MH 68

MH 68
MHFreedom 71
MH Freedom 2 72
MH Freedom Unite 81
MH Tri 84
MH4U 86
MHGenerations 85

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Well in all honesty Capcom and Nintendo's License on MH ended with Generations so they were free to make games for other platforms now. It started with MHTri a few years back they had struck a deal with capcom to only make main entries of the series for their platforms and they did rather well. Now we are just seeing what they planned on doing from the start with MH Online. I see many similarities between MHW and MHO.

Im very upset I will not be able to play MHW till PC release as Ps4's are out of my budget.

A real monhun fan will play monhun wherever it goes

Real fans call it sterter, poser.

that butthurt twitter guy literally reads like a Sup Forums falseflag shitpost, except it's genuine

>first 5 games on Non-Nintendo console
>gets mad when newer game is on non-Nintendo console


MHW is causing even more butthurt than Bayo 2 being WiiU exclusive

>That link profile pic
No... it couldn't be...
Is that really...?

MHW is kinda looking like ass 2bh, watching streams
I mean it looks good enough that I'm probably gonna have to get it to scratch that MH itch, but still definitely a step in the wrong direction, so many of the new features I just dislike
It's just sad, I want great MH games, not just good enough


what features are those exactly?

>Capcom literally treated its Nintendo Monster Hunter Fanbase that pretty much kept the company from bankruptcy multiple times, like shit.
The Japs did. I'm pretty sure they're not dedicated to one specific console manufacturer.

he hates QoL improvements because somehow that makes it not MonHun anymore

Not to mention that the Japanese are really into handheld games and the only good handheld to release MH on for a while had been the 3ds.

The wrist sling and stink trails and mantles to mention few

I don't know why it bothers me when people say monhun in english.

Dragon Quest fans don't call their game DoraQue, Final Fantasy fans don't call their game FiFan.

Why do white monster hunter fans use the stupid method Japanese people use to shorten phrases just for that game.

The slinger is a god-tier tool that adds a nice fold to the combat, I don't get the complaint

Scoutflies are a replacement for paintballs, which were both easy to use and boring, so I don't get that either

Mantles I could take or leave, so I'll give you that one

What about the Vita tho?

Nice strawman retard, I don't get why it's so hard for you fags that are invested in MHW's good name on an anonymous Boston pedo-ring forum to accept that it's fine to not love MHW or the direction it's taking the series
Seems too little actual innovation to freshen it up and too much needless shit to make it more appealing to people who didn't like it before, makes sense from a business stand point I guess, but doesn't make it any less sad that that's what directs the game's development

Yet again Nintendicksuckers are getting mental, calling another shoah.
Why are Nintendicksuckers such mentally ill psychos? This has been going on since 8.8

The vita flopped like shit in Japan didn't it?

Actually the reason why there was no Monster Hunter on Vita, was because they got angry at Sony for not letting them release Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD on PS3 in the west because it had no trophies.

>too little actual innovation
are you seriously calling this out as a negative when the series has barely changed since it's inception over a decade ago?

Kek, well at least it's nice to see that they've made up.

I couldn't say more on the wrist sling, only saw a bit of it and from that little I wasn't too hot on it

About the scoutflies though, there was nothing wrong with paintballs, they were perfectly functional and didn't need to be not boring
Scoutflies just add a ton of visual clutter imo and if anything are even more boring

he was a commenter on destructoid back in the day.
Everyone made fun of him

It's like faggots calling the last blade "gekka"

I'm saying I'd rather have none at all than the wrong kind

>no G rank
>31 monsters
>new monsters are just reskins
>generic soundtrack
>purchasable rare mats
>drip feed DLC
>not even stabe 45 fps on PS4Pro
I don't feel it either. Do I have to be hyped about every entry in the series I like? Maybe it'll get better by the time of PC release.

it seems to me that the changes implemented have been for the better. how have the japs been taking the changes? seems like they like them a lot, or aren't autistic enough to let it stop them from enjoying the game, and since the devs are jap those people are the only ones they're going to listen to.

