This kind of fan service will make metal gear survive sell
This kind of fan service will make metal gear survive sell
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I'm ok with this
A game to surpass Metal Gear Solid
Remember me?
how will kojimbo ever recover?
Why the hell isn't Snake in the game?
this suit looks kinda hot haha
They aren't showing it yet.
Death Stranding
>Snake, we're not tools of the government
>only Konami
but does it have a dick on the backside
>Metal Gear Survive will be the best Metal Gear game in 14 years
>Kojimbo's Death Stranding still has no gameplay, let alone a release date
Remeber me?
Is this real? Link to video you took this from?
I remember when MG was a military stealth game.
>metal gear survive was first shown off as a tower/zombie defense type of game
>game then went quiet for a while
>battle royal games started to get popular
>metal gear survive news start to rise again
>people think its some kind of battle royal game because of its name
>disappointed that it wasnt when they tried out the beta
shit makes me laugh every time. saw so many people get confused about the game on social media
>trying this hard to be contrarian
lmaoing @ ur life
No, at all.
Here is why. Old fans know about MGSV development process, old fans also tend to defend Kojima while spamming #fuckonami in every Survive video.
MGS fans are sour towards Survive and Konami. MGS fans treat Survive as a travesty to the series not to mention all the context surrounding Survive development and announcement.
The new MGS game, made after Konami fucked Kojima, a MGS that shits all over what Kojima did and the MGS franchise as a whole.
Fans hate Survive and fans won't be getting this out of spite.
Neither will newcomers. Newcomers have no nostalgia towards the series and this game has nothing separating it from others games with the same style "co op zombie survival".
Newcomers won't buy it because there is nothing appealing to it, fans won't buy it because of the controversy and loyalty towards MGS creator.
Survive is going to bomb and sadly, it will be the last semi AAA MGS game.
Konami will treat lack of interest regarding Survive as a sign that people aren't interest in more MGS games.
Expect MGS on mobile... card game or something.
remember when MG was a card battle game and a hack and slash game about a cyborg?
Cutting a Ray in half with a sword in the tutorial mission was all the reason I needed not to give a fuck.
I never played ac!d though, the premise just seemed too dumb to even dignify it's existence.
>Expect MGS on mobile... card game or something.
It's already a pachislot machine man
Even ACiD had strong stealth elements about it.
And those weren't major releases.
Survive is the next big MGS game. Having a spin off as a follow up to MGSV and all the controversy surrounding Kojima and Konami isn't the best thing to.
Yes, and that is the future of MGS. The only titles you will see.
Shovelware crap with nothing related to MGS but branded with the MGS trademark.
Gacha MGS next step
we sure are in the worst timeline
>the grey fox suit in MGR
best DLC
I'm an old fan and I'll buy both survive and dead stranding. Eat shit fanboys.
I can't remember when MG wasn't military-scifi schlock.
You're that ninja
when I saw the survive trailer for the first time I actually thought that that the zombies were the parasite units
I hated the parasite soldiers too faglord.
Hell sure show my grandkids
MGSV was a shit game too. Such a shame since the actual gameplay and mechanics were really great.
Why? To stick it to the man?
Yeah dude! Fight the system! By buying a soulless sequels made by a corporations that treats its employees like machines and go so far to blacklist ex employees ruining their chances of finding other work and ruining their lives in the process.
Yeah, fight the system! Konami needs our support.
It's not like Survive looks like a bland, generic, terrible game. It totally deserves our money. Konami, as the bastion of good will deserve our support.
Imagine if the ruse is true and kojima really never left konami.
Imagine the mental gymnastics the fanboys will have to do.
>caramel will killhimself when survive is release
Fuck off, retard. Maybe if you expected something different.
Not him but I might buy it. Only after I see more footage of the single player.
because the game looks fun, you filthy nerd
>Yeah dude! Fight the system!
how ironic, you are the one bringing morality over some fucking videogame, grow up retard
If it winds up that there are plot critical things in Survive that seem like they were set up by MGSV I'd be willing to say it's true to a degree. Like Paz being in the wormhole dimension because the body was never found. At the very least it might've been planned before he left.
Whoa, so it's a cashgrab, but with Easter eggs to remind me of the time when the series wasn't dead.
And don't forget to pre-order the game to get an exclusive Solidus Snake™ armor!
>instead of modelling the eye holes they just make it black paint
>Maybe if you expected something different.
I expected a finished game.
How about that black dude that say the main character is the key to everything and send you in this alternate world (VR?), what if he is Sigint/Donald Anderson?
morality is applicable to video games depending on context, as it is applicable to all things depending on context. A toy car is not a part of a moral evaluative system, but if to make the toy car I had to force kids into slavery to mass produce them, the toy car stand in moral relation to this state of affairs (insofar as an evaluative framework is such that it can deem this kind of state of affairs as wrong/right/neutral.) I take the time to explain this because you strike me as an idiot.
I'll strike you as a fedoratipper if you prefer.
But will it... S U R V I V E ?
