Why did you abandon her, Sup Forums?

why did you abandon her, Sup Forums?

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The whole thing surrounding her was nu Sup Forums as fuck and I didn't want to touch that cringe ass shit on any level.

it was entirely reactionary, growing from the gamergate shit, and then exposing how SJW influence was fucking corrupting the industry, what's nu about it?

Not enough porn.

because it was just trying to justify waifu faggotry even more then it already was.

Explain pls.

the entirety of gaming media was waging war against normal males gamers so Sup Forums rigged a contest and won and everyone was in an uproar over what we'd end up doing (it was some design your own character thing), so we actually just created a (piccolo dick colour themed) normal, casual looking girl called Vivian who liked playing videogames as a way of fighting their narrative that all male gamers are mysoginistic shitlords.

>"punished Sup Forums" leaving Sup Forums with vivian
>MGSV comes out
>Eight chins.gators were the fakes all along

someone post the "exodus" pic

Still here. Just busy doing my thing. I'd never abandon you. I'll never forget

>Vivian James
>vidya gaems

She became a roastie like all the others

Only Sup Forumsfags would really care about using her and they are too newfags to actually do it.

Any day now we'll find all those good reviews Depression Quest got in exchange for sexual favors. Any day now, you'll see.

>Sup Forums rigged a contest and won
IIRC it was a "donate X amount of $ and we'll draw your OC and put it in our game" thing by TFYC.

Whenever chans get self righteous, it devolves into a perpetual state of cringe.

Deviantart has everything you need

Gamer gate was right though


It was pretty good but ran its course. Sup Forums has a short attention span.

Remember comrades, if you see a liberal talking about videogames, playing videogames, or making videogames... REPORT IT to your nearest GG station.
These people do NOT belong in OUR hobby so report all liberal behavior on sight.

Stay strong, we are with you.

Oh right, apologies for getting the details incorrect.

I find it amusing that you're still this assblasted years later


I was never a part of that shit. I got so much second hand embarrassment.
>l-look we respect women, we drew one!
Never try virtue signaling again, you cucks.

nu/v/ are Sup Forumstards

thanks doc

Because Vivian was the last hurrah of old world Sup Forums.

shut up cuck

Wasn't the entire cringe crusade fueled by asshurt? Gamergate was a bunch of faggots who were asshurt enough to start a movement. But I'm sure you'd like to spin that everyone involved was never upset about anything, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

end yourself fag

Spotted the liberal. What makes you think you belong here? Our mission continues until every one of you SJWs is OUT of OUR hobby.

>uncle adolf will always be available as a babysitter if you need one

Same reason I had to abandon Pepe. Too much baggage and cringe.

GG was liberal as hell, in the literal definition of the word.

you are cringeinducing

because gamergate became real politics and not just video games when everyone decided to praise journalists for trashing other journalists

*nods at you* try to stand ur ground against these gamergate bastards as best u can, queens. im right here with u
#slayyy #YASSSS

I never joined Chanology 2.0 because I'm not a politically motivated shitter

Because the whole thing was childish as fuck and it did more harm than good both here and journalism

And that's why Milo became a spokesperson for GG, right?
Because he and GG are all "real" liberals. "Classic" liberals. "Traditional" liberals. Just like you. Right, user?

I never understood how people got so worked up over words on the Internet.

Sometimes I wonder if I would be one of them if I hadn't been frequenting this Internet cesspit since 2005.

Vivian was the only good thing to come out of all that autism.

>But I'm sure you'd like to spin that everyone involved was never upset about anything, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
Good job projecting and putting words in my mouth.
>Wasn't the entire crusade fueled by asshurt?
Yes, it was a shitfest and now it's dead (as it should be), as opposed to people like who continue to be asshurt about it.

GamerGate has achieved Tiananmen Square-in-China levels of historical revision. Less then 1% of the current board population even realizes what actually happened. They read the Wikipedia article (made by pic related) and think it's some vague thing where sexist gamers were mean to girls.

"Gaming journalism" has always been a cancerous mess. This shit was just the result of new age "internet activists" making it look legit by claiming it was worth fixing.

