>buy this because it's 10 bucks on steam
>play for about 2 hours running around
>suddenly in the first town this girl on a dock shows up
>think it's just another quest
>suddenly I'm transported to a level 60 DLC quest that is impossible to leave
>don't have enough money for stone, barebones character is stuck and the area is impossible to do with this character
>literally have to restart the entire game because of this
>"fuck it, it was only 10 dollars"
I don't care, literally never playing this again. That's the worst game design I've ever seen in my life.
Buy this because it's 10 bucks on steam
>I was a fucking dumbass and did not pay attention to quest markers and/or descriptions
Oh my, what do you do in a regular day and how do you not end up dead?
you are the reason we have monster hunter world
This basically. OP is a huge faggot. Pretty thick too.
cant you just talk to that bitch and leave?
>impossible to leave
What? You just talk to the lady again.
>impossible to leave
Fuck off nigger, you can talk to the lady or go to the boat to leave. Kill yourself.
i wish all weebs would drown
they ruin this site
>cant you just talk to that bitch and leave?
yes lol
Man it must suck going through life being as retarded as you
I did the same thing and wondered why the game was so hard. Talk to her again and you can leave the place. Better yet, run past some enemies and open up some chests to get some really good equipment like I did.
>quest is marked and you are warned before entering that it's basically endgame content
>you can literally to to the girl and go back for free
user, people like your dumb fucking ass are the reason games now a days don't even let you jump off a cliff and put invisible walls.
dear nintendo idiot: get over it
I came here to laugh at you
ITT: OP is a literal retard that can't read and some faggots complains about weebs in a site built by and for weebs
>DD is on sale
Oh, shit, time to reinstall and sugar daddy some pawns.
Reinstall it user, the game gets 200% better when you meet the she goat
>Reinstall it user, the game gets 200% better when you meet the she goat
The faggot can't be bother to press the talk button to undo his own stupidity, how do you expect him to progress?
>impossible to literally turn around and walk right back out the fucking front door
>impossible to have the chick who brought you there to warp you back out to the main game, something she literally tells you she can do at any time
2/10 you got a (You) out of me, but work on the quality of your shitposts please.
Wew lad
I sometime legitimately wonder what is must be to be this mentally challenged.
I wonder what it must be like going through life, everyone thinking you are a bright as a piece of shit.
Must be fun, not having to worry about a lot of things just because of how fucking stupid you are.
Must be nice.
>imagine being this fucking retarded
Never post here again, please.
What's wrong with World?
In my opinion, compared to other entries it's far too streamlined and designed around the idea that even someone as fucking retarded as OP can play it.
Too much handholding, and too easy for my taste when comparing it to other MonHun's.
they're masterworks all
Wolves hunt in
Are you really mad that he's degenerate scum, or are you just mad because you are also too intelegant for DDDA?
I did the same.
Except i wasn't retarded and left the island.
ddda is a poor bland game for different reason
in your case, you're just an imbecile
>Walk back to the boat
>Use ferrystone, or get the one from your storage, accessible from the lady that brought you there
>Warp back to village
You really are mentally handicapped, aren't you?
It's kind of disappointing to know that even if I call OP a shit eating retard his illiterate ass will never be able to read my insult.