>can't take care of self without male guidance
>financially reliant on chadbucks
>natural gluttonous affixation with hunter sperm
>rapidly gains weight
>blames video game depictions
is there another mammal on this planet more inept?
>can't take care of self without male guidance
>financially reliant on chadbucks
>natural gluttonous affixation with hunter sperm
>rapidly gains weight
>blames video game depictions
is there another mammal on this planet more inept?
>rotates belly button 90 degrees
There, perfect
Has the retouch artist ever seen tits before?
Not sure about women's tits, but it seems they've definitely seen manboobs.
Wouldn't the tits be bigger?
what the fuck is a femoid
This is why Japan is the savior we need.
But fatter girls have bigger tits, is this artist retarded?
both look good, tbqhwyf
negroid thiccposter opinions don't count
>When you tell Jap devs they are sexist
the one on the right.
wew lad.
this is exactly why all gays need to be killed
What? There are no gay people being discussed there.
All I see is:
>I would cum in left
>I would not cum in right
When it comes to random bikini-sluts on game covers, cock always gets last word.
he's false flagging you brainlet
Why do people on this site get so triggered over what random people post online?
>false flagging
>implying fags were ever welcome on this board
>gets fatter
>tits shrink
Jesus no
the one on the left is literally based off of kate upton
I genuinely wish this term would fuck off already. It's the same as "haters". Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you can dismiss it. Eat shit.
Women have always complained about shit like this.
The problem is the men who listen to them.
Disregard women, acquire currency. Once you have obtained currency, women will do whatever you want. And if they don't you can tell them to fuck off and get a different woman.
Not all the time. Some girls gain weight everywhere except their tits.
Can you point to a single constructive post in this thread before that?
I said “triggered” because no one was explaining why they disagreed with it. Just saying stupid random shit.
the liberal left literally does exactly what you are saying 24/7, there is absolutely ZERO reason why anyone with a brain shouldn't have the liberty to dismiss the opinions of those beneath them
go back to your agenda discussion board faggot nobody is falling for it
its all preference and it especially doesnt matter because you dont fuck
You are just the other side of the coin Sup Forums
>muh sexism
>Just saying stupid random shit.
See, this is what I mean. Almost all the posts above say "I don't like her because she's ugly". That is a perfectly fine criticism to present and is not something that should be dismissed under some forced tumblr-logic.
Exactly, and it kills me inside to know that the next generation are going to make stupid fucking decisions because all those opposed to said decisions will be "haters" and dismissed.
reported Sup Forums is that way.
>faggot lurking threads to shitpost his propoganda in unrelated threads
>THIS level of deflection
unironically fucking kill yourself
>Can't fapped to either unless they gained 270 pounds.
>God I fucking hate myself and my piece of shit fetish
Disgusting fat cows
>See, this is what I mean. Almost all the posts above say "I don't like her because she's ugly". That is a perfectly fine criticism to present and is not something that should be dismissed under some forced tumblr-logic.
I am not dismissing it based on “tumblr-logic”, I am dismissing it because it’s not constructive. It’s completely missing the point of the image and leaves no room for discussion.
Nothing sadder than a fat girl with no tits.
And what is the point of the image? What discussion is there to be had?
Except not really. The image tries to shift the concept of beauty standard, and Anons express disagreement with that opinion. Here's a fun little shred of reality for the proud GenZ: differing opinions breed discussion. OP saying "this is beautiful" is just as valid as saying "no it's not". The debate has tons of routes it can take from there and not one of those routs deter from discussion.
Would fuck the shit out of both honestly.
>They think this can stop me from objectifying women
based Kamiya
You are aware that thicc is just a psyops by (((tumblr))) to force fat-acceptance, right? Fucking brainlets.
Low T soyboy detected
Nope, just fit
Ridiculous how nigger like the majority of women are in regards to refusing to hold themselves accountable
I don't like fat girls though.
>"I force the beauty standard lower for women because I'm high-T!"
The ultimate soy.
>Muh realistic body type
>It's just fat
Gas the fatties
This. If men are expected to be ripped, eat healthy and make 100k a year minimum, the least bitches can do is do a situp and not eat like a pig.
>The debate has tons of routes it can take from there and not one of those routs deter from discussion.
Can you point to somewhere in this thread where people are ACTUALLY discussing the image in question?