>purchasable rare mats
where's the source?

Let's be honest, nips have terrible taste
Even Sup Forums knows this

It's been posted plenty dude, not even fake news
There will be purchasable cosmetic items at least

Stop replying to shitposters, fucking dumbass

isnt he that militant nintendork who jumped through a million mental hoops to justify MHW not being on the Switch?

you mean all those articles where the devs talk about specifically not having p2w DLC or other such nonsense?

sorry, my autism is out of control, i'll stop now

Interview in some japanese magazine.
Screenshots from people playing leaked copies.
I don't have them on this machine.

what this dude typed also
>on a monster hunter
You'll never made your PSP burn with Khezu in the swamp didn't you?

That's the guy who shitted on XCX becauase MUH STORY, MUH RAP MUSIC. Fuck him

fair enough user I hope you enjoy the game, I got a review copy and I loved it to death so I hope you find something to like too

You would be suckings this game's cock so fucking hard if it was released on MUH NINTENDO instead you hypocrite Nintendickrider.

Strawman is not an argument. When will you learn?

When it's banter like this you needn't always to use reasonable arguments.

There's banter and there's shitflinging. At least try to be creative.

How the fuck would you come to that conclusion? It sold more than 5 million units, almost as much as the PS4 currently. The DS line and PSP outsold it yeah, but it still sold well compared to other regions and third party Japanese games got released/ported throughout its life cycle.

It has its roots in the western world as being called MonHun. It helps that it also makes it unambiguous and since MH was/is a social game its easiest to just say
>yo MonHun?

Everyone I know that's into MH is Asian bar 1 dude.


God forbid devs make any changes.

sounds like the easier it is, the higher the reviews

I hope the game crashes and burns

That'll teach them to jerk around pc users

OoT confirmed for easiest game of all time

Don't be an idiot. You know what he meant by purchasable.

>OOT is hard

get back to work Jared

that's basically what it is, you can exchange lesser mats for rarer ones

Why would it have G-Rank when it's the first game in a generation?

Does the 5 maps include small arenas? My last MH was 4U and I honestly don't remember more than 5 maps not counting arena based ones.

I hope the game is more paddded out by PC release though.

How is that bad?
Does this fag actually enjoy endlessly grinding one specific fight for a super low drop rate item?
If you could buy them with real money that would be total bullshit but this being a negative come the fuck on.

You are right but delete.

daily reminder all the hardcore monster hunter fans are going to play dauntless instead of casual westerner world

>white monster hunter fans
I wonder who's behind this post


This is something I don't understand; Doesn't Switch already have Monhun game in Japan? And, if the Switch isn't region locked, why don't people just play that?

Monster hunter fans truely love all the horrible game marring things that the series is known for never fixing. They applaud them for keeping the horrible control scheme which forces players to move around like drunken retards. They love that it's been released exclusively on systems which don't have the buttons or the online infrastructures needed for it to be properly played online. They absolutely adore that the graphics have remained nearly unchanged despite being like 15 sequels in, and more than anything they love that the series never seems to even try to make improvements.

They like the game the way it was, and just want literally more. They want to be constantly reset to zero in the same exact game with no improvements or advancements, with like 1 new on the box monster who is kinda gay and constantly runs from you till you wish he'd just fucking stop.

Monster hunter on a real system, with a pc release on the way, is the worst possible thing to them, the games controls are going to work and be fluid, the controls scheme is going to be customization to the player, the graphics went from ps1 to ps4 in one swoop. They are doing away with some tedious grinding, and future installments will probably actually be dlc allowing you to keep your hunter and move into full new games worth of monsters without a hard reset on all your progress.

Monsterhunter fans are going nuclear right now, they thought their rabid devotion would be able to keep their game for them only forever, but they dropped the ball and didn't give capcom enough money when capcom released the same game 5 times in a row in a 3 month period last year, so now its for everyone.

