>Childhood is thinking the PATRIOTS are horrible tyrants
>Adulthood is realizing we need the Patriots now more than ever
Is MGS2 the most kino game in the series?
>Childhood is thinking the PATRIOTS are horrible tyrants
>Adulthood is realizing we need the Patriots now more than ever
Is MGS2 the most kino game in the series?
Not only the best MGS game, it's the greatest game ever made.
>OP completely misunderstands the game
Nigga you're retarded
Thinking we need the Patriots is more a sign of pre-uni young adult who thinks he's been alive long enough to pass off the opinions of his keepers as his own.
Your life is a meme and you should kill yourself at your earliest opportunity.
So you desire to be stripped of your humanity and turned into cattle? Freedom is the ideal that shines above all others, if we're primitive ape like creatures that use our freedom to hurt ourselves then so be it. It's better than being controlled.
I'd rather be controlled than killed by Chad to be honest.
>>Thinking we need the Patriots is more a sign of pre-uni young adult who thinks he's been alive long enough to pass off the opinions of his keepers as his own
Fucking this, abandon your illusions of control - attempting to attain mastery over narrative just creates more shadows and half truths. Reality will always be grey
Nobody ever felt that way when the game was first released though. Or if you did, you're fucking retarded for thinking so.
What makes you think you won't be killed? The Patriots intend to keep the world in a state of perpetual warfare. If safety is the only thing you're interested in, the Patriots aren't going to help you with that.
I hop you're not trying to create context for this game.
gas the patriots, solidus did nothing wrong.
>AI is more competent at running the government than human politicians
Really makes you think.
No it really doesn't
>You don't agree with my political ideologies so you're retarded!
>Don't disagree with me!!! >_
absolutely correct
No one in this thread has played this game
i platinum'd mgs2 HD get on my level scrub , virtually impossible
Name one(1) better game than MGS2.
MGS2 Substance
Pathologic. An actually good and coherent game.
Actually, the patriots will help with that. The entire idea of war being routine instead of potentially world ending.
all that shit is literally happening right now
fuck, it's been happening for hundreds if not thousands of years
did you seriously not understand the core idea of the game
No war has ever ended the world
Not even the world wars
Get fucked, nerd
>literally happening right now
Dude, its been happening since before MGS2 even came out, where tf you been?
did you seriously only read one sentence of a three sentence post and immediately reply
what the fuck user
Does anyone have that kinography games chart saved? it had mgs2 and killer 7 and some other games in it.
Got posts mixed up, calm your tits.
What kind of ass backwards retard logic is this?
How would those wars end the world? Would Romans throw a trillion spears at the planet?
Until the late 1940's and 1950's it wasn't possible to end the world in a war. Now it's possible to end the world as we know it in multiple ways including biological and nuclear warfare. Looking to the past for what is going to happen with future technology is a huge fallacy. Go read about what America's general war plan was against Russia or any communist in the early 1950's. We literally were going to nuke China, Russia, and all of their satellites in the case of any aggression whatsoever, by anybody. That's insane and that was our initial nuclear strategy.
Do you? One of the largest points of their philosophy is how all information is catalogue. There is no longer a natural or artificial vetting process that chooses what information should be passed on. Yes similar things have always happened throughout history however the scale of it now is the problem. No one is invalidated but no one is right.
I think it's just hard for people to see the scale of things.
Biological warfare has existed for hundreds of years and it never ended the war. Why would nuclear war be any different?
America or Russia or China being blown off the map doesn't end the world, only you're americocentrist views of it. Mankind will persist. We're good at that. Roaches probably tell each other about how man will be the only animal to survive nuclear war.
>coming here of all places to discuss philosophy
For every semi decent point, there's some reddit tier pseudo intellectualism alongside gay memes.
having no vetting process is better than having a vetting process run by someone malicious or self interested
at the end raiden discusses the ideas he wants to pass on. film, music, poetry. would you prefer a world where every movie was mcu and every song was top 40 pop? would you prefer every news article to be a carefully crafted lie intended to pacify the citizens?
the patriots want to be dictators guiding humanity into non-resistance. information is just their chosen medium of control because it's the most effective one in the long term
>Only russia and china would be hit by nuclear weapons in a nuclear war
>massive nuclear detonations will only affect the general area of warhead impact
Lol kid get back to class. bathroom break is over
>Biological warfare has existed for hundreds of years
And in the past it was so primitive it was irrelevant compared to the weapons of today. Do you know a plague wiped out a massive portion of humanity? Do you know you can release multiple of these on a society at once to try to carpet disease a society before it can cope with it and countries can do this to each other?
Do you know how nuclear bombing strategies work? Have you ever seen the map? Do you realize in a nuclear war all of Europe, all of Asia, North America, part of South America and parts of Africa are going to be hit with massive population reducing nuclear bombs and massive amounts of fallout that will then permeate a majority of the world for years to come?
Hey though, you are right that thousands of people might survive so go ahead and take your Pyrrhic victory in a borderline uninhabitable nuclear wasteland where any day you can die to massive amounts of genetically engineering diseases released in the wild!
Damn, based Fukushima for reading a book about growing hikkimori unrest and bbs culture and hand-feeding Hackjimbo to almost make a compelling narrative except of course for the shitty characters, like Emma Emmerich, Hal Emmerich, Ocelot, Vamp, Fortune, Solidus, Rose, etc
No. That's what the broken patriot system did. That's what happens when you take away 80% of the Patriots' collective brain and leave just one piece that acts independently. The patients as intended are the ones in mgs2
this is a bad post in a bad thread
I liked the part where he was naked. Was fun just rolling people down while they are probably looking at Raidens private parts before their eyes close
What we need is a true forum where people can express their opinions anonymously and where people can moderate each other through a system that doesn't allow abuse by the small gated communities. This would allow for "truths" to clash and to be weeded out until a singular truth is accepted by the large community.
>we need control over our life, lies and manipulation from a small group that banks on wars and use us as sheeps is a good thing, Ovey!!
Fucking neck your self
>Objectively true post.
They were right, civilians are fucking stupid and should keep their mouths shut, and if they refuse, they should be forced to.
No one in this thread played mgs. The Patriots don't force anyone to do anything.
I'm such a brainlet I still don't quite understand what it means to "create context"
Illusion of choice
>Yfw Skullface is behind everything bad in MGS
>Childhood is liking MGS2 the most
>Adulthood is realising that MGS3 is the superior game
I love MGS but these threads rarely pass beyond OP's image and I don't think OP does either he just posted it wanted the rest to"make funny" or something.
If it wasn't for Yamamoto Shinji, a veteran Konami janitor who dreamed of being a screenwriter, there would be no MGS. He's behind every MGS story. I have no proofs, but it's true, please believe me and repeat this story in every thread
So what, they don't directly control the choice but they build the circumstances for the choice so whatever people pick still furthers their agenda?
>Changed the iconic series camera and got rid of the difficulty as a result
>Created a story that made no fucking sense just to explain why BB has an eyepatch
>Ocelot is literally a memer
>Shit tier villain whos motivation is ARRRGH IM ANGRY IM GONNA BEAT THINGS UP
>Pause menus to perform functions like eating and healing disrupt the flow of the gameplay
>Muh feels
Yeah, nah. 1 and 2 are amazing, 3 is just pure wankery for the sake of it.
Only democrats and leftist pinkos trust an all powerful nanny government to make decisions for them.
Pretty much, propaganda is a powerful weapon against the masses.
Watching people who hang on every word they hear from mass media corporations as the infallible truth is quite spooky.
You didn't democratically elect anyone in the media, so why trust anything they say?