Gameware KG pulls Xbox from their stores because of Game Pass

>The announcement was quite surprising: Earlier this week , Microsoft said that in future all in-house productions will be part of the Xbox Game Pass when they appear. Specifically, it means that paid Game Pass subscribers can automatically download full-price new releases from Microsoft at no additional cost. This includes the upcoming titles " Sea of Thieves ", " Crackdown 3 " and " State of Decay 2 ". The trade threatens to break away the software business at the Xbox first-party games. That the trade is not pleased about the extension of the Netflix-like offer is understandable. Sometimes the reactions go beyond understanding.
>Gameware KG, operator of the portal , told GamesMarkt that all Microsoft consoles were dropped. Gameware KG does not open up, why one should still sell Microsoft consoles, "which bring zero merit and only expenditure, if Microsoft afterwards wants to profit from the marketing of the software only". The company from Innsbruck, Austria, has been in business since 1989 and has since had almost 375,000 customers. And to Microsoft says Gameware: "Who wants to do business alone, should do the work alone."

Is Microsoft planning on going all-digital next gen?

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butt hurt soyboys

Did they do the same to PC games when Steam was a thing in 2003?

Games are expensive ins australia (like 80-100) so who cares.

>butt hurt soyboys

What a retarded thing to say - do you even understand what's happening?

And fucking gamestop is not saying anything?

It begins.
One day, all shitty gamestops and gamestop-like stores will be gone.
God bless MS for getting the ball rolling.

Seems fair, why should they sell xbox if it's going to make them redundant as a company?

>Oh no! They no longer sell games with an added bullshit fee!
Good riddance, fuck gamestop and similar retailers

Games weren't as big a market back then.

Though saying that any game store/a store with games in I go to always has a tiny PC section where half of it is just Steam giftcards and controllers, so I guess kinda, yeah.

>Oh no! We will no longer be able to sell 2 games a year to 10% of the console base!


Are you really unable to distinguish between austria and australia or are you just american?

Good, I'm fine with going all digital next gen. Fuck these retailers they can die for all I care.

No. Half the people in this thread are retarded. This is Sup Forums after all.

some xbox fans on twitter are taking it the wrong way.
but this does seem like something Microsoft should address soon.

I don't see the problem. If they don't want to sell the console, other places will. Retail stores should prefer this since they don't have to spend so much shelf space on software that may not sell.

>Xbox kills Gametop

honestly this
i got tired of gamestop and went full digital for ps4/xbone
its fun having people over and seeing 70 ps4 games inside my ps4

ITT: ass shattered XBUTTS who drank the digital jew

Based Gameware Fritzls. It makes no sense to hoard shitboxes in your store/warehouse that only take up insane amounts of space which could be used to store other products instead. Micro$hit wants to promote and sell their hardware through third parties while taking 100% of the cut for their digital kike games.
I hope other stores follow suit and drop this shitcancer corporation.

Real talk, nobody buys xbox outside of the US/UK, shit even the Wii U sold more in eu countries.

Never heard of them.

Do you live in Austria? If not then of course you haven't heard of a retailer that only operates there.

No, I mean I live in the city this is supposed to be in and I never heard of them.

austria not australia you retarded amerimutt

Nobody will want to sell consoles only. Unlike giftcards which did have an upside, console only sales are only problems for a retailer. I expect in the future the Video Game store won't even be a retail spot. More room for mediocre restaurants and bars.

same here

>what is Steam?

For consoles I mean.

Do they really expect everyone to jump on gamepass? How much is it anyway?

Game Pass isn't bad idea, but from their point of view it really makes sense.
Now, instead of buying some not the latest game for $20-$30, people can just buy a $10 subscription and enjoy the game and even more other games for a month. Especially since many people don't really care about replayability. Having a platform with such service is going to kill their business, though the hardware could actually sell, at the cost of software sales from every platform.


there seems to be a huge beef between people who stick to one platform on Sup Forums but at least you can all come together and laugh at the xbox

>his includes the upcoming titles " Sea of Thieves ", " Crackdown 3 " and " State of Decay 2
i swear to god ive been hearing this exact same thing for years now

Imagine being so stupid that you think competition between companies isn't the only reason why pro-consumer moves exist in the first place. Small businesses should totally roll over and die so Microsoft can have their monopoly and we can get back to their Xbox 360 days of hubris.

Most of normalfags care about multiplats. And the proof being that Xbox is still relevant along side PS4 and did way better job in sales than Wii U. This and Xbone X might be game changers on the console market.

How will microsoys ever recovers?

it's this thing that happens when water boils

>coward move
>calls himself life is xbox
Definition of a brainlet.s

Xbox saving gaming

does the xbox even have a single exclusive? is halo still exclusive or is that on pc now too?

>Game Pass isn't bad idea
Short-term for a company without any future it really is a good idea. It's preferable to get $10 per month for a whole year than it is to launch a couple of games per year and pray people will be interested in both and buy them at full price at launch. The subscription is much more inviting.

