What went right?
>4 millions already
It still blows my mind how popular this game is. I played a lot of the Arma 3 mod back in the day. Too bad the game is casual as fuck and full of hackers.
>Sammie Kang
Oh wow here we go second post
There's going to be an S model bundle soon. I expect that number to double by next month.
Well, what else were they going to play?
People got tired of COD
Horizon 3 and H5 MP for me along with a side of Cuphead.
Is it true that there is no aim assist so Xbox players are terrible?
Game for teenagers.
Didn't even know this crap existed until my 13 years old cousin told me about it.
>h5 mp
be honest, how many people still play?
that sounds fucking dreadful
EVERY SINGLE person that plays PUBG plays it only because of Twitch. And they keep playing the game even tho they don't like it, just because of Twitch.
ever consider that the most popular games on twitch are the most popular, because they are the most popular games?
or is LoL, CSGO and Fifa's success all just because of twitch too?
>being out of touch
go to bed grandpa
halo 5 mp is a fucking meme, it's dead and plays like cod
glad i played it on the two free pass rather than wasting actual money on it
>4 million on Xbox One
Thats 1.5 more than the number of Bloodborne copies sold
The game is only £20 and pretty fun
DBZS & Monster Hunter? or even SOT beta?
Just admit it Sup Forums.
PUBG fucking won.
Now get back to your flavor of the month indies
>The virgin Sup Forumsirgin vs the chad normie