Companies are beginning to void warranties for GPU's used to mine
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So what? You think that will change anything?
But isn't AMD capitalizing on the mining shit?
how can they tell
And how exactly would they go about proving that?
No, actually. AMD's markup is coming from scalpers that don't give that money back to AMD, and they can't increase production and risk eating the cost of an upscale when the bubble bursts and they're left producing beyond sales demand.
If they wanted to make gains on the crypto boom, they should release gimped cards with no HDMI outs for cheap and sell them as mining-only.
Probably by date of purchase.
Most graphic cards used for mining probably die from overheating.
Inno3d did that back in August. OP is a faggot.
they're capitalizing their dumb consumerbase
If it wasn't for crypto they would have sold 0 Vegas because they are absolute garbage.
But the shitcoiners said mining didn't damage the cards.
It's just an available pic.
Asus is looking to follow suit because they have a mining-only series of cards they want to sell.
>But the shitcoiners said mining didn't damage the cards.
>running shit for months 24/7 at close to 100% utilization
It might not damage the card outright but it will sure as heal wear it out.
Consumer grade electronics aren't build for that kind of abuse.
How quickly do they burn out the cards?
They never answer me that question. It seems to me that the only way mining is actually profitable is if mom pays for everything .
AMD lost a lot of money because of the crypto bubble. They ramped up production to meet demand and ended up with tons of unsold inventory when there was a dip in the crypto market.
That is why GPUs are so rare right now-- it makes more sense for manufacturers to try and deter mining than it does to manufacture more cards, because they know the crash is coming.
>AMD lost a lot of money because of the crypto bubble.
"Huh, Mr. Chucklefuck keeps sending us multiple GPUs with broken fans, what could possibly be going on?
They did. Used market got strong, and new market got abandoned. Same will happen this dip if they ramped up production: cryptofags will stop buying them after a dip and the used market will be saturated with dead cards that people won't let go of for more than the MSRP of AMD cards.
ok wise guy, if they produced too many new cards then why are new cards so expensive
Dumbass he is talking about the last bubble.
The ironic thing is that there's less incentive to mine as time goes on but more mining is needed to keep the currency functional.
That only applies for Bitcoin. Ethereum, which is actually what's causing the GPU shortage, is going to shift to Proof of Stake later this year (supposedly). Proof of Stake just rewards people who already own coinage for supporting the network and is no longer mineable. If ETH goes to proof of stake before the next GPU generations come out, miners will be left only operating on shitcoins and have a mass sell-off to try to recoup costs because their rigs will become worthless for anything but trying to get shitcoins to speculate on.
because makes fools of us all, and right now, specifically, of you.
>What about XMR?
XMR is mineable but not nearly enough people know about it to prop up this current GPU inflation market, and by the time they decide to swap over, XMR is going to spike upwards in difficulty.
>AMD lost a lot of money because of the crypto bubble. They ramped up production to meet demand and ended up with tons of unsold inventory when there was a dip in the crypto market.
Not really. It's the AIB partners that take the risk of losing money because they can't move product, not AMD or Nvidia.
>How quickly do they burn out the cards?
I have no idea. Miners won't share because they would like to dump their leftover HW when they're done.
Companies get giddy though because even the most hardcore players won't be such heavy users as miners.
If you want a shitty anecdote about barely related subject, I was a part of an IT team that managed deployment of somewhere around 1000+ large LED TVs for advertising use in grocery chains.
For the initial deployment our HW dept. cheaped out and went with 'normal' consumer grade TVs which was a fucking mistake.
No one cared to read the documentation but when the TVs started dying and our suppliers started to deny warranty replacement because the TVs weren't used properly we learned that they were only rated for 8-10 hours of daily use and running them 16+ hours outright voided warranty.
We got proper 'industrial' grade LCDs next, no tuner, rated for heavy 20-24 hour use, capable of withstanding temps from 5 to 70 degrees Celsius and roughly 4 times more expensive then the basic consumer stuff.
The price increase didn't make people too happy but it was still better than swapping the TVs out every few months.
>It seems to me that the only way mining is actually profitable is if mom pays for everything .
Well if you don't pay for the juice / have access to a botnet you sure get better profit than these late comers trying to get in legally.
Those partners stop ordering when they can't move their first batch of product regardless of whether or not AMD has a warehouse more to ship.
>B-but miners undervolt their GPUs, I s-swear!
>Only VRAM frequency matters for mining!
Can't wait to preorder 10 navi cards and give them away to anyone with more than 25 games on their steam library.
Totally this. I've been working in the industry and even sometimes our industrial water cooled rigs which do all the calculations for the fabrication machines caught fire due to stress.
The water starts burning?
it's not even that, they fuck with voltages and shit which does actually damage cards
Faggot he's right no matter how autistic you are
No he isn't, I was talking about the last time.
Can undervolting damage a GPU?
>mining with a GPU in 2018
it's like you hate money
Custom software that writes itself onto the GPU's BIOS that unlocks more of the GPU's power for mining (outside of intended purposes) and by whether or not the card is burned out.
Aren't most alt-coins ASIC resistant?
Genuinely asking since I don"t know much about cryptocurrencies.
What the fuck is so goddamn damaging about cryptomining? What the fuck even is cryptomining? I'm just so confused
wait wait wait
people were burning their cards out mining and getting them replaced under warranty? How in the actual fuck. No wonder prices went astronomical.
