
Anyone playing this? im 1,5 hours into it and its pretty fun. Released today, made by Towerfall devs

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>made by Towerfall devs

Would pirate at most

Gonna pick it up after work, just trying to decide if I wanna use the shitty Switch d-pad or the stick

Welp, time to refund

It was first pitched to me as a metroidvania with a 10/10 IGN score, and I got even more doubtful when I saw it was another pixel platformer. It looks like it might be good though, surprised I've never seen anything about the game before release.

it's more meat boy than metroid

Hence why it wasn't the best way to learn about the game when I quickly found out it was a lie.

Torrent when? Is it on gog?

Holy shit.
I knew they were SJWs but this is just depressing.

holy shit I was gonna buy this on switch. I forgot the damn thing doesn't have a real dpad. I hate playing 2d platformers with analog stick

Is the main character gay?

who gives a fuck? you guys cry over stupid shit.

ich.io suprisingly. As far as I can see it's just a zip so it shouldn't take long to be uploaded somewhere or made into a torrent.

If you were around some years ago, we had a lot of trouble from people like that in the gaming industry, so it's better to learn from the past to make sure the mistakes won't be committed again in the future.

the mechanics are really fluent and fun. I really like the music too
Had no idea about SJW drama but dont care desu

Looks ugly as balls and I'm usually a sucker for pixel shit.

the absolute SUPERCLUSTER of western devs

If it was only the gameplay art I wouldn't mind. The portraits all have tumblr noses and look bad though, and I don't know if the plot is nice and/or unobstructive.

I'm aware of Anita Sarkeesian. No idea why her being supported by the developers of this game should influence my purchase though.

You do know they are all on really fucking cold mountain right?
Do you know how the human body Works?

First great surprise of the year for me. Gets pretty hard in some sections but its satisfying as fuck to beat them.

Fucking mountains is illegal

Anyone who wanted to buy the game but got turned off by the developer scumbaggery, Iconoclasts came out a few days ago and looks better than this.

i really don't understand the point of these images. is it supposed to be surprising to me that a woman looks better with makeup?

Tumblr nose is both being red for no reason, which isn't the case here, and it's the nose being separated from the rest of the face, usually in a triangular or similar shape, which is definitely the case. I just don't think the portraits look very good, the MC is kinda cute but the black hipster with a neckbeard and co not so much.

How much do you have to repeat if you die/fail?

It's surprising that she looks like a warcraft 3 ghoul

Haha, fucking thank you, literally just submitted my refund.
Will pirate it now, thanks user.

Because it means she has influence over them.

I’m buying it twice now

It's a platformer. There's not much to it.

>tumblr nose
No thanks
I bet the story is extremely SJW

Thanks user you saved me from buying it

Time to load the torrent and seed it x20+ times. Just like I did with Towerfall.

It's sad that people need to consult on how to show "equality". It implies they're already pieces of shit to begin with and only Anita can hold back their toxic masculinity.


>Released today
Wasn't some passive aggressive retard shilling it at different speedrun events well over a year ago? i thought it was supposed to be free.

Hey the iron clause thread died a while a go
Stop shillings man

Wasn’t going to buy it
Now I’m going to pirate just the spite them if it’s on pc
Then delete it without playing the game at all
Also a negative review

>When you absolutely dodge the fuck out of a bullet
Close one

Would fug
Brb going to mod the game where you can do it

Animal Crossing is tumblr nose now?


buying it, leaving a negative review and refunding

Gosh, enough with the gamergate shit. That was probably the worst thing that could have ever happened to video games. STILL feeling the effects of it today. I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of it having any influence over anything at all.


Looks better than .

that's gotta be the worst PR move I've seen in gaming

based user, thank you for showing me the light

I was a shitfest but holy shot they were in the right
At least it made it apparent to everyone

Its artstyle saves it. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what it is, separation from the face and redness is just the very clear traits. But pic related and animal crossing are obviously entirely different.

This better be posted in every single thread about this game from now on

That might have been the old version with 30 screens.

Can y'all just play a game without bitching about the devs being left-wing leaners? You don't see republicans dropping mario because his voice actor is anti-drumpf.

Grow up people.

They're not even the same kind of game. Looks neat though.

There's being left-wing leaning, and there's putting an anita sarkeesian homage as a playable character in your game. If you don't care, then don't, but plenty of people here don't want to support shitbag developers.

the girl gets BLACKED apparently. soyboys seething

I literally just got to a part where theres an abandoned PC lying around in a secret room and you can play this older version of the game on it as a minigame. pretty neat

Most games are leftist and that doesn't matter.
What does matter, is when a dev actually respect's the demon who tried to kill videgames.

