Game 1 is a masterpiece

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 is trying to appeal to normies, is trash and sell like shit


Dishonored 2

Fallout 3 and New Vegas

Dark souls

>Game 1 is bad but sell like hot cakes
>Game 2 is good but sell like shit
>Game 3 is cancelled


>Game 1 and 2 are masterpieces
>Game 3, 4, 5... are shit
To you.

this but Monster Hunter World is game 2

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 is taken over by the greedy publisher and becomes trash, losing the spirit of the original entirely
>Game 3 is even worse and makes you hope they've killed the franchise forever

Incorrect answer

dead space

Devil May Cry?

Dark Souls 2 didn't sell like shit.

Mafia 2
Mafia 3

>Game 3 eclipses even the first
>Poor sales figures coming off Game 2 gets the whole series canned


>game 1 is a masterpiece
>let some other publisher make game 2
>it's trash

I don't think the game itself tried to appeal to normies but they were sort of cashing in on the "lol this is the hardest game ever XDD" sentiment.
The most normie reviewer out there, angry joe, couldn't even beat it which is why he has no review for it.

They definitely tried to appeal to normies with 3. Making it more about mechanical skill than thoughtful play.

How did that post bring Dark Souls II to your mind?

Mass Effect

Mass Effect

> ME 1 is a masterpiece

You're stoned, go to bed.

Game 1: Unfinished
Game 2: Unfinished
Game 3: Unfinished
Game 3: Unfinished
Game 4: Finished
Game 5: Unfinished
Game 6: Unfinshed

It didn't. I quoted the wrong post by mistake.

When the fuck is Todd going to show his new game? This is ridiculous, it's been what 3 years since FO4?

>game 1 is a masterpiece
>let a literal shit tier developer known for not making games do the sequel

The Evil Within

He said 2, not 3

>Game 1 is great
>Game 2 is gimped because it's on a portable
>Game 3 is on the same console yet somehow worse than the second
>Game reboot tries to draw you in with a character trying way too hard to replicate a cool one from the first game, is also shit

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 is more of the same
>Game 3 get's cancelled after the company goes bankrupt and is bought by another company that makes it instead
>Game 3 is utter shit and nothing like Game 1 and 2
>Game: Subtitle, made by the original developers, is a masterpiece
>Game 4 is even worse than 3

>when the spin-off its far better that the original overated franchise
>and then, the portable spin-off of the spin-off is even better that it


You're talking about Amnesia right?

You mean Fallout?


>game 1 is a fun timewaster
>game 2 is the same but a bit better
>game 3 is excellent
>game 4 is legit one of your FOATs
>look up news for game 5, excitement through the roof
>company is ded

I miss you Rune Factory

>Game 3 is a masterpiece
>Game 4 is a masterpiece
>Game 5 is a masterpiece

Saints Row?

Can't believe nobody said douche sex

>Game 1 has comedic moments that are handled well with appropriate timing without going too over the top
>Game 2 is nothing but lolsorandom wackiness that tries to force a joke into every sentence

>game 1 is an unique masterpiece
>game 2 is a generic experience of that genre
>some other games here and there and a remake of the first
>now, series is only alive as a phone game

12 years later and I'm still mad


Man, what a downgrade it was.


What is resistance?

Dragon Age

I've only played Covenant of the Plume, worth giving the first VP a go?

Saints Row 1 was complete garbage dude. A literal GTA clone.

I will never forgive the chink room for this

What are you talking about? VP2 is great and I actually like it more than the first one.

Multiplayer was so good it didn't even matter. Co-op in Resistance 2 was something you had to be there for to understand

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 is trying to appeal to normies, is trash and sell like shit
>Game 3 promises to return to its roots
>it turns out it's even shittier than before.

Dishonored 2
Dragon Age 2
Deus Ex MD

>Game 1 is a great original game
>Game 2 for some reason is on a handheld console
>Game 3 is back on the original console
>Game 4 and 5 is on the phone for some reason
>Game 6 is another handheld game and nobody liked it fuck you i liked it
>Game 7 is on a different handheld and is considered one of the best games in the series
>Game 8 is back on the other handheld and is okay at best
>Game 9 is actually game 3 but still hasnt released despite the series being around for like 15 years now

>>Game 6 is another handheld game and nobody liked it fuck you i liked it
no fuck you 358/2 days is shit.

Dark Souls?


Nothing is shittier than real time combat using fucking playing cards for attacking.

>Dishonored 2
>trying to appeal to normies
What? The gameplay is almost exactly the same.

It's a cryptic way of saying that the game simply doesn't work properly on PC. Only the normies ie. console players were catered to.

>Game is great, gets a lot of buzz for being difficult
>Game 2 is worse and adds difficulty through annoying bullshit
not Dark souls

>Game 1 is a masterpiece.
>Game 2 is a visual novel by another name.
>Game 3 is only similar to Game 1 by name, and highly divisive among the fanbase.
>Game 1 gets ported to a new system.
>Game 4 is suggested, but only if the game 1 pot sells well.
>Game 4 never comes.

