>the rpg mechanics were shit
>the whole game was shit
>the entire series is shit
How do we fix the Mass Effect series?
>the rpg mechanics were shit
>the whole game was shit
>the entire series is shit
How do we fix the Mass Effect series?
Mass Effect is beyond saving, I'm afraid. But going back to the roots should be the way to go.
We can't because EA.
I enjoyed every mass effect so far. I dunno what your problem is.
We can't. It's dead.
The trilogy was great aside from the ending and the last words being "Downladable content".
Andromeda had no interesting characters.
No interesting places or scenery.
No interesting quests.
You couldn't romance the only decent looking girl on the ship (pilot redhead).
All the characters were basically tumblr incarnate and they retconned the Asari. HURR DURR. WE HAVE NO WORD FOR GENDER HAHA HEHE
I gave up on the series after 1. There's nothing anyone can do to make the series interesting again. Not only did they manage to ruin the possible decent RPG we could've gotten, they butchered the lore and setting beyond belief. Everything that made ME1 so interesting, and made the codex worth flipping through is almost entirely absent.
How about end the series at 3 like it should have.
Aside from Kai Leng and the end of 3, I thought the original trilogy was pretty consistently good. I never bothered with Andromeda, so I can't speak on that.
What's a good mod or whatever to play the trilogy on a gamepad, btw? It kind of bugs me that Bioware forced mouse and keyboard, when it already worked just fine on an xbox controller.
they should have given us the option of turning humanity into a HFY power fantasy
hire people based on meritocracy and not how brown they are or how big there vagina is
The trilogy was a trainwreck of awful decisions.
mass effect 2 was the best game
the only way to fix is make a WAY better sequel, forget Andromeda, it was the worst ME by far, pathetic.
to start, the sequel needs to cut the millennial shit, fix their narrative, get a better sense of progression for the MC and squad, and finally make good side content, its time that bioware learn that that collectables and travelling are not proper side content.
Name one bad non-gameplay decision
The Reapers storyline. Basically the primary antagonists of the game were shit.
>All the characters were basically tumblr incarnate and they retconned the Asari. HURR DURR. WE HAVE NO WORD FOR GENDER HAHA HEHE
Wait what game did they do this in? Jesus Bioware just need to be put down already. Then people need to stop buying EA games.
Mass Effic Andromeda was NOT shit. I showed that a society with progressive can acheve wonderus things vfdvhhdcuihcdhdskuh
>they butchered the lore and setting beyond belief.
>make a WAY better sequel
NO, LET IT STAY DEAD, the series died with M3, then they buried in a 10 foot deep pit of feces with Andromeda, we don't need them digging it up and ass fucking its shit covered corpse next.
This is true. It had the best gameplay, classes, story, characters, atmosphere, moments and music.
>mediocre series get a 4th mediocre game
Why not a reboot then?
Bioware as they are now are not capable of making a good game. Anthem is going to be a trainwreck just like the last 5 releases, and then they'll be euthanized like every other studio that EA acquires.
the trilogy was mediocre yeah, but Andromeda was such a massive dumpster fire that i'm amazed it even managed to get past any kind of quality control. the only thing worth being called mediocre in that game was the combat
why moaners think they're adding anything by posting shit? even shitposting is better than posting actual garbage.
Mass Effect 2 is simply a bad game and I find it unfathomable how it's received so much critical and commercial praise. It's an RPG third-person shooter. Great, right? But it fails as an RPG and it fails as a shooter. You're limited to retard-tier black/white morality choices. The dialogue wheel is asking questions most of the time and doesn't let you back out until you've asked all of them--you might as well make it a cutscene. There are no speech checks, skillchecks, bluffs, lies, anything interesting to choose. The squad you pick doesn't matter and has no effect on anything. Side missions are repetitive garbage. The hubs, rather than being like Deus Ex hubs with tons of exploration, alternate paths, people to talk to, etc. are just fucking bland shopping malls with the occasional repetitive side quest. There is zero interaction with the world around you or the people in it. You really have no meaningful choice in anything. The combat is clunky, linear, lacks any kind of strategy or depth, and consists of sticking to cover while shooting people in corridors and rooms, occasionally throwing them up in the air. Riveting stuff. It's shit. You look at Alpha Protocol or New Vegas and they make this game look like the dogshit that it is. Oh, but it's in space so it's GOTYAY for tofufags.
because this right here
Bioware as a whole is a hollowed out shell if its former self being puppeted about by EA, all they are doing now is diluting a already shit generation of video games.
try harder with your bait please
And this is where the real answer is. It will never be the same again, as much as they might try.
you should try harder with your bait, moaning is not an argument dumbass
Fuck off faggot ME2 deserved its praise.
>You look at Alpha Protocol or New Vegas and they make this game look like the dogshit that it is. Oh, but it's in space so it's GOTYAY for tofufags.
It isn't supposed to be like those games in the first place. This is as dumb as saying that Pokemon should play like GTA. Also New Vegas was a sucky game on the absolutely terrible game bryo enging. Bethesda's piece of shit engine that has built tons of games with awful gameplay.
ME2 was great but you could see the direction they had chosen.
And fuck you I liked landing on empty planets. Shame they could just design some interesting buildings or missions before throwing them out like a bunch of spaz's
The ammo retcon, just about how every single aspect of the reapers were handled, the fact the plans to a big dumb reaper killer was within arms reach the ENTIRE TIME. Being able to be resurrected from the dead via technology (which in the end served no purpose whatsoever). The omniblade, the dumbass ghost robot AI kid at the end of 3 and last but not least, the Leviathans.
So you liked driving around on empty boring planets with copy paste done everywhere? There is only so many times you can invade the same exact fucking base on a desolate planet before it gets really old.
>f-f-fuck you, faggot!
Stunning refutation of my points, lad.
>entire series is shit
whoa there m8. ME1 is golden
Let it die. Two thirds of the people shitting on it in this thread will pick up Mass Effect Andromeda 2 when it comes out in 2021 and they’ll be right here bitching about how they got fooled AGAIN (for the 87th time in the past 15 years).
Oh and I neglected to mention that to avoid having to address the mess that was ME3's ending, they just binned the entire setting in favor of the equally as messy Andromeda.
Stop making the series about end all be all threats and make it more about being a cool detective in Space, I still wish ME1 tied up the whole Reaper threat in the first game and left the rest of the series to have other threats to council space come and go like Dragon Age did.
Also I wish it had what Dragon Age did where you could play as the other main races, in Mass Effects case it could be Humans/Turians/Asari
>ME1 is golden
its shit
It had potential, I admit it had faults but to scrap the entire thing and replace it with the planet scanning was a pain.
I thought they could have added so much in terms of DLC expansions (lol) by adding more planets ala Bring Down The Sky but no, they sold themselves to EA and it all went to shit.
Yeah it would have been cool to see 2 have some vehicle exploration with an improved Mako but what these guys said is true.
Also being able to scan planets and mine for resources isn't really a bad idea in theory. Could have been handled a lot better though. Just let you click the planet press a button to probe and be done with it I'd say. Then you can just read the description for the planet and move on to the next within seconds.
As someone who enjoyed all three, and only those three, ME games when they came out except for the 3 ending, and just replayed all 3 recently, I can safely tell you that 1 is the best for story, 2 is the best for team and character-building and 3 is the best for gameplay.
Oh shit I forgot to clarify, none of them are particularly 'good' either they all have a fuckload of typical Bioware faults but back then it was kinda charming and acceotable, today they've only gotten worse and it's depressing