Gamergate was crybaby cancer

Post some cute Vivians please

Cute design for something so terrible. Surprised they didn't make her half Puerto Rican and half Bengali for the diversity points. GamerGate still ruined the internet.



Sup Forums content is always at its best when we have some kind of crusade going

kys autist

Why does Sup Forums hate a movement that was literally created to benefit them? There's zero downside.

Still, it's quite a shame that most of people who used 8gag came back

Haha! Look at these cucks! Kek! Soy! Hahaha!
Heil Trump! Heil Reddit!

SJWs are now muckspreading over MTG, D&D and attempting WH40k

Bringing Reddit to Sup Forums does not benefit me.

I like how this comic outright admits GG isn't about videogame journalism, it's just a political movement to get rid of liberals

Todd posting isn't a great step up my man, if at all

they are awful racist sexist people devaluing how people view Sup Forums and gamers

Sorry the role of cute mascot girl is already taken.

Cringe thread?
I used to frequent a Starbound RP community

The actual reason Sup Forums abandoned her was because nobody really likes Watomote anymore and because Hex Maniac basically filled that niche.

Fags only THINK it was because GG hatred or whatever, but this is the true reason.
The cow tits of Hex Maniac basically won out in the end.

The downfall of Sup Forums right there. It brought way too many redditors to this site. Now I can't be in any thread without a dozen 15 year olds telling me to go back to a website I've never been to. Telling me how they post, what they like, what's on their fucking front page, all this shit I never would have known because I've never been there, and they're telling ME to go back.

Seriously who the fuck are these guys

The second hand cringe. Christ.

A group of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do launched a holy war on games journalism and all worked hard to uncover absolutely fucking nothing

In all honesty I thought games journalism was corrupt as fuck before GG happened. But their failure to dig up anything juicy made me realise it really is nothing more than a bunch of shitty bloggers looking for clicks. They are retards and sometimes assholes but there was so little dirt to be found that people had to spin insane shit just to justify how mad they were about it. The people attacking the journalists ended up looking obsessive and insane as it became more and more clear that there wasn't really anything there to be mad about other than "waaah this person is a liberal!"
You can hate liberals all you want, I certainly do, but they're entitled to their own opinion and it's unethical to try shut them down just because you disagree with them.

>cringe ass

I didn't even make it past the first three words of this WALL of text. Give me the short and sweet grandpa.

she stopped sending pics of her feet


Someone post that pic, you know the one

What actually happened was that Sup Forums found out Zoe Quinn did suicide girl photo shoots and started spamming threads about the 'controversy' non stop to the point where it was clogging up the reports and the mods got sick of it, so when they finally decided "this shit isn't even really videogames anyway, fuck it, they've had their fun", anons sperged the fuck out and scrambled to find a reason why it was actually in fact videogame related and not breaking any rules even though they couldn't keep it in one fucking thread or stop posting porn in all of them.
The mods had to outright ban all of the threads, and as a result the autists insisted even harder that it was actually videogames, and the best reason they could come up with was "muh ethics in journalism". A bunch of spergs actually took that seriously and shit just got progressively more and more retarded.

GamerGate is pretty much the same shit as when Sup Forums ironically invented bronies but a bunch of autists took it seriously.

>politically motivated
this shit is the worst
used to be that political movements were created for the laughs, now there's more faggots who actually belive in it

absolutely not. TORtanic ruined this board because of the newfags that flocked to the site to be a part of the action. they never left and now every single release no matter what it may be has to be a flop.

nu Sup Forums? nigga i've been here for 9 years and if there's anything Sup Forums it's that concept, no original member here even thinks of being antigamergate safe for the hiptsercontrarians and the invading cucks


They gave SJWs more power and the industry is more corrupt than it's ever been thanks to GG.
FACT: everything would have been better if you had just ignored them, like we always have


No nu/v/ is reddit and neofag nigger.


Probably yanda

what do you expect. it's been 8 years since mlp and people still get anal ravaged by a pic of a pony. By people i mean lee

Reminder that tumblr and reddit are allies. Anyone insulting tumblr or reddit are SJWs trying to divide us.

you wish

Gamer gate was fucking stupid. I just want to play games and shit post

I hate when people do this. Are you fantasizing about kissing me you fag?