Eh I have fond memories about playing it wwhile my great-grand mother was in the room watching me. Fuck you now I'm sad again.The worst part is, I don't know if I'm more sad about my great-grand mother dying at 98 or the fact that it's been 15 years since I'm waiting for 3 and I'm almost 30 right now.

Fuck you! 358 1/2 days was awesome. I racked up over 120 hours on that game.

For being in something as underpowered like the DS I was genuinely impressed.

the only thing I know about Covenant of the Plume is this one gameplay video I saw some time ago. The actual combat is pretty much like that from what I can see (4 team members, time your attacks to connect them, fill gauge and you perform a Soul Crusher/ Purify Weird Soul*). Game has its own different mechanics that it does a poor job of explaining, the tutorial is kinda long and only really teaches you how to press buttons. Still one of my favourite games ever

*90's jrpg, there are some weird localisation choices

Probably the thing I liked the most about the game was how plot and gameplay were integrated : you were a Goddess collecting souls to fight in Ragnarok, and since 2's plot is completely different, there were these gameplay mechanics and feel the first one had. Like, I enjoyed how you got limited MP, transmuting and all of that shit, not farming materials to forge weapons so I can learn abilities. Also not a fan of the 2d/3d switching in battle, nor the"turn based action 3d combat" or whatever the hell I can call that. Still an enjoyable game

Dragon Age? I liked 1, but wouldnt call it masterpiece

Not 1 and 2 but I can put Driver Parallel Lines and San Francisco on these points

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 is rushed and relesed a year later, reuses multiple assets and the maps are always the same for its entirety
>Game 3 tries to capitalize to "le open world meme" failing miserably

>Game is neat for it's time
>Game II is A lot of fun
>Game III is the best one yet!
>Out of fucking nowhere we get Game VII

Mass Effect 1 has a lot of flaws but for every thing ME2 fixed it broke two things. Here are the most obvious two examples:

>Problem: Too much loot and incremental weapon and ammo upgrades + team equipment management
Solution: No loot. Instant weapon unlocks. No ammo types. No team equipment management.
>Problem: Planet exploration was clearly unfinished
Solution: No exploration. Scan with probes faggot.


Are you a Nobody?

Thief trilogy? I still prefer Thief 2 though despite the bland level themes

Original Shadow Warrior vs Nu-Male Shadow Warrior

>Fallout 4

New Vegas was perfect fuck you Bethesda

>Game 1 is a great game
>Game 2 is hated at first, but everyone loves it now
>Game 3 is universally loved
>Game 4 was considered the worst one until 5
>Game 5 is open world garbage and ruins the plot of Game 3

>Game 1 has neat lore and a cool universe.
>Game 2 plays everything down or retcons it because new devs don't want to get "Cringed" at.
Fucking normal fags.

Nobody mentioned Mirror's Edge?

Can you qualify that statement or do you prefer the nostalgia headphones?

But Dark Souls 2 sold well.

Nobody remembers Mirror's Edge: Whatsitsface

>Dark Souls
wut. it wasn't even tested properly.

which series is that?

the elder scrolls was arena then daggerfall and neither of those appeal to even most gamers let alone normies

fallout is the same case of course beth didnt make fallout 1 and 2 they are just theives

Final Fantasy, western release order.


nope, Dragon Age

>Game 1 is a mix between two genres that have never really been done together before. It has an overall serious tone but also some comic relief moments but kept to a minimum. It has it's flaws but it's still a enjoyable game for some.
>Game 2 does everything that Game 1 did but worse and completly removes the seriousness for complete random humor featuring horrible writting. It's much more sucessful than the first one and most of the new fans call it better than the first one
>Game: Subtitle is literally a DLC that was turned into it's own game to make money. It hasn't improved anything and the writing is even worse. Despite this it's still liked by Game 2's fans and they are even more hyped for the upcoming Game 3

Borderlands? I never found them funny

Anthony Burch: The Game?

What is Guild Wars

I'm glad that Burch is not working for gearbox anymore but he already soiled the series so there's no hope for BL3. I hope he dies a painful death

Good thing that I've only ever played two Gearbox games. Opposing Force and Blue Shift.

>Game 1 is a masterpiece
>Game 2 isnt as good because it sort of changes hands but is still quite good
>Game 3, 4 and onwards are all shit because its fully owned by the people who made the 2nd now


Jak and Daxter.
I'm still salty.

>game 1 is a great competitor to big name game
>game 2 capitalises on what made game 1 great, while downplaying other aspects
>game 3 adds unnecessary RPG elements and has a much worse world
>game 4 is a glorified DLC for game 3
>game subtitle is a glorified DLC of said glorified DLC

It had better combat than the original game

>Game 2 is the best game of all time

Nice bait