Yugioh thread


I play my field spell, Dragonic Diagram! I use its effect to destroy Pantheism of the Monarchs from my hand in order to search for Master Peace. I now summon my loyal servant Edea the Heavenly Squire! Upon being summoned, Edea brings out Eidos the Underworld Squire directly from the deck, allowing me to tribute summon once more in addition to my normal summon! I set 1 card face down, then I tribute it and my Eidos to summon the mighty MASTER PEACE, THE TRUE DRACOSLAYING KING!!

>Rich boy ain't never gonna be able to destroy that!

His attack becomes 3250, he is unaffected by monster and trap effects, and he cannot be destroyed by battle once per turn! Then by trap triggers in the grave to destroy your monster! But I'm not done yet! It banish Pantheism of the Monarchs from my Graveyard to reveal 3 copies of March of the Monarchs, and add one to my hand! I activate Return of the. Monarchs! Now i activate True Draco Heritage! I use its effect to draw 1 card! Now I activate its second effect and tribute Edea and Heritage to summon MY SECOND MASTER PEACE!! He becomes immune to monsters/spells! Heritage triggers in the Graveyard, destroying the trap card you set! Return also lets me search for Ehther the Heavenly Monarch! Then, Edea recovers Pantheism of the Monarchs! I activate it by discarding The Prime Monarch I just drew, to draw 2 more! Now I active March of the Monarchs, making my monsters immune to being targeted or destroyed! I use both Master Peace effects to destroy your last monster and trap card, leaving you defenseless! I hit you with two direct attacks, leaving you with 1800 life points! I replace my field spell with Domain of the Monarchs, disallowing you from using your extra deck! Finally, I set 1 card face down and end my turn!

Draw your next card, Kaiba, it'll be your last!
Now I respond during the standby phase by activating The Monarchs Erupt, negating the effects of all non-tribute-summoned monsters!


>Solemn warning
>torrential tribute
gg ez


That would have just stopped the first and not the second though

But you have no cards on the field and 1800 LP

Lmao dark hole get fucked

That does LITERALLY nothing except lose you card economy


>Cannot be targeted or destroyed
>Spell immune

Literally immune to spell cards, learn to read baka

Fuck off, Yugi

>double solemn strike
>anti-spell fragrance
>he ragequits

I play dis

I place one monster in face down defense position. Your move.

Nice. You're still fucked.

>Play madolches
>Deck gets fucking gimped with the Norden ban

I love that the entire concept of Kaiju as an archetype is 'fuck you giant monster battles'. It's probably one of the most interesting archetypes out there.



>shield crush
>attacks you directly

I use red reboot from my hand to negate your first strike

You gonna ragequit, little faggy boy?


>gets gimped even further by the new rules
>their fucking shit Link monster
god make it fucking stop

Too bad it's just used as "lol fuk ur monster then I'll get rid of it"

what are the four facedown trapcards that together could save you from literally any situation in yugioh
No feather duster allowed

My deck has no pathetic cards Yugi

None, because red reboot.

>magical cylinder
>*adjusts glasses* checkmate

Explain how Master Peace fits with Yugi's dark hero theme when it's a light monster.

>Cannot be targeted
>Immune to traps
Keep up



fuck, there goes my chance to scream NUMBER 39 - UTOPIA


I thought that was a woman for the longest time.

Shit cards.


I fucking hate this card
I fucking hate it because I fucking hate lock-down decks

Anywho OP, that's nice but I played Final Countdown 20 turns ago


Exodia Balls, it's not possible! No one's ever been able to please him,

>Lava Golem + Ojama's
Can we make it viable?

Ojamas are worthless now thanks to Links.

>*stalls your game*

>sonic chick getting support but not ojama

what a digital dummy

Nothing Personal, Kid

How many cards are there that don't fit into any series or archetype?

i know you mean link summoning but ojamas are actually good in duel links.

Ok, I see this pic a lot, who the fuck is this? Reverse image search just brought up a bunch of Sup Forums posts and the search suggestion is "game."

Introducing Bamboo to Duel Links was a fucking mistake. What the fuck were they thinking?

the same thing when they release new card in tcg: "lets break what is already broken"

What's the point of making acard with no drawbacks? keking hard at nu-YGO



>not enjoying boss battle duels

so you also don't like the animes

>playing cards with drawbacks to begin with
Only Mirror Force and Sakuretsu Armor were worth the "effort" back in the days. Everything else with a slightest bit of drawback was garbage.

