Mankind Divided

Is it worth it for 7 bucks?

you are supposed to get it for free right now with psplus

>PS Plus
Even then, this is one of the better games chosen for PS Plus, it just has a shit ending and feels unfinished in many ways.

If you enjoyed HR yeah, at that price point you can just shrug off the the lack of content and shitty ending.

>lack of content

but my HR playtime is around 45 hours and the MD one is 60

it's just that MD has more sidequest and less main branch. which is in itself a problem that leads to
>shitty ending

although the sidequest and DLC stories were so good they softened the base ending

Absolutely. It's got big flaws, but it's totally worth seven bucks. If you aren't convinced, view it this way: it most likely won't drop lower, so if you're interested go for it.

I'm sure there is plenty, i dunno. I don't remember finding that many sidequest, but i probably rushed it.
60 hours though, really? you mean on multiple playthroughs ?

Yes, it's still a great game but it isn't well paced at all.
So don't expect something well paced like Deus Ex or Human Revolution

yes, got it for $30 totally worth even $60 for me

game is pretty though, I'll give them that.

Yes. I enjoyed it

I thought MD was way better then HR and was close to the original, too bad it flopped, franchise was going in right direction.

It's great, but lacks half of the game. What a fucking cliffhanger.

>still shit combat, luckily can be avoided by stealth
>alot of cut contents, missing obvious sidequests from mail dead ends
>shit enemy variety, literally 80% of the enemy types are only in the last 1h of the game
>fucking ending
Prey is better, if only because the story arc is concluded.

i didn't enjoy Dishonored because of the basic stealth. But I've heard great things about nu-Prey.
Should i put my trust on Arkane again? noticed there's a demo just now btw.


It goes for even less, iirc it did so some time after Valentine's. May wanna wait, but if you go for it sure.

For me personally it's my GOTY, I absolutely loved it. Stealth is just as basic, but it isn't focus of the game. It's the closest thing we will get to System Shock 3 and a very good 0451 game.

I just wish there were more enemy variety. Fighting OG Phantom then Fire Phantom, Lightning Phantom and Dark Energy Phantom can be pretty tiring. I think that's really my main gripe with the game which I find fantastic. The enemies feel so uninspired. Even the Nightmare which was supposed to be something horrifying was so disappointing.

Absolutely, and it's not a bad game, it's just shorter than Human Revolution and only has one hub, and that is the sole reason why everyone lost their fucking marbles when the game released.

refunded it so quick on steam. nothing like HR

I'll give the demo a shot, if its anything like System shock I'm interested.
I'll try playing with a stealth/combat combo and see how it feels.

it's worth 45 if you play it like Deus Ex. If you play it like a shooter it's worth 10.

Yeah my fav SP game of 2017.

When do they stop giving it? Should I grab a subscription real quick?
Even if they stop giving it you keep them as long as you're still subscribed, right?

>Even if they stop giving it you keep them as long as you're still subscribed, right?
no. You can only play those free games with an active sub. Its how they get ya.

Is HR even good? It seems like its only virtue was spawning MD.

>as long as you're still subscribed, right?
I mean, yeah, they're still holding the games hostage and when the subscription runs out you're out of luck. I was asking if you keep them forever if you were to still have an active sub then.

>if you play it like Deus Ex
What does this even mean?

you keep them forever but can only play them with ps+. Same goes for xbone.

It's great, actually
One of my top 5 anyway

Not him, but he means using stealth and using all the options not just running and gunning.

How bad is prey for jumpscares?

Unless you're a massive pussy.

>0451 game

I dig that description.

Gotcha, Deus Ex's brand of sandboxy stealth. I honestly don't get why would anyone buy a primarily stealth game for running and gunning.

Really now? How come it's so high?

The mimics give you a nice scare here and there, although it's more surpise than actual fear.

Not that guy, but I finished my first play through with almost 70 as well. I couldn't believe how long all of the side missions and hub content took for me to finish, but I was doing a no-kill, no-alert run throughout and that soaked up a bit more time. Comparitively, a non-lethal, no-alert 100% run takes me around 25 or 30 hours for HR, so MD ends up being a pretty massive game despite its cutbacks.

The level design feels a lot closer to DX1.

>Playing HR with the Grenade Launcher
Holy shit this thing is fun. It's a shame there's practically no ammo for it and you get it so late.