I've said it months ago, this game will be a hit IF Konami plays the fan service card. Introduce heroes and villains from the complete Metal Gear saga, give players the opportunity to unlock/find them and to play with their special abilities, something you could never do in a Kojima directed game, but everyone always wanted to.
.. Give me the Boss, MGS4 Raiden, and fukin Crying Wolf
I don't know if I'd rather think of you as an idiot or a fedoratipper, actually. I mean they're aren't mutually exclusive so I'll take you as both.
Not every mgs fan is a kojima fan you know.
>no u
Paz confirmed ingame
>that trailer
It could be a great game, but using the MGS franchise really ruins the whole thing, why did they do it?
>having kojima-san's dick tickling the back of your throat this hard
A shirtless Liquid Snake that refuses to die
Kojima wanted to do a gray fox game with zombie in it some time ago, maybe it's this game.
The only MG fans who would flip their shit because of a gray fox helmet also happen to be the biggest Kojimadrones that won't buy the game out of principle
if there's a reference to DS at any point the game will go from selling 50 copies to 2billion overnight.
Yes! Fuck the system! I'm sure you'll show them by not buying! This is their last attempt to survive, right? Konami doesn't have anything else to hold themselves before going bankrupt!
goddamn i'm gonna roll on the floor once death stranding flops and you kojimadrones finally realize how much of a hack this guy is.
>gray fox helmet
>summonable metal gear ray
why does Sup Forums hate this game again? it looks fucking fun
it should be a battle royale game
tower defense has always been boring, lame shit. now it's outdated boring, lame shit.
why are you replying to me? I never said that, I was just explaining that you can apply moral frameworks to video games, depending on the context. I don't care if it flops or not, I'm not buying it because the game looks like a cash-grab to me.
I don't want your fucking retarded battle royale games
fuck off
you sound like a complete retard for comparing child slavery to this konami vs kojima stuff
>weak ass fan service = fun
You must be the kind of retard who buys every collector's editions and preorder bonuses he can.
ah shit, thought you were my bad user
nah, I'm just happy metal gear is in the hands of people who care now
It would have been BR game if they've started development a year after. It took them to do this dumbass survival shit because they've employed a small team, gave them no budget whatsoever so it went through "development hell" of adding few animations and systems, badly textured new assets and rearranging the Afghanistan map with assets ripped off from Africa map
what is the general reception of the beta?
do people really like defending things from waves? i played like 10 minutes and deleted tbqh fammie jammies
>I don't wanna have fun
lmao nerd
They just made it worse. Movement is sluggish, controls are somehow worse, the UI is a joke and the point of the game is fucking hollow. Rather play Plants vs Zombies for free instead lmao
thats good and all but wheres the octocamo? where can i se more cool shit they're gonna put in?
I'm not you fucking moron, I'm merely stating that context can give something like a video game a place in a moral judgement. Here's a less extreme one: Person's have the right to be told the truth in order to not violate their rational autonomy, bullshots in the video game industry lie to consumers about the quality of a game, thus violating their rational autonomy, therefore bullshots in the video game industry violate persons rights. Coupled with a premise like: violating a person's rights is WRONG, then what you have is a moral evaluation of VIDEO GAMES you fucking stupid dumbass retarded autistic faggot.
battle royale games aren't fun, they're just mmos for normies
Initial reaction was laughable. Game got exposed as shit at the same time always online and microtransactions were confirmed. Konami marketers have been working overtime to damage control and are making no effort to hide it.
You must be retarded. Kojima might not have handled it right but if you think konami is going to save the franchise you must be seriously deluded.
no that would be MOBAs
Imagine being so delusional you try to set the narrative on a mongolian yodeling website
0.05 pachislot credits have been deposited into your account. Thanks for Correcting the Record!
publisher =/= development staff
Is Metal Gear Solid V: Survive heavy on the science fiction?
I'm just giving an account of what happened my friend. I respect that you're at least in employment rather than relying on mummy to buy your tendies.
The very existence of this game makes kojimatards squirm and i think that's just tops
I wish I was getting paid to post here. Special ed teachers make a lot of money these days.
Let me talk to your manager
And who do you think employs those developers asshole? Do you think the suits at konami don't have their say in how a game is developed?
>muh person's rights
how do thin skinned faggots like you survive in real life?
exactly right. why couldnt they make it take place in a more urban landscape like chapter 1 of MGS4. imagine mgsv mechanics over sprawling rooftops and alleyways and secret makeshift routs through the combat zones between bombed buildings. konami could have easily capitalized on this but instead its recycled afghanistan and recycled zombies side ops basically.
Surprised konami allowed that phrase.
>Cyber Ninja mask
Holy fucking shit this is aweso-
>it opens
Aaaaand back to not caring.
who /#fuckkonami/ here?
I'm usually not the person who says "Mods will fix it!" to every complaint since I know the limitation of most development kits, if they are even released, but they did release an SDK for MGSV I'm almost sure that people would have done it.
>people think its some kind of battle royal game
I have not seen a single person say this. Project more.
Its always opened. Always.
no, I don't believe suits at Konami are the ones ordering the developers to put lots of detail into the gray fox helmets
gray fox mask opened like that, why are you complaining exactly?