on obvious thing which isn’t Sup Forums‘s contrarian thinjing
Anything successful was Sup Forums shitposting
Anything failing was Sup Forums shilling
this is the truth
get over it, nufags