Need to get this guy to level 7 to unlock a gaiden chapter of a gaiden chapter while also defeating a optional boss in...

>need to get this guy to level 7 to unlock a gaiden chapter of a gaiden chapter while also defeating a optional boss in another gaiden chapter
>game never hints or alludes to this once
Why was fire emblem so retarded back then? This is probably not even the worst of it

to sell guides

Classic FE was terribly designed.

FE needed more cute dragon shotas.

>This is probably not even the worst of it
You're right, it isn't

Imagine if your friends, family, and coworkers knew you were a gay pedophile


>need to kill off half your army to see all the new content

I'm a friendless NEET and my family doesn't care about me fapping to anime.

>back then
Fuck off, nu-FE fag. I'd rather have that than the last mainline abortions.

To be fair old FE can be pretty obtuse even though I'm replying to a falseflagger

It's fine to like guide games normally there are people with shit taste. But us normal humans like games that are well designed like other SRPG's

Is this FE5? Never played it, what's stupid about it?

I fucking hate Masamune Shirow's art. Those faces combined with the shitty Photoshop's Burn Tool effect he uses in all his Fire Emblem works is the worst.

Yeah, it's chapter 18 of Thracia 776

The guy next to the boss, Xavier, is recruitable, but in order to recruit him you have to free the villagers on the left and have them talk to certain armor knights to turn them green (thus making them non-hostile)
But each villager is paired with a SPECIFIC knight, so if another one reaches them before they can talk to theirs, they'll just get captured and you'll have to kill the captor to get them back
On top of that, half the knights are enemies mixed in with the ones who can become neutrals, who will begin mercilessly attacking any of the neutral knights if you manage to get their villager to talk to them
And you have to do this with ALL of them in order to get him

As if that weren't enough, there's another special condition: To get the only member card in the game(?) and use secret shops later, you have to spare half of the soldiers on the map, who belong to a different army (technically your Lord's) and have lower stats than the others
But unlike a similar chapter in FE3 - two whole games earlier - these soldiers will aggressively attack your units even when they have no chance of winning and suicide themselves unless you go out of your way to dequip or send in weak units to bait them, WHILE everything else on the map is happening

Granted, if you don't want Xavier or the member card it's just a regular map, albeit one with enemy dancers and constant siege tome reinforcements
But if you try to do it "properly" it's a nightmare like no other

>game is designed to be replayable
>"bawww why the fuck do i have to play the game multiple times to see everything bawwww"
You know, back then we just got excited about unlocking new stuff and finding secrets, because we'd already spent some money on the game, and this gave us a good reason to squeeze more time out of it. Don't tell me you're the kind of guy that uses a guide to plow through games as fast as possible and then never touches them again?

what the fuck. That sounds retarded. And people say 5 has the best gameplay in the series?


>he doesn't dance 200 times during his starting chapter to max him out

There's literaly no way you'd grind Nils to level 7 without knowing about it from a guide, not even playing the game 30 times.
It's shit game design plain and simple.

Or you naturally use him enough to unlock the chapter in the course of the 30 playthroughs. See again.

anyone else feel fire emblem could benefit from a slightly more medieval european feel? particularly something like from the stuart period

There is literally no reason to even grind him to unless to lvl 7 unless you have autism.

It kind of does, if only for the mechanic where you can capture almost any enemy and take their equipment, as that means shops are more scarce and you need to get by on your own resourcefulness

But then a lot of maps are super obnoxious, essentially puzzle maps
And there's bullshit like a random % chance for units to get extra turns, healing staves able to miss, etc.

Fun game to play if you hate yourself

>probably not the worst of it
FE10 is an extreme offender when it comes to shit players will never see or know to do.

Even deploying him every battle and dancing every turn only brings him to level 4 or 5.
There are at least 20 more turns of pure grinding to unlock the requirement. It's horseshit designed to sell guides.

Fire Emblem games are so fucking stressful, man.

>Limited EXP so you could end up fucking yourself over
>Almost zero chances to grind, not autism levels of "let me gain like 20 levels real quick" but at least let me do like two or three, fuck'
>Based on how the RNG is feeling your healer can get a +1 in attack or be killed by a spoon

Fuck it, man. I play the new Fire Emblem games on no death mode. Not that horrible Phoenix mode (I skipped Fates anyway), but I fail to fucking understand why people treat these games as the holy grail they are just because of permadeath. It's just Shining Force, but a little more stressful.

>casual mode

If you didn't know it existed, it wouldn't bother you. But if you found out about it after playing the game once, wouldn't you be curious to try it for yourself? And maybe play through the game again in the process? If you like at it as "I HAVE to play the game all over again" and not "I GET to play the game all over again," then are you even enjoying the games enough to be mad about their design choices? If you're not enjoying it enough to play it more, then why do you care enough to get mad over it?

Sorry, if you "look" at it as, not like at it as.

No its just cryptic non sense and bad game design.

you two sound like dumb fags, has it right

And you're an idiot. Then again, that's natural for a FE fan to begin with.

Why are nu Fire Emblem fans such babies?

heaven forbid theres secrets and easter eggs hidden in video games that you (unfortunately) have to interface with and play said games. maybe movies are more your speed?

Yes god forbid the game is well-designed. Bet you're a big fan of RD's little "secrets" or the stupidity of Thracia, or the completely arbitrary time limits in Binding.

>lvl 7
>joins at level 1
>needs to dance 70 (SEVENTY) times in 3 chapters

>hurr durr muh replay value xd
How many times do you have to play chapter 1 of FE4 before getting the brave axe naturally? That's right, bad design is bad design.

god you sound like such an asspained child. why do you feel that everything should be presented to you, in its entirity, butt fucking naked?