Hand traps have killed the game.

It's really quite odd when archetype-specific cards just mimic general cards, but have the drawbacks

Like Black Return versus Compulsory Evacuation Device

Yugioh was dead way before Evenly Matched my dude. In fact it may have never been alive.

Once we get Designator from the Grave things will be a little better, at least.

alot of us mtg players are leaving for this game again, tell me why the hell is change of heart banned?

What's so bad about it, I still have all of my old LOB times old ass shit and I can't use most of it apparently

Fuck off with your non vidya shite.

I think MTG recently fucked something up (asides from PC nonesense like black people in ancient greece setting)
What was it?
Also Myr are the best type and Goblins are the most annoying

guessing you Magic guys had enough with the SJW eh? :^)

welcome to the dark side brother.

is it worth getting into yugioh? not looking to spend any money so if its super p2w i wont bother

*makes an incredibly slow card spin and asks you to stop it and you somehow always get it wrong because lol fate*

Nice try, kid.

It was uncovered that we had a lot of pedos in the community and staff, yea and they had we wuz kangz the set to top of the Greece thing.

Dio dosen't fuck around.


It's cheap if you want to be casual, like 25-30 bucks for a good deck around freinds.

Change of Heart is still banned because the game is so fucking fast these days that Change of Heart only got better.

We even had a format where they unbanned Snatch Steal, but then it quickly got the axe the format right after that because stealing your opponent's monsters with no drawbacks is still stupidly broken these days.

They even errata'd fucking Brain Control so that now only works on Normal Summoned monsters. It also got unbanned, but nobody is playing it because of the errata.

That's every TCG. You're better off trying it on YGOPro


I would have left too.

Yusei > Yugi > Yusaku > Yuya > Jaden > Yuma

OP's card is the most broken YGO card I've ever seen. Literally no drawbacks and it's a level 8 light monster.

It's the issue of cost to use it, you just need to play the card and you get their monster without giving it back. Far too easy to exploit unlike say Enemy Controller which requires you to sacrifice a monster in order to control the opponents but it's only for the turn.

I drew all five pieces of Exodia my first turn, so I win.

I believe it's pronounced "Yay-den." I think it's german in origin.

Yugioh is so shit lol

I want to start playing yugioh now. Fuck this thread. Can someone explain the meta?

Spam Link Monsters with Tokens

Start the duel, and if it's your opponents turn, you walk away for 5 minutes while he plays solitare with obnoxiously long combos.

thanks lads
yup. Feels bad man, played it for ages only to have it fall to WBRUG hair cunts. I've seen threads on /tg/ on yugioh too so looks like we weren't alone.
it's actually not that bad user, I thought it was going to be shit when I tried it again too.

>Become a card
>Still have a thing for corrupting Alexis

That was a dub thing
In the original it was just a 50/50 where it'd stop

>roll a higher than your opponent
>establish an unbreakable board
>win or you lose everything because your opponent smashes an Evenly Matched in your face

I read that as "establish an unbreakable bond."

>Magic: the Gathering is ran by pedophiles

why am I not surprised by that?

I'm watching the original right now, and every time they call it, it seems to just go to the next position, it never does a full spin.

I've only seen him duel twice so far though.

>Make cards loosely based on GX characters
>It's an Xyz archetype
What did they meme by this?

That Chaz one looks cool as hell.

>fall to WBRUG hair cunts
What the fuck did they do that's so bad? The pictures of a fictional world characters not having the proper skin color? The Trans character (Because if we can't have one now, when the fuck can we)? The pedos are a legit problem more than the other shit.

Why are people quitting magic?

Reminder that link cards were a mistake

Wizards of the Coast also had a float in the gay pride parade. Gaming companies don't do that. Seriously dude MTGs player base is mostly older white dudes, and the pedophile thing was the final nail in the coffin.

You now remember Bastion.

They're covering for pedophiles working within they're company.

That and the constant far left pandering they do drove 3 million ( confirmed ) away already.

>Wizards of the Coast also had a float in the gay pride parade. Gaming companies don't do that.
Why is that bad though? If you want to get cynical and say they're doing this to pander to an audience then sure, you can look at it like that.

No you don't

Because gay pride parades are a farce
They roll out the most flamboyant degenerates and say "these fucks are who we're proud of"
It's not a march of gay doctors, lawyers, firemen, and handymen, it's a march of half-naked twinks grinding around each other in garish makup while swinging spiked dildos around like nunhucks

>the constant far left pandering they do
Any examples?