Nigga that ain't gonna stop the porn. Just look at Korra.

Literally came here to post this exact image

Hard fucking pass on this garbo game

I'm 100% fine with people warning me about the scumbag things devs did in the past, I think everyone should worry about that.

I'm not surprised.

>10/10 IGN
I honestly don't get this. The review praised the game for absolutely standard shit. Is the reviewer a friend of the dev or something? Or am I missing something? The game seems well built but unremarkable.

Yeah I thought it was a different country's IGN that had given the score when I first heard of it. How the fuck does a 10/10 game launch with zero hype and not have anything remarkable about it?

when the hell is someone going to upload it

It's good enough for what it is, but after so many games of this sort the last several years I can't be bothered with any more editions of Pixel Perfect Spikes Jamboree. I have no interest in playing another game of the genre for a long time, give me normal platformers. It's become the new "physics-based Flash platformer" fad of mediocrity.

This. I'm not letting politics stop me from enjoying a video game I want to play.

Absolutely this. It's time to put an end to the problamatic mindset of so many assholes in the gaming world

Leftist agenda pushing

A game can be good without marketing behind it. Honestly the only trailers I watched for this were from Nintendo directs, but they were pretty good.

>get mad about people saying they won't play The Last Night because of the developer's right-wing comments
>"I won't play this game by developers who have supported Anita in the past, fucking scumbag leftists."

you're just as bad as them

I'll play it but I won't pay for it

Of course, but people playing review copies and such will 99% guaranteed generate hype for a game if it's actually 10/10.

Based on things ended, I wonder if they even regret doing that.

About an hour in. That whole “dream” section was cool as fuck, whether the game manages to stay that interesting as it goes on will determine if it’s really 10/10, but it’s at least an 8 for me so far.

>what is false equivalency

There are very few reviews, I don't even think reviewers cared to pick up this game when they had MHW and DBFZ coming out a day later.

Well the point was that it wouldn't make sense for it to be overshadowed that hard if it was a 10/10 release. It makes perfect sense if it's a good but bland platformer that brings nothing new to the table.

You shouldn't use terms you don't the meaning of, user.

Is there a discussion Sup Forums won't ruin?


you're not fooling anyone friend

There are two massively advertised games with an immense hype train behind them both coming out tomorrow. Even if someone wanted to hype up an indie game, no matter the quality, it would be completely overshadowed.

It's not on IGG yet

Reminds me of when Gotta Protectors came out on 3DS and there were literally no reviews for two or three months. I don't think it helped sales much by then though.

Gonna try out the game either way when the GOG version comes up, but that soundtrack's what I'm REALLY looking for t b h

>Ugly as fuck
>Narrative about le depression
>Play as a sjw bitch
>Black hipster love interest
Yeah nah gameplay isn't everything

truly the worst, they cant play any game without being triggered by something that effects the actual gameplay in zero discernible way. imagine being this much of a snowflake.

If I already played super meat boy many years ago why should I play it again?

I'm always amused at how many people think that everyone in the world is Sup Forums

can anyone post the zip for the game? I want to get but I'm a poorfag.

they're not
but when you see someone whining on Sup Forums about what some literal who dev tweeted, you can more or less guarantee the board they're coming from.

I think this got a mentioned in the mini-direct, so if it somehow ends up selling obscenely well on the Switch but not anywhere else, future indie games will probably develop for the Switch first and port to other console/PC later.

with this logic you can stop playing vidya in general user...

>Even if someone wanted to hype up an indie game, no matter the quality, it would be completely overshadowed.
For the mainstream, yeah, no one would have a clue, but I'd expect to hear about it myself because I go out of my way to check out indies. It's probably because it's primarily been marketed as a switch release which I don't pay much attention to.

It also got mentioned sometime last year as well. I think they'll still develop games for PC first because of the ease of releasing games there though.

fuck white males

>pixel game
>shitty bloom filter over it

Is that the writer? And people are still going to buy it? kek

It will most likely end up being both Switch and PC as first release type of situation. PC for the ease and Switch because indie games sell like crack-cocaine on it.

See if this shit came out a few days ago it would be much less out of the blue.

Got my eye on this and iconoclasts.

Just not likely to buy them straight away because: 1)digital and 2) dbfz and mhw out tomorrow .

Hoooly shit, came so close to supporting that cancer. I already used up my switch refund too so that couldve been bad.

I was sick of pixelshit anyway.

upload when