>Harbor happens
>People go on a self-imposed exodus to eight-clover chan
and try to get as many people as possible to leave too
>Barely anyone buys it
>2016 happens
>Containment board refilled with tards
It's a cursed containment board that always refills itself every time it is emptied, one way or another

The main cringe factor, the point when people began to despise GG, was when people started promoting reddit as an ally.
There is no complex reasoning for why Sup Forums hates thing; so don't let anyone let you believe that Sup Forums getting involved in politics and raging about fat tumblr bulldykes was somehow the source of distaste here.

The main, sole reason people hated GG? A picture, a single picture, depicting reddit as an ally of Sup Forums. That's it, that is all it took. Once reddit gets involved say goodbye to all acceptance of just about anything that has ever crawled across this board.

Because the only ones who cared about her in the first place left for 8ch after they became butthurt bitches about gamergate, and as such took all posting of her with them to that cesspool.

As someone who was here from the first day, here's what actually happened with GamerGate.

Zoe Quinn makes some five minute shovelware games. Among these games is one called "Depression Quest". It gets released on steam. It is basically a 'text adventure' game where Zoe pretends to know what having depression is like.

Wizardchan, an image board made by and for virgins & NEETs, talks on their board about how Depression Quest is bullshit made by a happy normal person. Zoe Quinn discovers Wizardchan while Googling her "game"s name and proceeds to fake death threats against herself, post them on Twitter and link to Wizardchan as the source. Wizardchan gets flooded, spammed, DDOSed.

Eventually, people on Wizardchan and Sup Forums find a blog post from Zoe Quinn's former boyfriend. He says that Zoe Quinn cheated on him with at least five games journalists, emotionally manipulated him, and more. All of this is supported with logs of texts and Quinn never denies any of it.

It turns out that all of the games journalists Zoe Quinn slept with gave her game Depression Quest good reviews after they hadd sex with her. This is the catalyst for the movement we call "GamerGate" today.
As Sup Forums is losing its collective shit calling out games journalists, every single game journalism website on the Internet simultaneously releases articles titles things like "Gamers are dead. 'Gamers' don't have to be your audience any more." Someone finds out a games journalist group-chat called "Gamejournopros" collaborated all of these articles as a response to GamerGate.

Unfortunately, we live in the Internet age, where information decides everything. Guess who controls information? Journalists do. They release hundreds of articles detailing that GamerGate is actually a movement about evil sexist gamers being mean to women. Wikipedia is feminist-controlled and its article is/was the worst of all. Nobody today knows what GamerGate was about, except those who were in the middle of it.

BS. It would not have made a difference, they were going to do it anyway.

in retrospect, it's kind of strange how GG managed to blow up so quickly. almost seems manufactured, doesn't it? i mean i'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, don't get me wrong :^)

Kinda funny how Jontron turned out to be an actual Nazi.

>no original member here even thinks of being antigamergate safe for the hiptsercontrarians and the invading cucks
Yeah, because the true original posters (or as I like to call them, 4channers) are the ones that took some retarded IRL activism shit that started over literally nothing so seriously that they started a mass exodus of faggots to literally reddit with a Sup Forums theme just because they weren't allowed to have their shitpost threads anymore after two weeks of 10 threads at all times

You'll have to be a bit more specific than that.

>second hand cringe
It's called "Fremdschämen"

It's kinda sad that everytime Sup Forums tries to do something good, it just ends shitting on itself or just becoming cancer
Isn't it?

>We're the group of people who sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks.
>most mentally demanding tasks
I don't even have a brainlet wojak on this level

>point out that GG was retarded
>lol WOW haha omg you STILL CARE abotu GG haha lol OBSESSED much haha lol wow omg how MAD are you haha lol omg
How to spot a faGGot who deep down knows he made an ass out of himself for 2 years but can't accept it yet

I know, newfriend.

Correct me if im wrong but wasnt there a porn video with someone cosplaying as Vivian or at least a girl with her hairstyle and color?

That game was scam, it never got made and they ran with the money. Guess that doesn't matter since Sup Forums wanted to dick wave back then but I miss Vivian. If things hadn't gone to shit she would be our beloved mascot, like pepe, Rage-kun and wojack are now.