You don't want to make the tits bigger, because then you'd be objectify/fetishizing her, and that's a big no-no in SJW circles.
>That filename, suggesting you have a massive folder of SJW images saved.
>"Hunter sperm"
>The fact that this comes from an article written over a year and a half ago.
>The topic isn't even about the way video games portray women, it's actually about how terrible women are.
Fuck off and die.
>incel thread
>on Sup Forums
fucking plebbit
this is why I stopped coming here
The "artist" didn't modify the breasts because that'd require actual skill in drawing. And, as you can see, this "critic" is a critic because he's a talentless loser and cries femunism.
fuck off homo
If the body positive movement actually pushed for women to look like Anastasiya that's be great. Unfortunately, its usually for pushing shit like pic related.
What if they’re both fat?
>pleased also with neither
braindead whiteknight cuck detected
>That projection
>literally too stupid to comprehend words
I'm surprised you managed to turn on your computer.
God I want to fuck the guy on the right. I fucking love mohawks.
Shame about the kind of people who wear them though.
back to subreddits for kissless virgi-i mean, """incels""" as you kids call it now
>See these posts.
>"Wow, she looks amazing."
>Look up Anastasiya
>Clearly plastic tits and ass.
>This barbie doll frankenstein monster is the example critics use against SJWs pushing for body acceptance.
You're kind of making their argument for them. You don't even know what a real body is supposed to look like.
>using the term femoid
Reddit is two doors down OP
HelIo reddit!
True. Something like this would be better and attainable by the average woman.
>Women have always complained about shit like this.
No they haven't
>OP is literally a Redditor from a nuked subreddit
>tries to call others Reddit
How is this thread still up?
Nothing to do with vidya.
>where kissless virgins and wizards reside
nu/v/ half channers have finally sunken this low
sad tbqh
>No they haven't
>tfw the only good thing rabid SJWs have done is given me more fat girls in vidya
I can forgive them all of their other sins for this. If it ain't chubby I ain't got a chub.
I don't get how people get fat. How do they not disgust themselves? Why doesn't everyone work out and look good?
>two different authors and groups of commenters
Nice try, cuck
>awww thats true love!
fuck you
incels originated here you LITERAL fucking redditard
plebbit literally stole it from Sup Forums back in 2006
>Same website approved by the same editors.
Fat girls with no tits is honestly the ugliest thing that can happen to a girl. At the point you should just kill yourself.
>He doesn't like a pear
Shit taste. Fat girls with tiny tits are the best.
Fuck off. A blog can have more than one opinion you autistic neat freak loser
You'd be fucking lower percentage of plastic with a fleshlight than that abomination
no beause this is Sup Forums where discussion is not only discouraged, but shamed
I'd rather fuck sexy plastic than disgusting sacks of grease
I was about to agree, before I looked up more pictures of her. Her body is exceptional. Nothing average about it. Still, I can't detect any overt fakeness about it, so that's a better example anyway. Her boobs are small, which could mean that she avoids plastic surgery. As most girls as addicted to the gym as her los their boobs. Many of them put in fakes to retain their figure. But unless she got really small fakes, her small bust is a plus to her authenticity.
Thing is, a lot of those gym body chicks start looking deformed. Because they build up muscles that aren't normally so big, and are lean in areas that aren't normally lean. The ironic thing about models, is that they aren't actually representative of the average person. Models are representative of ideals. So posting pictures of models and assuming that average women can reach that level isn't realistic. I think the only realistic expectation is "don't get fat."
Who does this though? Who judges men for being fat but not women? Sounds like you're just making shit up to get mad about.
Alright user, what is a real body supposed to look like? Are you trying to insinuate that because this bitch has more plastic in her body than brains, people should push to be free to be as unhealthy and slothful as they'd like? Because this is why we're having this discussion in the first place.
I have no problem with people being OK with them being fat, but how delusional do they have to be to say that its OK to actually be fat. Being fat isnt healthy at all.
What the hell are you saying?
This. It's a common trope for a fat man to be with a thinner woman in popular shows like The Simpsons or The King of Queens
Fair question. Read the last sentence of my post here
>being fat
first of all how the fuck do you even afford to eat that much
second of all its disgusting and unhealthy and ALL you have to do is be kinda hungry for more than one fucking second per day