Because they want to play the game in English? what's wrong with that?

>lmao I don't want to play with a shitty claw
>lmao I don't want to play a gameplay-focused, inherently repetitive game in another language
it's just shitters dude, they'll find an excuse no matter what
monhun fans will find a way to play no matter what

nintentoddlers suicided yet?

If i'm not mistaken you can find that word on the game, can use it on your hunter card or something

>Huuuuuuuuuuuuh i love Monster hunter!!! This is the best game yet!!!
>Capcom was so generous to give me this game for free XD

And there is people that believes no one got paid. Fucking retards.

>no innovation
What the fuck why didn't they change anything
What the fuck is this casual garbage

It's monster hunter, you don't need to know any japanese.

What stealth says is reasonable.

>Nintendo MH fans
lol pick one or the other if you're going to get pissy
it's as bad as
>I only like SMT if its on Sony

>casualize the game so dumb westerners can get into it
>it gets good scores
How completely unexpected

Ever notice how all the reviews say "This is the game that got me into the series, the older ones were too slow, complex, and difficult"?



No, actually I didn't, show me.

I love how much butthurt this game generated. I'll miss it

Not really.

Feel free to move the goalposts later.

I don't think you understand what that term means.


Where is the part about the previous games being too complex and world simpler? That was your only point.

>Ever notice how all the reviews say
>posts three opinion pieces that aren't reviews
really made me think

>Everyone I know that's into MH is Asian bar 1 dude.
this but the 1 dude is a black weeb

this game rooster is apparently 30 monsters, the point of the game is to hunt them and since theres little amount of monsters (even if you consider other games having like a 100 max) The grinding system is set on place
it gives players a reason to hunt the monsters more than once
this is also why the monsters being hard to hunt is a big deal since making them easy defeats the purpose
now players have less reason to hunt monsters in a game called monster hunter, so are you guys seriously unable to understand why people are hating on it?

>"The problem I had with past games in the series was just how much they demanded from you. The combat could be excruciatingly slow if you chose the wrong weapon, to the point that if you missed with a swing of your sword, it took several very long seconds before you could do anything else, which often meant you were open to an attack. The games also did a poor job of explaining their complexities, like building traps or crafting medicine, both integral parts of Monster Hunter strategy."

Read, you fucking idiots. Try not to suck the game's cock too hard just because the EEEEBUL nintendooms didn't get it, so it MUST be good.

It bothers you because you're basically an insecure faggot

>people prefering a more polished and better experience = people saying that MHW the older ones were too complex.
Holy fuck, nintendo friends.

>game has less grind if you don't want it
>has actually meaningful content now like a story
People who want to grind will still grind, people that only play the game for ~60 hours will get more out of it. The majority of people who dump hundreds of hours into the game do it for their own reasons.
I really don't see what the problem is here.

>"World is also just easier than its predecessors. I had little trouble with any of the quests I encountered in my first 20 hours, even though I mostly was playing by myself. I’ve been into the series for a long time, to be sure, and newcomers will no doubt find it more challenging. But if I compare World to, say, last year's Japan-only Monster Hunter XX for the Nintendo Switch and 3DS, there’s a clear difference in difficulty curve."

Capcom copy-pasted monsters in the portable games all the time. Hence why some have 100+, some of them are literally the same monsters from Tri.
In World, there's nothing to copy paste from so there's gonna be less Monsters.

First part is about them being slower (guess what, they were), the last sentence is about EXPLAINING their complexities, not about being more complex. You are a fucking retard.

Sorry, I'm still waiting for you to post the reviews (the things you were bitching about), since those articles you posted have no bearing on the score the op is talking about.

Underrated post


People are loving it, newcomers and veterans.

>older games
You're the king of the idiots.

>and veter

>any of the freedoms
>below 90
>game """journalists""" are too soy for actual difficult games
at least it confirms it even more

4u, since you can't read But, hey, keep making shit up to claim it doesn't count.