Defeat final boss

>defeat final boss
>he rises up again
>"this isn't even my final form"
>hp bar refills
>remix of the game's theme starts playing

Is there any better feeling?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, its a great feeling.

>have sex with a beautiful woman

Is there any better feeling

yuuchuubaa thread?

Having sex with a beautiful woman (male).

only when the game's theme is sprinkled in instead



>the fight is actually good

Having sex with a beautiful woman while high on drugs.

What video game is this?

Please subscribe to Yua so she doesn't have to sleep on the street this week.

Name One. No really. i wanna play games like this. Haven't had this feeling in a long time

She put a video up yesterday and it already has 8k views.
She's better than I've ever been.

>ruining sober sex forever

Most Sonic games.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.
Persona 3.

a better feeling is when a joke character is secretly the strongest character in the game
>tfw it happens in a game you really like

>You've burned through all your resources and only receive a paltry HP/MP refill, now you have to fight an even more difficult boss.
>Quit to title screen, reload a save 2h earlier to grind for more shit.

>Final boss has THIRTEEN phases

nope. only the best boss fights do that.
always wanted a round 3 that cuts in somewhere during the end credits
>fade in
>everybody's joking/relaxing. just having fun or whatever
>clouds roll in. sky gets darker. silence
>evil laugh echoes across the area
>everybody looks at each other, shocked (!)
>except that ONE party member. biggest smile
>everyone rushes for their gear
>except that one party member, again, who's always ready to tear shit up
>epic standoff
>unheard theme slowly fades in
>both sides rush in
>best battle ensues. multi phase

dammit. i always wanted that

you better elaborate on this

>Joke character turns into a villain halfway and does horrible things for very little reason
>He dies miserably soon after

The final boss changes forms everytime you drop it's up to 0
If you're strong enough though the first 12 forms are beaten by using their weaknesses in 2-3 hits.
The 13th form is the actual fight

was expecting 13 hard boss fights but that's pretty cool too

My wife's boyfriend says so.

>joke character is strongest in the game because of bugged mechanics

And then you have a 14th form that's basically a cutscene fight where some dude raps at you to kill yourself

The last phase can make your party member heal her lol.

>defeat boss
>another boss shows up
>defeat it
>another boss shows up and opens with an attack that will completely kill your party if you're unprepared
>get that boss down to half HP
>it starts charging an attack
>have to fight and beat both the previous bosses while it charges
>its ultimate attack kills your party completely unavoidably
>another boss shows up and revives your entire party
>then the other boss goes super saiyan and the final phase begins

>Major bosses from earlier in the game show up to help you fight the final boss
MGQ was an alright game

Oh whoops, I missed an extra boss there, there should be two before the big boss shows up.