Choose wisely

choose wisely

you only get to spend the rest of your life with one




Sakuya, I want to go scavenge, create, and sell items with her at slightly above market prices to ill-informed consumers!

bottom row 4th girl

the one with the strap-on glued to her forehead.

I'll take her brother, thanks.

why not both?

MILFS never ever

Sofia and Carmen are the best girls.

Runefactory 4 waifus > runefactory 3 waifus

I would say "maybe in RF5!" but RF5 existing at all is less likely than a marriageable milf being in it if it did.

I'm gonna bite you

Rune Factory's console girls never get enough love.
Who's your Oceans/Frontier wife?

at this point I believe if RF5 exist it will mess up the franchise, they need to create another IP with the same concept of farm and dungeons


Why do you think RF5 would be bad? The series has gotten better with each installment. It would be surely be made by the team that absorbed Neverland too.

Flat yellow bikini girl probably likes it in the butt

The one that looks like a spawn of Ebrietas

the lazy one

it's how each game is related to one elemental dragon, how they keep adding to the overall world story and yet the stories dont cross each other and it's not needed for you to play a previous game to enjoy any title
if we make a 5 it will or be a huge cross up between the 4 games, which is not bad for old fans but I don't think it will be as good, or they will create a never mentioned before dragon to keep the main idea, or it will lose the identity of the franchise

I'll take the unicorn.


Goddammit, OP, you just had to make this difficult.

Does that even qualify as a choice, user?

RF3 a shit, the best girl of the series coming through.

Only because Dolce is so amazing. I'd still rather take Karina or Raven over most of the 4 cast though.

Don't mind me.
Just posting the REAL Best Girl in Rune Factory.


Electra is my favorite Oceans' girl. I didn't expect it from her artwork, which doesn't impart her real personality at all.


>YWN have a qt gf that will experiment on you for science.
why live?

>Current Year
>Grown-up Candy STILL isn't a waifu candidate
>Secretly afraid she'd end up as fuckawful as Cecilia

>Wants to murder you with some death trumpet
>They keep calling it a syringe


Go away pedo

Cuz she is the cutest of them all, and she really does care for your health.

Besides, the chase is half the fun.

A legitimate fear.

>user says he wants to marry an adult
>call him a pedo
Fuck off, man.

Why the pedophobia?

>I'm gonna bite you
Oh yeah?

I don't know who they are, but I guess I'll take the red hair one.

You like taciturn knife ears, eh?

>knife ears
No, I just like Red hair and not so small - not so big breast.

>Shara is the main girl
>Raven is clearly the designated waifu, though

Still feels weird.

Xiao Pai was a fucking mistake.

Shut up, Lin Fa.
Shit like that is why I don't wanna fuck you like the rest of the MILFs.

MILFS and lolis are both literally a meme

Was waiting for this image to pop up.

What about LOLI MILFs?

Karina is the objectively correct choice.

Lolis are cute. The game should take things a step further and let you romance all the little sisters of the world.

RF1 had better girls

>Karina is the objectively worst choice

That was easy.

That’s a flat milf, not a loli

>tfw no qt adult loli gf

You're wrong.

Just kill me already.


You cant go wrong with the two for one.

excellent gameplay thread you wortthless degenerate faggot

None because they're all lolis and lolis are shit

>ctrl+f rainbow
fucking faggots

Who said all video game discussion had to be gameplay releated?

No you can't.

>We want the Wind Waker Audience

>can't have the mothers

How was this game? I've still only played RF1 but I've been curious how a full on console RF might be

It's alright. Farming is almost non-existent, but it has the normal amount of dungeon-crawling and waifu-courting. It has some good girls that don't get any attention because no one played it. My biggest complaint would probably be Natusme's shoddy TL, but it's a comfy enough diversion if you can pick it up cheap.

Been playing this game for the first time this past week and the only one I'd pick is Carmen.

Marian - will probably inject AIDS into you while you sleep
Pia - can't eat fish around her
Raven - I don't know if she's supposed to be a tsundere or dandere, but I don't want either in a waifu
Shara - generic flower girl. Too boring. Also comes with a little sister that bites.
Sofia - Will tell you that you have a microscopically small penis in bed
Sakuya - jew in an asian body
Daria - will scream RAINBOW when you cum
Collette - her metabolism will probably normalize when she turns 30, leading her to becoming a fat fuck because she doesn't know when to stop eating.
Kuruna - racist. Will poke you in the belly if she gives you a bj
Karina - lazy bitch, won't help out around the house.

Meanwhile we have Carmen, a fun and outgoing girl who likes you, likes eating fish, and has strong family and work values. I was briefly concerned that she was fucking her brother, but after seeing how much she wants to get out, and how much Carlos wants a girlfriend, I'm not concerned anymore.

I am gay

Good for you?

>Carlos wants a girlfriend
Heavily, heavily, heavily hinted to be a homo who wants to ram Micah's ass.

Oh fuck off. The mothers are already taken. The whole point of the game is to make fresh, new mothers exclusive to yourself.

Farming is shitty but the town and characters are top notch.

first row last girl but bigger boobs is my gf
will never leave her

Specifically of the 3 cast? Raven, easily. Of the entire series? For me, it's Dolce, the sweetest RF girl.


>who wants to ram Micah's ass.
Who wouldn't?

The fish.