An insincere opinion

An insincere opinion


> implying about that game

A witty reply that gets all (you)s in the thread

Mommy no!

An angsty post from a 2013 newfag pretending to be an oldfag reminding you that you should use ”normalfags” over ”normies” as the latter is a watered down version of the former adopted by the very same group of people the term was originally directed at.

A samefag answer

An unproportionally hostile reply that tells you to return to a different forum.

reference to a certain legume popular in asian countries and california

post without text and only a generic laughing reaction image


Man that points at repeating digits

A reply saying that you were only pretending to be mentally impaired.


put me in the screencap

An unsolicited and tenuously supported political opinion tangentially related to the popular game being discussed containing inflammatory buzzwords and baseless accusations improperly characterized as facts

I wish Sup Forums was this honest

A post overly nostalgic about how much better old Sup Forums was...

A post telling you that old Sup Forums was never good and that you're a newfag

A butthurt reply from the OP of the thread

A post that accuses several posts of being a samefag

an off topic reply telling readers to witness an integer i have chosen

post indicating that THIS IS NOT VIDEO GAMES

Dark Souls

A sarcastic request to be included in the r/Sup Forums screencap.

A reply laughing at you for not getting the integer you had chosen

A smug post about the fact that I got the integer I chose instead of him.

A reply marveling at the fact that you got the integer you had chosen

Reflectio. On the passage of time

reply that tries to start discussion based off points raised in the witty post but is ignored as the thread is on the verge of dying

A post mocking both of you for being unable to get a penultimate digit that is equal to the last digit.

Do not put me in the screencap

Reply that mockingly bumps the thread in spite of your butthurt

A post telling you to return to reddit

a post claiming that the holocaust never happened

Another cancerous wojackpost

Post that gets a 3

Last post before the thread dies

post that tells you to check my 3 instead

off topic shitpost

Overexaggerated reaction to your post number matching your guess.

meta post that mocks the stupid format of the thread

post that tries to derail the thread into traps

Samefag overreaction that makes your post get many replies

Post that derails the thread with race baiting

A post telling you that old Sup Forums was never good is a newfag meme

post calling you a faggot

reply containing cringeworthy ERP


post telling you to fuck off to Sup Forums

post telling you to stop whining about Sup Forums

Accusation of being a shill.

post complaining about unrelated political argument
