Sexy Saryn Special Edition
Webm Thread
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Is it cultural appropriation to post Resident Evil 5 .webms?
I have several........
you tell me
Nothing wrong with RE5. Post mutated niggers getting mutilated.
>that whole webm
i specifically searched for a nigger reaction pic
Is this real?
>tfw it has gone so far that I cannot tell if this is satire or not
Jesus christ, black women are the worst human beings on the face of the planet.
Well there's a good reason black men are into white girls.
i only ever use black emojis anymore because its racist
Saw this .webm and decided not to post the .webms
Thanks for looking out
>BBC News
I wish Saryn would murder me like that.
Saryn is not for melting your face with ass, she's for melting your face with spores
You will die from having living dynamite balls from your own tissue explode in your face
delete this.
>defending so(n)y-fan manchild
I have no pity for Britbongs.
theres black emotes?
ive never seen one ever
heres a black reaction webm tho
also game related since he is voicing the new kratos
I'll stop using nigger gifs when niggers stop being funny
>Well hung black guys only exist in the UK
Are Ameritards really this dumb?
Yeah, we shouldn't use gifs or webms of black people to represent our feelings, it's like playing Moonlight Sonata with farts.
do dat nigga where eye liner all the time?
> hand clips through leg
not even trying
>SJWs are the worst human beings on the face of the planet.
fixed that for ya
>Literally a monster vagina
>monster vagina
are you trying to tell me Sup Forums isn't full of hot nigresses?
>when you sperg out so hard from receiving a soystation that your wife's son's cat attacks you
I'm in disbelief as well. The 21st century is crazy.
Lol that's from Stargate right? Tealc goes to the Vagina Monologues? Anyone remember why?
>mfw I found out T'ealc was the new Kratos
He got some tickets and had no idea what he was getting into until he was in the theatre
She has a huge dick doesn't she?
It's in the nature of culture to be shared. No such thing as cultural appropriation.
How does he get the tickets though?
he got the tickets from valas dad, her dad didnt even know what the thing was aboot...imagine if he stayed and went with teal'c
Why would you make a video of this? The dude clearly knew you were there and was letting you live and then you just pop out like OMG SURPISE I BET YOU'RE SO SHOCKED
What in the ever loving fuck.
How do we get to this point? I just don't understand the world anymore, it's like everyone's IQ collectively dropped 50 points ever since facebook came to be.
The swastika one is better.
Do you really think I made any of these?