What was his problem

what was his problem
no spoilers please

What the fuck is this thread?

he's mad cause he was a rabbit kid then he wasn't

>no spoilers

he had a friend then lost one and went all "Don't make friends cause they leave you eventually. "

did I not say 'no spoilers please'?

You didn't want his friendliness pellets.

>tfw want to spoil
>can't remember the end because the game was trash
he transforms into a black kid and get shot

He was a goat you retard

Boredom from Infinity

>no spoilers please
He is Toriel and Asgore's dead son.

>give me spoilers
>no spoilers please

Gay flower is pissed off that it has no soul (metaphor for dick)

Is healed by taking literally every dick in the underground promoting the degenerate gay agenda message of finding fulfillment in meaningless sex


Toriel and Asgore had a kid named Asriel, the character you name is a kid that fell in before you (the first of the bunch) and they were friends with Asriel. Unfortunately that kid was a sociopath and got him killed by the local human village, a flower grew from his remains but since he's a flower he literally has no soul ergo he's a sociopath too.

Forgot to mention
Alphys was the one who put the soul into the flower and injected it with determination, giving him the power to save and load files. So he was god until you (Frisk) showed up. That's why Flowey's especially interested in you.

post goat

sexually frustrated

He was injected with autism by a fat lizard and turned into a pansy.

> turned into a pansy

He's clearly a daisy you fucking moron.


frisk, chara, and asriel are all cute boys

Emotions* are in the soul.
He lost his soul.
Now he has no emotions.
This led to amorality and boredom.
Combine amorality, boredom, and the ability to go back in time, and you get a god complex.

*He still has fear of death and enjoys power.

He was created by sjw retards

>no spoilers please

Why does one with no emotions have all these emotions?

As with most issues in this game - Alphys

>no spoilers
people still play undertale in 2018? wtf

>Why does one with no emotions have all these emotions?

Because the game was written by an genious

>asgore ASSGIRE
it still cracks me up lol

Telling you exactly what Flowey’s problem is would do nothing but spoil the game for you (particularly the True Pacifist and Genocide paths). For the sake of simplicity and playing through Undertale spoiler-free, let’s just say it’s sociopathy.

desu, Undertale would be 5X better if the Boss Monsters were rabbits, not something Mudasir would rape tentimes a day

So which monster is the most fuckable?

I like to think Chara is a girl and Frisk is a boy since they're my Undertale OTP
