Game tries to be funny

>game tries to be funny
>it actually is

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Return of Matt Hazard

>Sup Forums tries to be funny
>you're actually laughing at your own depression

it's actually fun

blood was fun to me, and majesty 2's narrator



borderlands! :D

Lel XD !!


yeah that was fun

dont remind me, I literally quit 1 and 2 because of the horrishit voiceovers.

this so much

but not the DLC

Name (3) games that do this.


I laughed a lot with drakengard 3

TftB is passable.

I feel like I'm the only one around here that liked Gex 1.

shadow warrior


In all seriousness, Tales from the Borderlands was funny

No game since maybe Sam and Max?

What did you dislike about it?

Besides that it should be free/already in the vanilla

All Just Cause games

you got some bad taste there son

Into the trash.

here comes the fun police eeeeeoooooeeeeeooo

I can do more
Nier was hilarious thanks to Weiss
Drakengard 3 was fucking ridiculous
Tales from the Borderlands was suprisingly one of the most funny games I've played, waay better than shit in the main games
Sam and Max were great
New Vegas has some great lines

Borderlands 1 had its moment
The telltale game is constantly funny
Pre Sequel and 2 are horrendous most of the time, there are some funny bit byut they are scarce


Jokes are reddit, fuck off.

I heard endless praise for Bards Tale and how it was so funny. But all I got when I played it was bad gameplay and overly long songs

Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam, Gaiden: Chapter 1 of the Hoopz-Barkley SaGa




Plebs find Barkley funny for the b-ball references
Men of taste find Barkley funny for the JRPG references
Patricians unironically like Barkley for the story and overall aesthetic
Demigods find Barkley funny for the b-ball references

GTA V was black trash humor for 12 edgy kid
It was so fucking cringe

GTA V was the worst in regards tp writing. Trevor was essentially just Rick from Rick and Morty, just a couple years prior and somehow less entertaining.

God Hand

You'd be lying if you said you didn't find a single scene funny


>tfw this is range banned in your country
>had to download thru the proxy
Masta hacker

Armed and Dangerous

I assume someone'll call me a faggot but I found Undertale genuinely amusing when I first played through it.



Which country might that be?

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines had some funny dialog in parts. I can't remember a specific example though. It's been a long time. Also
>I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics

>The Last Story
The haunted mansion chapter is pure kino.


Divinity: Original Sin 2

N-not Poland, mr FBI h-haha!

Time Splitters 2.

Postal 2
Serious Sam

I thought the whole premise was hilarious, I even found myself doing voices for some of the characters and actually laughing out loud at some of the jokes. Especially the Oy the goyim are not sincere! Shit

>ask Beckett what's in the sarcophagus
>"I have an idea. You put your ear to the lid and I'll shake it, and you tell me what you think is inside."

>That part in DMC1 where Griffin tries to ascend to heaven but gets smooshed by a falling rock.


West of Loathing is criminally unknown, and I don't have any good pictures to show it off.

Came here to post this

It's more goofy and cute than funny.

Wait so there's a sequel to Kingdom of Loathing?

It's a pretty good game, pretty self aware

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Funniest game of all time. Go on, name a funnier game. You can't.

Some parts of BL2 made me laugh

Singleplayer standalone RPG. Not set in same world as far as I know, but has a lot of elements in common with KoL.

Easily the funniest game of the previous decade, in spite of any other criticisms it deserves.

>funniest game of the previous decade
That's not Barkley though

Kid Icarus Uprising.
Then again I was in middle school when i played it.

I was pretty surprised to find out that Sakurai did the entire script. Being immortal must mean he has a lot of time to practice his funnyman routine.

You must be 18 to post on 4chin.

This. This game is just one giant pisstake. Everything about it is stupid.
And I love it for it.

user, the 3DS came out 7 years ago.

some of adam jensens off-the-cuff remarks make made me laugh the first time through but some times he'll say something so incredibly stupid and not sarcastic that it just takes you by surprise and makes you laugh much harder.

yeah rip

Kung Fu Chaos is a pretty funny game. Both to play with people to fuck them over with, but also because its a massive parody of old kung fu b movies.

12 more years until a kid icarus sequel

Portal 2 is a top five game of all time and it nailed comedy too.

The only things I find funny in games are amusing glitches and unintended stupid things like the AI in oblivion.

>"Old McDonald had a farm...Eyey Eyey O...And on his farm he had a Khzithak...Eyey Eyey O...With a ARHHFAHHAAAAAAAAARRRGIIIAAA HELP AAAUUU HELP! IT'S GNAWING OFF MY..."

From GalCiv2 makes me laugh though.

Excuse me, but what the fuck
Did Eat Lead inspire Splatoon?

Trevor is only ever portrayed as a disgusting piece of shit though. People like you just get mad because everyone liked him.

>game doesn't try to be funny
>it is

Trevor was a shit character made so people could be a murderhobo in character.

Made for a pretty great murderhobo.

Borderlands 2

perfectly bitter sweet

>game tries to be funny
>ends up being the most anthony burch game ever made, even though anthony burch had no hand in writing it



I forgot that game ever existed. It played fucking horribly, but it totally worked as an ironic parody game.

>game tries to be serious
>fails so terribly that it ends up being hilarious

>implying you don't watch the Meet The videos every couple of years

At least once or twice a year, they're so fucking good

>implying Wheatley isn't a god tier character

Sam and Max

A bards tale as a kid had me chucklin.