>zero (0) games where you play as an Owl
What the fuck
>zero (0) games where you play as an Owl
What the fuck
Owl fucking kill you.
Owlboy, retard
Agony on Amiga
Super Owl for the SNES
>zero (0) GOOD games where you play as an Owl
what the fuck
My negr.
There is a ps3 game where you play as an owl in aerial combat, based off some movie.
You didn't even bother to search, did you? I just googled "video game owl" and found an owl game right away.
Post your mains
also have this smurf just for lols
>yfw you aren't even the titular character in that game
I'm playing it like VC in RS2. Not really superb, but it's good to have the most points.
>that movie
>those books
oh fug
>mfw the barn owl wants to be dps
>posting the Peggy Hill of owls
Birds are not that important
was going to post this
who invited the mammalfag
Kirby 64 let's you play as a stone owl statue if you have rock+cutter
if birds are of reptilian origin then why do they have feelings reptiles don't?
because they aren't reptiles?
jurassic park was incorrect, my man
Ga'Hoole's setting was interesting shame it only got shovelware games
I think Owls are better suited to grumpy absent-minded mentor roles than being playable themselves.
Owly thread that's my Jam
>tfw have no bird/owl wembs
fixed that for you
Why are owl's so based?
Because they are not what they seem
Everyone is fond of owls.
Except for mice and shrews.
What about Simon Cowell?
>being a rat
literally asking for it
What Remains of Edith Finch
>when you find out the truth and it turns out owls are some of the dumbest birds of prey, while vultures are some of the smartest
who could be behind this post
if humans are mammals, why do we have reptilian brain structure controlling our most base and vital functions? because nature is kewl
It's apparently true, it was memed for so long that people started to think owls were actually wise.
if humans are mammals, why do we have reptilian brain controlling our government and vital condition
Who cares, owls are incredibly stupid birds. Factually, by the way, not an opinion.
Owls are overrated, who /magpie/ here?
>This white, brown haired boy with a cape and rednose is an owl.
I don't want your protein powder, Alex Jones!
European magpies are the cutest birds by far.
Corvidae in general are the best birds because they are actually intelligent and understand the concept of playing games for fun.
Owlfags btwo
Came here to post that. Holy shit I miss amiga times.
I prefer high INT/CHA
>tfw you realize almost all old world vulture species are becoming endangered
are these health?
>he fell for the expansion meme
It's a pretty sad feel. They perform a valuable service.
>he's too poor to afford it
>tfw navajo
>we don't like owls.
INT/DEX is good too
Magpies are one of my favourite birds. They are very intelligent and even mourn the dead.
>not putting all your points on retarded gimmicks and just confuse and overwhelm your opposition with your endless back of tricks
>Blue Jays are known for their intelligence and complexsocial systems, and have tight family bonds. They often mate for life, remaining with theirsocialmate throughout the year.
>the way the strap makes an indent in her thigh
How do you make playing an owl interesting? I mean the only way I could see it working would be a shoot-em-up.
My Battle Brother
Isn't that David Icke? Alex Jones is more about gay frogs.
A game that is 100% stealth takedowns. You skulk, stalk, fly slightly in the dark, line up your attack, watch the rodent's body-language and pick the perfect moment, then execute.
>Playing as one the dumbest birds in animal kingdom.
God damn that is one smug looking car
Owls aren't birds
Open world survival, pick your bird/owl type and hunt and build nest get a wife make offspring. Would be more interesting than playing as a human.
Owls look wise but they're dumb as shit
>tripfag enters the thread.webm
I dunno, Alex Jones shills a couple different things, I was just joking along.
>virgin owl vs the chad pigeon
The tumblr nose boy is not a real owl
Turkey Vultures have red heads, That's a black vulture. They're closely related but I'm tired of people assuming they're the same.
You can play as an owl in one of the Harry Potter games on ps2.
I am going to have sex with that owl.
Can't do what now?
Reptiles are way cooler than birds
This post deserves a (you)
>Implying owls are birds