Oh wow, user, is that a Nintendo DS? What goes does it have?

>Oh wow, user, is that a Nintendo DS? What goes does it have?
How do you respond?

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Great reaction image

>tfw diabetic
>tfw right guy is type 2 and not taking his insulin shots

Is this pic shopped? It looks really weird.

>When some roastie calls your games "goes"

FF3 remake. It's basically my favorite game ever. I have F-Zero in the GBA port but I already beat all the races on hard so I don't play it anymore. Super Mario DS is really fun too but I like it more on the 64. I didn't have a 64 though, I played at a friend's house. His mom killed herself so he's depressed. Once in a while he comes over and we watch Breaking Bad together. I don't normally watch live action shows but Breaking Bad is really good. I recommend it. Otherwise, I really like anime. My name's user by the way. When I grow up, I'm thinking of getting a name change to "Jotaro" like the main character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It's my favorite. Do you like anime?

Those men probably are mentally disabled.
Those ladies are probably family.

Would you hit a hot chick who has a mentally disabled brother?

r-rune factory 3....


Oh, I misread your post. No, why would I traumatize an innocent mentally handicapped kid like that? Fuck you, no

>What goes does it have?

>literally 56% faces

Why would I assault a woman just because her brother is disabled?

How many shops are in this picture?

You joke but when I got the first brick ds in 2004 I was the shit. Busters with their xps on the playground. I was legit cool for 3 months until some fucker bought one

>mountainous plain full of trolls and women
>tfw no shop to buy potions

Look at those thots dripping at the 6'2"+ masterrace. How can manlets compete?

>El El goblino

Is pokemonall2 still alive? I was hoping he'd become chrischan tier but it just didn't happen.

None. Thats what makes it so bad.

what is the context here?

it looks like some really shitty advertising campaign, or a really bizarre "get your photo taken with this celeb" event

are you measuring width?

Women prefer a man who is girthy around the midsection