Times Sup Forums was wrong

Times Sup Forums was wrong

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but Sup Forums isn't a hivemind

Sup Forums is one person


Wasn't Sup Forums blowing their load over Monster Hunter World?

I say we were right when we said it was gonna be good.


What's its score if you remove the websites with 'Sony' in the name?

>Botw is a critical failure (except for nu males)
I'm indifferent with PUBG its a fun game no idea why Sup Forums hates it.

I think it would end up the same as BoTW once you remove the reviews with "Nintendo" in the name.

There's the still the idea of the board's general consensus though. Of course, there's always going to be some people who disagree, but in a lot of a cases, most people say the same thing.

>Citation needed

>times were /n/intoddlers were wrong

it's too popular for Sup Forums's secret club now

>Times /S/onygroids were wrong

Gee, game that's been casualized for the west and game journalists is getting high score from them. I am shocked I tell you. Shocked.


MHW is not even the best game of the day

the majority would be in favor

>b-but sony

A lot of anons were saying it was casualized.

So MHW is a critical failure, except for nu-males then?


>He says while using "B-but Nintendo" in another thread
You know you're doing it, don't even try to deny

>on anything but nintendo
nice try buddy, we know what you're trying to pull

But OP, most of Sup Forums was shilling this game pretty hard.

>remember when monster hunter got shit or middling reviews for being TOO HARD
>now Worlds is getting good reviews


The same outlets that gave BOTW praise gave praise to MHW. By your logic, if BOTW is a critical failure (except for nu-males, of course), so is MHW. :^)

>went to check the Xbone version's score to see what it could be
>1 review
Kek this is going to sell like absoloute shit on the shooter-broBox

MH4U had good reviews too. Toddlers weren't really doubting the validity of those reviews for some reason.

>My consoles doesn't have nu-males i swear
You both get the soy virus, boy


I thought moons hated it

>b-but it doesn't count if they're not white

>so confused you don't know the difference anymore between a nu-male face and a surprised face
Nintendo fans, everyone

Those faces are bad but don't you even try and compare them to the soyocity emanating from the nu-tendo soypose pictures

You mean always?

And somehow they decide to delay the PC version by at least 6 months.

>it's not as grindy therefore it's bad

>Y-yeah but Nintendo's has more Soy!
Get over it so(n)yboys

>pic is filled with balding nu-males
>Not Soy

Hows the performance on the normal ps4? Better or worse than the beta?

You're right, they're even worse

>a guy literally posing with a soyface is the exact same as someone being surprised on camera and using this reaction as a thumbnail
you can't even go back anymore, Nintendo owns your soul and your ass


It's the same. It was a network test, not an actual beta.

So its still unplayable?

>Being so autistic you think you know the difference between being soy and surprised
Not fooling me Soyboy

They wanna make sure the PC port isn't trash... what's so fucking hard about that to understand. God damn subhumans.

you don't even know what you're trying to say anymore, please stop posting and go back sucking Nintendo's dick since you've been doing it for a long time now

Because it was only MHfans in the threads. We knew what we were getting either way. Now it's just a bunch of shit flinging from Sony fags and people false flagging and Sony fags. Same thing happened to Nier threads after the Automata demo, same thing happened to BOTW threads after reviews were released, same fucking thing happened after FFXV came out and it was no longer just people who had been waiting for it since it was called Versus.

>implying actual MHfans care about reviews on yet another monhun game

If you thought the beta was unplayable then yes it would still be unplayable because they didn't change anything. Let me repeat this for you.

It was a network test, not an actual beta.

You're clearly seething knowing that you have just found out that your console has as many Soyboys as Nintendo's

You are what you shitpost


Generations was piss easy for casuals. But you won't here Sup Forums admit that

then show me these soyboys, because the pic has like 75% of people being genuinely surprised, not posing while showing their new favorite company's product

You think monhun is good because a nu-male that never touched the series says so?

>because the pic has like 75% of people being genuinely surprised
>genuinely surprised

user, pls. You know I'm right. Game journalists are beating the game with minor-moderate difficulty and likes how forgiving the combat is when they made a mistake.

