He plays with subtitles on

>he plays with subtitles on

>he doesn't have any hearing or language issues

Other urls found in this thread:


>reddut spacing


>not maximizing your entertainment productivity by having video on a second monitor, podcast or music.

Games have a tendency to fuck up audio mixing and sometimes a stupid fucking noise blares over the dialogue

I do this with movies too if I'm watching alone just because its easier to catch whats being said instead of having to rewind if I miss something, although movies are usually more precise about audio mixing

Let me guess OP
You're American?


>playing with subtitles
>sentence ends with a dash

>Live in mexico
>Set up everything in english(computer, consoles, everything)
>Read all my media (manga, comics, films) in english
>Everyone asks me why don't i just put it in spanish

My TV speakers are shit.

Audio balancing in most vidya is shit pal.

i don't have a speaker or something else

I have to have people repeat shit cause short attention span n text helps me

Games just started having subtitles on automatically so now it feels weird without them.

I'm finnish and I do the same with OS, phone, everything. It's just easier to do troubleshooting when you run into problems.

>what is immersion

well try to force bethesda to put something out with proper volume balancing and consistency.

until then its subtitles on.

i do on my switch since im usually playing it around others and keep the volume off

I actually do have hearing problems

>he doesn't enjoy reading subtitles
Pleb. Reading subtitles growing up made me a better reader than almost everyone I went to school with.

>t. ritalin prescriptee

>subtitles don't match what's being said

i just don't wanna rewatch a scene if i missed something

I always play with subtitles. Most games and movies have shitty audio mixing where voices are too quiet and music is too goddamn loud. Or maybe it's my tv or my ears.

>playing with subtitles
>A full sentence is shown to not spoil a crazy explosion or disturbance that happens mid sentence

I think I've seen MAYBE 2 games that do this and don't spoil shit with a dash or something

My hearing has been impaired since middle school because some nigger thought it was funny to stab my earlobe with a pencil.

I regret not beating his ass but he became a teenage dad so I guess Karma's a bitch.

>playing with subs
>meet a new, mysterious character that you're not supposed to know the name of
>It's fucking spoiled in the subtitles ruining a later twist

I have a hard time figuring out what people say sometimes and subtitles help. I don't have any hearing problems and I am not ESL. Its much worse for movies though. I could barely understand half of what was said in Revenant. But maybe I am just retarded

You still have one good ear though right? That's not too bad

>earlobe affects your hearing

He probably meant drum

>He doesn't watch the entire credits sequence to immerse himself in the experience and remember fondly the memories he forged with his comrades
>Instead he fucking browses the internet and occasionally checks if something happens during the credits roll

Absolutely disgusting.

>watching netflix
>when they talk normally its basically a hushed fucking whisper
>then all of a sudden...

I was on ritalin as a kid. Holy shit was the worst. My brain was just blank. I was in hell and didn't even realize it because my sparkplugs just weren't firing.

That would be just fucked up.

The inside my ear, I forgot the word.

I can understand English just fine on Youtube, doesn't matter the channel. When I watch Kinoflix though I can barely hear anything characters are saying, except for Daredevil.

>watch TV or a movie
>can't understand any of the lines as everyone mutters at a low volume
I can't be the only one?

I like to call this "90s audiomixing syndrome" because literally every single fucking goddamn thing for an entire decade.

English isn't my first language and sometimes is hard to understand your retarded anglo gibberish

If I see a new word I want to know how to write it and how to pronounce it

Why would anyone do that? I hope he got into trouble for doing it.

Ritalin improves brain function, it doesn't inhibit it.

Shit ton of show/movies does this unfortunately. It's like sound mixing takes 12 years of grad school or something.

>being loaded with speed from childhood improves brain function

This pretty much. Some movies and vidya just have a fucked up mixing or people are speaking in a growling or a really low pitched voice that is really hard to understand.

I use subtitles because more often than not I hate voice acting in games. I'll immediately turn that shit off.

>put subtitles on because voice is too low
>end up reading subtitles instead of paying attention

What the fuck was he John Wick

my brother has aspergers and having trouble in school. Will ritalin help him?