> I payed $80 for the game and session pass because I liked the first game a lot
I made a terrible mistake

The Xbox Games with Gold program allows you to keep your games after your subscription ends, or at least it used to.

The real question, is the apartment comfier than the one Jensen had in Human Revolution? Can you decorate it well?
Decorate as in picking up items from the world like drinks, medicaments, weapons and such and dropping and displaying them in your home.

>praxis kits as single-use DLC
>actual content DLC is hot trash, clearly content withheld from the original release
>one (1) hub
>one (1) boss
>god-awful writing
>god-awful characters
>new augments make the game easy as piss

not playing fps on a console thanks!

Hey, your support will lead to there eventually being a sequel to MD that doesn't have to suffer from being a middle entry, so it will be great. It's all good.

Is the DLC "mandatory"?

>actual content DLC is hot trash
I heard the Criminal Past DLC was really good.
Are the Praxis kits a one time buy or are they made so you can keep buying them? It feels extremely pointless since the game has NG+.

Just so you know DLC is on sale still.
While the first one is meh, the second one is much better experience. It's 4 bucks for the season pass.

But user, these are designed with consoles in mind.

Thanks sony for another quality bargain bin game instead of something actually expensive for PsPlus.

>The additional content DLC can only be applied to a single save file, then you can't access it again
I didn't even know how to access he menu to see the DLC items, and that was bad enough. Not allowing it to be usd more than once is completely irredeemable cancer. It is worth mentioning that there's an optional boss in one of the late game side-missions, but most players would probably be smart enough to figure out the dialogue to prevent it going into it.

Until when?

2/6 9.00am.

I honestly don't understand why everyone hates this game.

him. Not just that, also doing the side quests and investigating the world. There is one spot where it infers a guy killed himself and his children instead of suffering in Golem City. It's only ever actually mentioned directly once by guards in passing, otherwise it's all in emails and PDA and the scene itself. Really detailed. That's just one instance of dozens like that. They put a lot of effort building the world.

Mankind Divided is one of those games that got a reputation for being worse than it is because publisher jewing surrounding it and "muh ending". It's a mediocre game in the same league as Human Revolution.

>god-awful writing
>god-awful characters
never said they were better then the original, but better then hr

>one (1) boss
boss fights are not really a strong suite of deus ex

>new augments make the game easy as piss
didnt even used a single new aug cause played stealth

>one (1) hub
does gulag count?

>praxis kits as single-use DLC
only true shortcoming beside the cliffhanger story

they don't. The COD kiddies on Sup Forums didn't think it was a long enough shooter. The rest of us just felt like the game was part 2 of three and it left us hanging (it is part 2 of three but 3 may take a long time to come b/c of MD sales)

I liked it nut I wish they hadn't played the plot so safe. Cyberpunk is supposed to be over the top so where are all the crazy anarchists and subcultures?

There is a glimmer of what the game needed in few schizo augs, mech whores and machine cultists but they needed to put the madmen front and center.

>crazy anarchists and subcultures?
they are there, just not forced into the main plot. The anarchist journalists are a major side quest, the drug runners poisoning augs with a new drug is another pretty big one you mentioned the cult, the schizo augs. That seems like a lot. They can't make everything part of the main quest, it would seem wrong.

They seem to be shy about the goofball stuff from the original game despite the antagonists being the Illuminati. It tries to be more 'grounded' and yet ends up as less intelligent than DX1.

This and Prey 2017.

>play HR with no augments other than Hacking, faster battery recharge and Inventory increases
>Have a good time, have to think outside the box to traverse the map and find passages through stacking boxes. The stacking to reach Panchaea's upper entrance was a really fun time
>Do a second playthrough to see what I missed and use augs
>Pick Cloak
>Completely trivializes every encounter
Did they ever address this? It's ridiculously overpowered.

Deus Ex was goofy as fuck deep down. These games play it straight the whole way. I still like them, but they have a considerably different feel.

They have to keep some sort of consistency since they have to have Deus Ex fit neatly with these games since that's a cool thing to do.
They already fucked it up by having best girl Eliza being so advanced.

I think it was mostly too grounded. You were mostly interacting with police, political activist (not activist nutjobs) and georgian gangsters. All the fun stuff was hidden in sidequests.

