Your preloads will unlock in 5 minutes

Your preloads will unlock in 5 minutes.

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it says 10 hours for me :(

what game is this?

Dont lie Frieza-san, it will unlock after 1 hour and 40min for me


have you been living under a rock?

Why do they all have the thousand mile stare

that doesn't answer the question now does it?

It's spelled Iraq you goof.


hunting does this to you


>you can change the color of the samurai set


It's one of two games released this weekend. So therefore, it's DBFZ

sure it does.


isnt all armor dyeable?

kawaii nigga-chan~



>22 hours from now

What in the actual fuck

>Not shipped
>Will be there by 11
>Will be there by 8
It better fucking be.

>Xbox digitally set releases it at 12est
Just 10 more fucking hours

same boat user

The best thing that came out of that kusoanime so far

>every game says this
>it always arrives on time somehow

does it have a preload though?

dragon ball fighterz

Yeah, thank god for that

nice. thanks.

What character should I make for MHWorld? I know the character creator is a lot more in depth this time and I am always shit at these character creator things.

Like should I make my character look like an anime character or something? Should I be a girl or a guy?

Got the same thing. Not sure which one is right.

default face only

Be wary though.
When you first preload it, it give you a 100mb file. You have to uninstall that and then reinstall for the full game

Is this Amazon? If so, expect a delay at the last minute. Happened to me last time I preordered a game. Can't believe how pig shit Prime has gotten over the last 12 months.

>bought on pc to play with all my pc friends
>there's no pre-load

it hurts

Eat me.


>not Arriving by February 4


>bought on pc
no you fucking didn't

I-I can't watch this...

Is this game worth getting if I haven't really played a MH game since PSP? Also none of my friends will prob get it.