ITT: soy-filters
ITT: soy-filters
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I hated this game. Too many generic SPESS MAHRINES. Not enough characterization.
You mean a game that attracts soy?
This meme is getting out of hand now
The biggest soy-filter is unironically using the term "soy" as an epithet.
me shakespeare
me learnded big word
me smart you dumb
this game oozes soy lol..
Anybody who doesn't remember Halo 3 threads on Sup Forums is too young to be on Sup Forums.
It's perfect that a dumb brainlet poster actually thinks epithet is a "big word" or one that is not commonly used.
go back to tumblr you transexual fuck
>even a frogposter is annoyed with soy memes
Post GamerGate /vee/ was a mistake.
>retarded babbling while crying over the keyboard
nice try brainlet poster
>epithet is Shakespeare
Amerimutt education, ladies and gentlemen.
Halo is piss easy though, 3 especially
2007 is when Sup Forums really went to shit.
Predict the next shit meme Sup Forums
>my "girl"friend completed """her"""" transition
Speedrunning was a mistake
"goober" making a comeback
that was not the question
the most accountable soy-filter
A game for real women only.
This is very true, Halo 3 is not a game soyboys can fully appreciate, it's not Nintendo enough forr them, it also involved a heavy focus on multiplayer community on release, something that scaters soyboys.
You probably need a crystal ball for how unpredictable memetic warfare is. That said, wait for something interesting to happen to American politics.
wait a minute, that donut....
> pew pew games with macho men
The ultimate soyboy power fantasy.
>having power fantasy
For real. This pic in the catalog is like kryptonite to the soyboys who immediately begin writhing in estrogen fueled emotional turmoil at the thought of a game so involved
The way user described halo 4 last night was cringe inducing. Some horror about you can't beat the boss so you get ( ( powered up ) ) by some group, but there's no indication of a change, and then you off the boss with a qte.
Soyboys are feminist that hate macho men.
The only Halo game soyboys like are ODST, Reach and Halo 5, because of muh diversity and compelling story and character development of some random shitty team.