BOTW is a critically acclaimed masterpiece.
MH is a niche series ruined by this latest blunder, journos can't tell because they never, ever touched a monhun game before.

nice argument, you sure showed me
here, let me try too
>Nintendo fanboys are not all soyboys, some of them are respectable human beings

>by at least 6 months.
try 9 bud

oh now its my turn
>Playstation is soy free all those pics are just people being "surprised"

you're not even trying anymore to counter my statements since you don't have any argument to begin with, but it's not your fault, you're born stupid and were taught Nintendo was the best company for people like you, so you thought they deserved some respect

>urgh it's those pesky Sonyfags
Just admit that you lost MH and you can't cope with it.

Nintendo and Sony are both soy. No arguments needed. Get over it


Who else could it be? Legit question

fuck amazon they are delivering it on monday

So many Bamco fags wanted to shill for DBZF and hoped MH to fail

What a bunch of turds

go back to neofag

Did you buy shipping with a guaranteed delivery date? If so, bitch and you'll at least get a refund on the shipping.

The salt of toddlers is immense

>3DS MH games vastly casualized from MHFU
>i-it's fine MH needed to move on!

>MHW does the same

There is no winning against the hypocrisy of toddlers.

Briana wu is stunning and brave

I want MHW to succeed more than anyone, but reviews are a minor thing. Let's see where the sales end up.

>caring more about sales than quality
Why are people like this these days?

ordered it on the 6th
lost my card
got a new one i updated it but mhw order didnt update the order details
only found out now

gg it was me

DS MH games vastly casualized from MHFU
>>i-it's fine MH needed to move on!
Tri existed before the 3DS games, you fucked up your own analogy

Grad school psychologist here. The act of trying to personify (online) communities/groups and attributing specific traits/opinions to them is a common defense mechanism of autists, which is used simplify social interactions. Dealing with these self-defined proxy identities is easier for them then dealing with more nuanced viewpoints.

>was wrong
You mean about pretty much every single came that exists?

No replies, because it doesn't fit the shill narrative

>Grad school psychologist here

Yea can I get a double latte and one of those carrot cake muffins?

Oh fuck right off, the 3DS games built off of MHP3rd, which vastly improved the controls over MHFU. MHFU, despite having the largest roster in any MH games, has some of the shittiest controls in any PSP game I've ever played. Hunting Horn was practically unplayable, and the only things that Tri/3U did was IMPROVE HH to make it not sheer fucking ass to play. Literally every MH game after FU has been trying to make Hunting Horn not suck dick to play, and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

It's also not 'casualization' to improve basic movement and gameplay from one iteration to the next, and that's literally what every game after MHFU did until the X series.

That explains a lot actually.

Sup Forums threads involving almost any specific game or topic are two warring hiveminds trying to screech the loudest to get (you)

Sup Forumsalso loves being contrarian in general

Wouldn't that just be a cupcake? Either way that sounds rad.

Damn, this is eye opening.

>unironically arguing with someone who uses nu-male as an argument

>Caters to a more casual audience while upping polish
Well gosh. I can't imagine why a general audience would like it so much.
What a mystery.

So what you're saying is, it's only casualization when MHW improves controls and balance?

im not gonna argue if you think 15 fps is playable

>Hunting Horn was practically unplayable
What? Don't blame the game because you suck you casul

I do this all the time. But I'm also a massive sperg.

Can't wait to play on my X and later on PC while Soynyboys are stuck with 20FPS on PS4.

Doesn't everybody do this to some extend?

>forgets about the Nintendo Bonus

>Dealing with these self-defined proxy identities is easier for them then dealing with more nuanced viewpoints
That sounds more like a common defense mechanism in general.
Unless most people I know are also autists.

You’re delusional if you think the beta was unplayable let alone 15 FPS

I don't need to study to know that the majority of Sup Forums is autistic.

Do you think this board being anonymous has anything to do with encouraging that mentality? After all, you have no names to associate thing with, no actual identities you can learn, so when guessing who said that, it's pretty tempting to go "Oh, must be Nintendo fans!" since there's literally nothing else to go with. You can't actually deal very well with more nuanced viewpoints when you don't know who's saying what, if someone responding to you is the person you were responding to, etc.

>forgets about the Sony bonus

I really don't get the FPS complaints. Just getting away from the 3DS's tiny 240p screens is a huge step forward.