>What I have to play the game?

Still less embarrassing than them knowing I go on Sup Forums.

lol couldn't come up with an argument. You haven't even play the games and you're defending them.

>Stefan recruitment

What were they even thinking

>All these GBAbbies unironically defending this cryptic and completely unintuitive bullshit that also requires grinding and the game gives you no hints of where you could going on a wild goose chase for God only knows how long.

Just know you guys are the cancer that turned video games from adventures to amusement park rides.

says the nigga throwing around a subjective buzzword like "well-designed" you have beat me sir.

>Being "well designed" is now a buzzword
What has Sup Forums degenerated to?

>being so shit that it takes you 70 turns to clear 7, 7x, 8, 9, and 10

This, old games were full of this intentionally hidden under nonsense conditions garbage.

You can't even get chapter 7x unless you finish 7 in 15 turns or less.

There's a difference secret and cryptic and my man.

am obtuse secret is only okay as long you never know it was there in the first place, not even a hint


Is 7 good?
I just realized that I've somehow never played it before.

I get why they make recruitments super obvious now, but I miss having a weird secret characters like him.

Why are there so few good fan games? The tools like nightmare are simple enough to use. It would just take a lot of time.

Hector Hard Mode is great but unfortunately you gotta play like twenty hours to unlock it

Yes. Its not as hard or irritating as 6, but not as easy as 8. Get a completed save file so you can skip Lyn normal.

They like to encourage those kids on the playground that come up with bullshit to get a hidden character, so they make games that actually do make you do stupid shit sometimes.

I'm waiting for that Fe7x engine thing to come out

I recall a fan game using the GBA engine that introduces debuffs and skills from Fates. I forgot the name though. But I do recall coming across it by searching the term "debuff" at /r/fire_emblem

Void's bizarre adventure. Really fun.

Nice. Thanks, guys.
I'll try to find a save file so I can skip normal mode.

Those factors you listed are exactly why some people prefer FE over other srpgs, you have to actually make do with what the game gives you which some people(such as myself) find enjoyable

The binding blade time limits make sense for one. Also what's inherently bad about adding secrets/ Easter eggs into the game, you don't miss out on a massive bit of game just because you didn't recruit Karla

>Don't get Nils to level 7 because game gives me no hints
>Miss out on chapter 18x of which also locks me out of doing its subsequent gaiden chapter of which reveals why Nergal is like how he is and what he was before.
>"You don't miss out on a massive bit of the game."
Lmao the extents GBAbbies will go to defend cryptic bullshit.

The BB time limits don't make sense until you already failed it. They never state once that there's a legendary weapon until you complete it, or fail them. Something like Karla isn't the problem even if it is stupid, Nils gaiden chapter contains plot important info for the main narrative.

With the exception of chapter 16 every time limit gaiden tells you if you've failed the time limit as the boss or an enemy commander will tell you they've sealed off the weapons. None of the time limits are particularly tough besides the desert one if you're not efficient in getting treasure so I fail to see the problem

It IS cryptic and IS was stupid for doing this, but i don't care that much about gaiden chapters since they aren't mandatory for the ending unlike Binding blade

I'd be fine with permadeath if Fire Emblem's RNG wasn't X-Com's asshole granddad.

t. started from FE7

And the moment you fail it you have to restart the entire chapter over. It doesn't help that if you're not playing ranked, you could be turn skipping to build supports on your first playthrough, and again fail it.

>He doesn't also calculate enemies' crit chance, account for damage if they do crit and have back up plans when rng fucks him over


FE7 is shit, more news at 11.

Go play the better game already. Just forget FE7 exists.

Don't listen to this faggot . Just read the FE6 manga.

>You need all the legendary weapons to get the true ending
>If the weapon breaks then say bye to the true ending
Royfags need to get out

You can't use them early on anyways and you get Hammerne halfway through the game

But I do agree, the weapons should have had more uses. I think the numbers patch gives them all 30 instead of 20.

S E V E N T Y (70) T U R N S


I'd take cryptic bullshit and insane requirement requirements any day over having litterally every ally in Fates fucking handed to you on a sliver platter. Outside of children and My Castle are they even any missable characters?

Everything about Shadow Dragon was such garbage.

Nah, you're thinking of Echoes.

>outside of the optional units are any units even optional???

You must like gaidens in Shadow Dragon because you can use this same shit excuse for those.

Nyx, BR Reina and technically BR Takumi

they defend that shit now

Imagine being this wrong

skunk man too if you choose to kill him for his boots

Fuck off, 6 is the worst on the GBA games and Roy is a shit lord, both as a character and as a playable unit.
Sole reason Royfags exist is Melee.

So many of the maps just aren't very fun and stuff like Douglas is hell for a first playthrough.

6 is just a jankier and unpolished 7. The only thing it has over 7 and 8 is difficulty, and that difficulty isn't enjoyable to go through, especially when the story is forgettable and boring.

>>"bawww why the fuck do i have to play the game multiple times to see everything bawwww"

Not even what the OP was complaining about you illiterate baitposter

Ehh, I'd take 6's maps any day over the routfest maps in the awakening, BR and RD and 7s shitty defence maps

>mfw the only FE I've actually completed was Radiant Dawn because it was a gift
>loved it but never bothered touching the other ones until Echoes because my trpg itch was scratched with DeSu2's remake
Echoes is fun so far I guess