>Really now? How come it's so high?
Besides just being an all around solid game, I found myself really immersed in it and it also just really activated my neurons.
It's up to taste of course but not many other games have done that for me.

Yes, the game is Ludo.

I honestly wish HR had a few more DLC like The Missing Link. It did nothing story wise but it was a pretty cool self contained experience.

Favorite weapon?

it still doesn't feel right, like playing violin with a salami

Lancer for kills, suppressed pistol with EM rounds for everything else.

As another user said, the mimics sometimes give you a scare but, actual kinda-spoiler here; you get a device that lets you spot them when they are disguised as objects, and honestly they are not that common or hard to spot later, just don't forget about them

There's also a, actual spoiler here, jump-scare when you head down into a basement and do a calibration on the 3D screen things they have and a Phantom appears in your face loudly and smashes through the screen. Kinda easy to expect but also easy to not realise it's coming if you're only half paying attention. Apart from those things it's just a bit of a spooky atmosphere at times but you are well versed in combat equipment and abilities mid-way onwards so it's fine.

I thoroughly enjoyed HR too user, what did you think of MD? I still haven't been able to finish it I get past that ghetto city place and just sorta lose interest. Tried playthroughs 4 or 5 times.


I thought MD actually had way better level design compared to HR with a lot more value to exploration and there was always guaranteed multiple routes to any given destination, and they weren't always just divided to requiring different augs.
I haven't finished it yet though because it's true that it suffers from quite a few things regarding the main quest and sidequests. The hub world is fine and there's a lot to find in it.

>murder every gold mask on initial level
>non-lethal rest of the game
>spaghetti the penultimate mission where you need to knock out 11 guards to collect key card
>bad guy announced presence
>either fight bad guy or let the conspiracy murder the good guy
>knock out bad guy
>good guy lives
>game ends
>be afraid to replay it because I apparently got the best ending

Yeah absolutely, I'll back you on the level design I really was enjoying what I played of the game. Prague was great heaps of little back and side sections to get into places and whatnot.

But yeah it just falls flat as a tack after the ghetto city area for me, even though none of it was bad. The story is just insanely forgettable, characters were nowhere near as interesting, and yeah just flat.

I want to get more out of the game, any tips for a Factory Zero run?

you can use energy cells to power some lifts allowing access to higher areas without jump aug, get good with the cover movement system, explore everywhere and everything since hacking is harder without software

No? You don't even play it during the main story.

Xbone only lets you keep 360 games.

MD was meant to be the pilot for a bunch of multimedia content like comics and shit on top of a closely following sequel on the same engine, hence why it ends on such a deflating note. Instead of crearing their planned "Deus Ex Universe" franchise the series got canned until at least 2021 at this rate. By the time they get around to a sequel it will be set like 7 years into the future. The silver lining may be that they won't try to pull this stupid "story through supplementary material" shit again and the next game might actually have a meaningful conclusion.

To me it looks like Square would prefer to back out of "Deus Ex Universe" plan and have Eidos work on the Marvel capeshit deal instead so they basically threw MD under the bus.

Jensen is a weird character, he has no charisma whatsoever but he's still likeable.

no the opposite

I've always wondered, how does his sunglasses implant even work?

>Square would prefer to back out of "Deus Ex Universe" plan
I'm not that sure given it's the treatment they've given FFXV, which was supposed to be one of their most important releases.

criminal past dlc is the best deus ex has ever been.

Fight me

Lethal or non-lethal?

yet to play it, my boy Prichard is back so its gonna be good

That's System Rift

Yea its not gonna blow your socks off but its still pretty good for 7 bucks.

my bad, hows it then?

Eh, it's alright. A glorified setup for Breach.

Because HR fanboys spent 5 years assuring us that it was going to be like HR but better and bigger budget and fix all the problems.

Relative to that it totally shit the bed

>HR but better and bigger budget and fix all the problems.
It was pretty much that, though.

people complain that HR has a bad ending
>ok we'll just remove the ending completely and it just kind of stops
people complain the boss fights are bad
>ok we'll just strip out the boss fights completely so there's only one

it was neat

they're activated by tear sensors

it might just be because I'm not nearly as familiar with MD as I became with original deus ex and HR but the levels in mankind divided felt a lot more difficult in my opinion

there were a decent number of situations where I relied on cloaking to just get through rather than it being in instant win button

I might just be bad though