I'm so sorry PCbros. You're gonna have to spend the next 9+ months dodging spoilers on the internet

I'm so sorry PCbros. You're gonna have to spend the next 9+ months dodging spoilers on the internet.

Can't really spoil an MH game, besides the roster and we know half of it already

>Spoilers in an MH game
Let me guess, the big bad monster ISN'T ACTUALLY THE FINAL BIG BAD?!?!?!?

I'll be playing mhxx and dauntless

Unfortunately the community will be dead be then anyways.

i was under the impression mh was just grinding with bros, how do you spoil that

And then it will be THRIVING thanks to PC

If you are on Sup Forums you will be deprived of playing any game blind. Literally every single bit of information gets discussed here. Even just browsing the catalog is enough to learn a shitload about games you don't even want to play.

>Amazon delayed my copy
Fuck I'm gonna have to leave the internet for a few days.

>if you go into a mission there will be a big dinosaur you have to fight
shit you got me there Sup Forums


I don't normally shitpost or consolewar but PCbros are the most obnoxious, pretentious cunts in vidya so fuck them

The real monster is the humans

>tfw this is probably true

It's gonna be fucking dead when it comes out on PC

it wasnt supposed to be like this

spoilers for fucking what
its monster hunter

kind of is, since the monsters are bio engineered weapons according to some lore

I understand the game is going to have a story but I'm still going to hit you with the (????)
Like okay you spoiled the story for the game where I kill huge fucking monsters with a big ass sword okay cool.

It's MonHan, you wannabe weeb faggot

PC gamers are nothing but a bunch of cheaters that just gonna cheat to get all items like little bitches

Reminder that monhun fags now consider all the mechanics they used to praise as negatives and that they have "always been shit"

im fine waiting for PC ver though. fucking Capcom making us wait so long though. Any bet itll be a half assed port too.

The dragon's dogma port was pretty great and that uses the same engine as MHW


Which mechanics? The map changing? Flexing after a potion? Not being able to move while using items?

Everyone that has seen/played MHW can understand that they are no longer needed and therefore shit.

Shit bait desu

I want to ____ Aisha!

>soynggers acting like world were exclusive
How desperate for games

point proven

Considering Hunters regularly cut off body parts of monsters while they are still alive, jam the monster full of poison, and then blow it up.
Hunters are easily the real monsters.

Wouldn't have it any other way either.

They really just sort of ignore the Xbox huh?


Are the guild armor sets in this game? I wanna hunt as the guild sweetheart.

They have been available in the previous games so we can always hope, it'll probably be dlc of some kind tho

It lacks any difficulty or g rank. Is going to be dead before jho comes out.

Its like they meet a girl and they want her just for them but the girl like to eat any dick she sees and they dont want to believe that and then she dies and then everyone does

>map changing
Is funny because you can still get out of a monster aggro zone and heal still. Is just nkw more teadious to chace mosnter since maps are a fucking clusterfucl of ledges and vines

>dodging spoilers

You fucking wot m8? this your first MH game?

Hug, a nice friendly hug only since my heart belongs to Sophia

>spoilers for Monster Hunter
Literally what?

Shows sonnyboy false flagging that didnt even buy the game

>It's gonna be fucking dead when it comes out on PC

Its gonna have all the DLC with it too, any word if the game will have crossplay like street fighter?

So I need to know guys ... Is there any real upside to waiting my store to open to get physical? Kinda tempted to play at midnight on digital.

You just want to feel her breast you fucker

That’s more or less how you’d have to go about killing a giant monster-sized animal without access to modern ballistics IRL, since getting to their vital organs though their muscle and hide would be more or less impossible while the animal was still able to move (and break out of traps ofc). Monster Hunter leaves out bleeding/exsanguination as a means of death, which would be just as brutal as lacerating them a thousand times or poisoning them with a sufficient dose to cause their outrageous tissue mass any meaningful harm.


I'm working all weekend btw

>before Jho comes out
The pickle can migrate across oceans?

This your first MonHun game, user?

Jho is coming in the early spring update

There is no such thing as MonHun spoilers and the community will exist for all those people that don't have a PS4 or XBONE, so there will be, by default, some community. I am unconcerned about the delay, though I wish it was less than 9 fucking months.

The monsters are all fragments of god. Once they're all hunted she will be reborn to destroy the world because reasons.

It will be the best 9+ months in my life dodging this flaming turd of a game.

I much prefer to wait for the MH on the Switch. At least it will not be casualized baby shit.

I've never even played a Monster hunter game, although they look interesting. If this is the first one ever coming to Pc i'm just going to wait until then.

You can emulate MHFU or P3rd. I recommend P3rd with the HD textures as a first MonHan if you're only on PC and curious about the series

Thanks dude, I'll keep that in mind

Dragon's Dogma on PC was done by QLOC iirc, and apparently, MonHun devs are the one working on the PC version. It would've been better if Capcom had QLOC working on a PC port alongside the console developmen, maybe it would've come out faster. But from the looks of it, the MonHun guys wanted to tackle the ports themselves.

I find it adimirable that they decided to step up to the challenge rather than go the easy route and outsource the port, but thanks to that the game will come out much later than it if they had QLOC working with them from the start.

>dodging spoilers in a game that's all about grinding mobs of ingredients

Have in mind CITRA its a 3DS emulator and you can try mh4 and xx even 3

>Dodging spoiler's
>In MH
What a surprise, sonyfaggs don't even play mh

Ok maybe a little bit

Does it run ok on a normal ps4 or do I need the ps4 pro? I never played a mh game before.

>not on steam
please tell me capcom isn't going to try to create a capcom club or some other garbage

Implying the ocean has enough force to stop his rage, or some guild fucker wanted to see how the ecology of "the new world" would cope with the angry pickle and had it transported over

The state of MH threads

They claim the delay is because of the network infrastructure.

>"There's extra work you need for PC as well. On console you use first party matchmaking, you just kind of plug into it, whether it’s PSN or Xbox Live, but on PC we’re going to have to work more to get our own matchmaking working. So, hopefully, PC users won’t mind waiting a little bit longer for us to bring you a really great optimized PC experience."

Considering steamworks exists this is either marketing lies or they're actually doing

I'm still confused on how Uragaan crossed the ocean.
The only reasonable guess I have is that he found a really big ramp and just rolled down it.


I bet the guild built that ramp, they have no sense of right and wrong

The monster dies at the end

>You thought you were hunting monsters but you were the true monster all along. Directed by Yoko Taro

I have to assume OP is shitposting

Reasonable guesses are shitposting or someone who just found out about the series with World.

> Directed by Yoko Taro
Where's the sister getting herself raped because of how horny she feels for her brother? Where's the imperfect clones whose defects cause them to be hormonal and hermaphroditic?

Does this game have online?

I'm wondering whether I should wait and get in on PC (I don't pay for PS+ because fuck that) or if I should just get it now.

Translation: PC ports take more time but we're not going to put a large team on it to get it out more quickly.

>MH game
Fucking casuals already flooding the series

Is this game going to have a story?

>>not on steam
if this was confirmed I'd buy the PC version

You'll need to play the game to find out

>caring about spoilers in a MH game
The PC delay is actually a blessing in disguise. There'll be plenty of time to see if Capcom is gonna ruin the game with their kikery

Not on Steam doesn't mean no DRM


There's a big monster. You hit it until it dies. If you do some prep work, you can capture it for more rewards.

I've spoiled every MH game for you until the end of time.


probably right about that...