They might be doing this in order to separate the markets so that gamers aren't battling against miners.
Inno3d has launched several hardware components meant for mining (a GPU being one of them).
>hahaha I'm SOOOO rich because of ALL THIS CRYPTO I'm mining HAHAAHA
>well no, I don't think I want to buy a new card each time I need to replace them.
This whole cryptocurrency goldrush sounds like the biggest pyramid scheme in human history
Most aren't ASIC-resistant by design. It takes millions of dollars to produce an ASIC and churn them out of a factory at scale, so there's just no incentive to create ASICs for anything other than bitcoin and ETH, but ETH keeps threatening to become unmineable in the near future.
it is.
I've never seen a single scrap of evidence posted here that mining ruins graphics cards.
It's just one of those 'sounds like it makes sense, therefore it must be true!' things that catches on.
That's because it's general knowledge. While mining, the GPU is being pushed to its maximum capacity almost constantly, this means that it wears out much faster than gaming, even if you would play games constantly.
Read up about the subject before joining a discussion and sounding like an idiot.
You're a moron and you've never mined.
jew trying to resell his busted cards detected
Good, you can't even RMA a card because every miner keeps returning cards back and forth.
I've been without my GTX 1080 for few months now because they're lacking cards to keep up with repairs
>no evidence
>no argument
>ad hominem only
Why don't you call me an amerimutt too?
Trustfund baby numales buying metric fucktons of gpus causes prices to get raised. Average Joe Shroes like you and I can't afford to build a medium tier gaming rig because of these bitshit fags. When I started buying for my build 1060s were $300 tops, now they're $450-$1000.
And then there is me, bought 1080ti for gaming. I don't game anymore, just mine.
All my friends want to upgrade their graphics cards but can't because of faggoty ass miners.
I just want it to die so we can have affordable graphics cards again
Yes I have. Here's a short benchmark showing how the GPU is affected. Compared to normal load this is light load.
Imagine doing this constantly. It's not hard to draw the conclusion that the GPU owned by your average consumer will have a longer lifespan compared to the GPU owned by a miner.
Some of what I already mentioned is stated in this article too: themerkle.com/is-mining-cryptocurrency-bad-for-my-gpu-in-the-long-run/
have patience, it's a very high possibility that this issue wont last for long
What if my PC is infected with a miner and I don't know about it until it dies and the retailer says my warranty is voided?
>Using windows
No, you'd notice if you had an unwanted script when your fans spool up while you're browsing Sup Forums.
>letting some malware mine for months 24/7 without taking notice
Then you deserve what's coming to you because you're too stupid to use a computer.
then you not only have your warranty voided anyway, but you are also retarded for not realizing you had a miner
>What if my PC is infected with a miner
how does that even happen
ITT: people who don't know that Bitcoins are mined with ASICs and not GPUs.
It's Etherum that's cucking us, not Bitcoin.
is crypto the new comic book bubble of the 90's?
arr rook same
Most of these faggots exchange their Eth for BTC though, so same difference
>Tfw when the Jew's have to save PC gaming.
I always respected God's chosen people I guess.
I can send you the .exe right now :^)
Same as with any other malware.
Broken Windows, stupid users.
they probably record what the gpu was doing on the gpu itself
even the bros in my university are into crypto-trading, I can't wait for this meme to burn so I can finally upgrade my card for cheap from the flooded aftermarket once the miners all commit sepuku
Keep telling yourself that, GPU prices are only going one way.
Good. Fuck cryptofags for ruining this market. They're the reason why I can't upgrade.
It's always a good laugh reading these threads and watching people pull completely wrong assumptions out of their ass to fit in.
>lol, look at me being so smart and vague and you all so dumb
can't you faggots come up with some better way to stroke your e-penis?
>hear about bitcoin
>lol sounds cool
>start mining
>mined about 17 btc total over 8 years
>cashed out on Dec. 7 2018 when it looked like it was starting to crash hard
>it rose even higher next week
>no regrets
>just paid off school loans
>looking at a house
>putting the rest in more stable investments
>never touching crypto again
If I wanted to stroke my e-peen I would spend 2 hours in a thread arguing about neet coins. This is sad even for people who play videogames all day.
if you were going to do it, you should have been doing it about 5 years ago
>having to pay extra for something that doesn't contribute towards the production of the product
>but as a mining tax for people who exploit the system
Fuck that.
You have a good start so keep stroking user.
>people who play videogames all day
How do you like your first week on Sup Forums?
It's my first day. I came from Reddit to tell you to get a life.
If they were only running a few GPUs at stock settings, perhaps. However, most coiners overvolt & overclock their shit and have them going at 120% nonstop. Dozens of cards, heated as fuck, right next to one another for weeks or months at a time.
The most hardcore gamer running the most demanding games on Ultra in his mom's basement full of cat hair and dust doesn't come close to the sort of strain that even a small timer miner puts on a card.
Thread theme
you'll know about it when your computer slows to a crawl doing just about anything
>all this butthurt because of crytocoins
You guys should realize we are not going anywhere
And manufacturers need stop acting like bitches we can use the card however we want
t.butthurt minerfag
Yeah, I'm mad you are wasting your dosh.
>buy a new car , drive everywhere with the pedal to the floor. Park and leave a brick on the gas to keep it revved up
What could go wrong?
>look ma I'm telling people on an anonymous imageboard to get a life
use your own advice
>car analogy
>'well, it *sounds* right'
Nope, there's just trash here.