Movies and shows do this for " dynamics " where they aren't wanted but in the music industry, where dynamics are actually valuable and important, everything is the same volume all the time and compressed as shit.

I don't fucking know, see a doctor

Another user here, was also on Ritalin in first grade after I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was basically a fucking zombie for 8 hours a day. My mom sat in class one day to see how it was effecting me at school, and it went straight into the trash when she got home that day.

I later found out I don't even have ADHD. For the longest time I wanted to beat the shit out of whatever retard doctor misdiagnosed me.


> t. Unprescribed.
That's a dumb question. Drugs that mess with peoples brains are never guaranteed to work, and even if they do work they're not a long term strategy. They're meant to give you the breathing room you need to figure out how to manage your bullshit on your own, without help.

A lot of kids who get prescribed Ritalin don't actually have ADHD. It's less common now but back a fea years Doctors would prescribe it to fucking any kid who even fidgets in class

>implying devs know how to mix their audio

>MGS Thread
>Serious discussion about overly convoluted garbage
>"yeah but snake died because boss killed liquid as a kid. But ocelot was part of the clone program that made six new bosses. Liquid probably got cloned onto one of the bosses and killed ocelots dad when he thought it was psycho mantis killing snake back on the tanker when liquid stole the nuke-shooting T-Rex that had the brain of Big Bosses mom..."

God I want to fucking strangle the people in charge of this shit.

it's mostly a problem only in rock and metal type music where there's a master compressor to make it sound "rough" because no one has idea how to mix those instruments well otherwise and that's why every mix like that sounds so distorted
stuff like electronic is much easier to produce at high volumes from the get go because it's so easy to control and doing the same effect on a track ends up just sounding amateurish as fuck instead

How retarded do you have to be to not understand mgs?

What does this have to do with subtitles

i don't have any diagnosed medical problems but i am overwhelmed easily by noises. i hate missing half the words in a sentence/completely missing the point of what is said because of some tiny little background noise

they've been like this some time after Peace Walker

>he plays with japanese audio even though english is available and doesn't know japanese

>be portuguese
>game has Brazilian Portuguese dub and sub
>still put game in english
BR dubs are the worst, somehow manage to be worse than EU Spanish dubs

Have you seen a doctor? Being overwhelmed by noises is a pretty big tell of autism, or anxiety

he's not talking about people discussing the actual games, rather than seriously talking about completely speculated shit to no end. I've seen it happen before in a general for a small game where eventually stuff left to discuss was only about the most retarded fan theories and half the posters are autists who actually get off on that kind of stuff. It's the fan theories that might come up in discussion after all the good ones are chewed out, and then, that's only there is left to the whole discussion.

German and Russian dubs are the worst. I'm glad my country doesn't do dubs for anything but disney etc. cartoons. Even then an English version is always available.

>he prefers sub over dub because it makes characters sound cooler

not sure if it's autism but i also have trouble tracking things with my eyes. because of that i can't aim at all in fps games and only really do well when the perspective is third person/isometric, or it's a fighting game. sometimes it feels like i'm living life at a low framerate


I subtitles for movies because certain accents make it difficult at times to understand when an actor uses big words

I play with subtitles on in the off chance the mixing is fucked and something completely outdrowns the spoken dialogue. Also helps if the VA is kind of hard to understand or if the line delivery was weird.

I didn't even know he said anything here until I rewatched it on youtube with subs on.
So many games pull this shit. It's even worse if the dialogue happens during gameplay, when the character speaking is often 10 meters away from you and it's in the middle of a loud fight.

I also use subtitles because often there are weird names and I'm just thinking "what the fuck was that?"

>he reads slower than people speak
lmao brainlet

I have autism, please be nice to me

Double moniters are the ultimate decider of if the person is a weeb tryhard or not

>Characters start talking in Spanish
>Turn on subtitles
>*Speaks in Spanish*

We are not in the 90s anymore, everything has a spanish translation nowadays.

in my case i just feel weird when its on spanish
like i learn english to use very harsh words and concepts, so when its on my native tounge it just feels because its the language i use with real people