However this tactic is bad for any competitive and viable company who releases more than a couple of games per year and can guarantee that 3 or 4 full price purchases are made each year from a good enough % of costumers. Giving out 5 or 8 big games yearly is simply not viable, 1 or 2 is. And it's too risky because consequences are an unknown at this point, 3rd party support could drop, investing more into 1st party studios might be impossible, etc

It's a good consumer thing. But it's only good short-term because it means the company is about to go under, so there will be nothing left for the consumer a decade from now. Like the majority of MMO's that go F2P, it's a clear sign of weakness and bad things to come. But hey, MS needs the good PR, for whatever that's worth.

>sea thieves, crackdown 3, state of decay 2
Sounds more like they just woke up and realized there'd be nothing left to sell for bone in the near future, time to wrap that part up like the atari jaguar.

theyre coming soon, just you wait

I imagine most retailers in EU have been waiting for a good excuse to finallly kick those big green wastes of space off their shelves.

Now imagine getting a single ban on any steam game means no MP for your entire account until 9999...

>Thinking retailer will want to just sell consoles on such a low profit margin

Its only for fucking 1st party MS dev titles, you still have to buy fucking CoD and Madden at the store.

>xbox exclusive

Console yeah


Again, console exclusive.
I don't see them on ps4, asshole.

Please fuck off. back to. reddit.


>It's a good consumer thing

How? Gamepass is retarded

>instead of reading a review/ watching a video/ whatever/ to see if a game is good you just give $120 a year to Microsoft and hope the game are good
>from a company that struggles to put out 3 AAA exclusives a year, let alone 3 that might actually be good

>Did they do the same to PC games when Steam was a thing in 2003?
Since when is Steam a subscription service?

uh i dont see monster hunter on switch either, dont make it an exclusive

The pic doesn't say console exlusive, sweeite.

>Its only for fucking 1st party MS dev titles
Wrong. There's quite a lot of third party games, such as MGS, DMC4, Resident Evil games and 360 and og Xbox games.
>you still have to buy fucking CoD and Madden at the store.
No shit. It's about older third party games and new first party games.

It's a digital store. MS is pushing digital with play anywhere and Xbox game pass.

Now imagine be such a shithead and cocksucker that you actually cheat in multiplayer games. If you do this you deserve to have all your steam games stripped of their online ability

>It's a digital store.
No, Game Pass is a subscription service.

Oh I didn't mean specifically Xbone's version. Only retards buy that system.
I meant the concept overall. I would gladly even play double that amount ($240 per year) if it was a PS4 sub, for example. That's about a third of what I spend on games yearly, it would be totally worth it, assuming every release would be included. Of course it would never happen on PS4 or Switch because they are both competent companies and they know 100% for sure they will get more than $120 per consumer every year, while MS (seemingly) doesn't.

Of course I would never want to see that happen because it would clearly foreshadow that Sony/Nintendo are about to leave the industry in a gen or two.

>you must be 18 years or older to post on this side

>PS4 or Switch because they are both competent companies and they know 100% for sure they will get more than $120 per consumer every year, while MS (seemingly) doesn't.
Playstation Now has waiting queues during prime hours while only being a streaming service and costing 99.99 per year.
You underestimate how much can people can get roped in on a service now.

it's right in the OP

I have no idea who these people are

How is that echo chamber?

Yeah a "Digital" subscription that give you "digital" games to download and play.
Play anywhere program is alson only availalbe "digitaly" on Microsoft (online) store.

Why in the world are people panicking over this shit?
It's money ON TOP of the online service, giving you the handful of yearly shit they make is the least Microsoft can do.

Holy shit, how young are you? Also Xbox makes more money than PlayStation.

But the point of this thread is Game Pass, hence why bringing up Steam makes no sense because it's a completely different service.
You don't pay $100 and get access to every game on Steam.

So wait, Game Pass literally let's you pay $120 and you get the entire Xbox One libray? Even stuff made before Game Pass became available?

The point of this reply is killing physical release ----> Retail's sale

Sorry but I don't seem to get your point.
How is your image related to games?
Will all that cash and ""focus""" give them Etrian Odyssey, SMT5, GundamVersus, EDF5, AegisRim:13Sentinels, the next Nier sequel, etc? I'm confused. All that money and all they have to show this year is a Pirate-themed VRchat clone and "Crackdown (doesn't-come-with-Halo3's-beta-and-the-second-one-sucked-so-I-don't-care) 3"

I would rather buy what I want instead of subscribing to game I might not even play

>entire xbox one library

But they're not pulling Xbox because they feel like Game Pass will kill physical, they're pulling Xbox because there's no reason to stock physical games that are, at this point, a net loss to the consumer when it comes to saving money.
Why would anyone come to their store to buy Xbox games when they can just get Game Pass and/or buy everything digital?

>And to Microsoft says Gameware: "Who wants to do business alone, should do the work alone."
Why is there a colon? Is that grammatically correct?

>Pirate themed VR chat
You mean sea of thieves? It's not a chat room & Rare already said that they won't include VR. That's good because VR is a shitty heavy gimmick meme
>Crackdown 3
no release
Also state of decay,

>Will all that cash and ""focus""" give them Etrian Odyssey, SMT5, GundamVersus, EDF5, AegisRim:13Sentinels, the next Nier sequel, etc?
All fukin niche eeb game outold by PUBG

I wouldn't, if everyone already subscribes to get all the games on a platform developers are going to look for other ways to monetize them since they're no longer worried about getting your $60.

Lol why are people defending console only digital games? What happens when after 20 years they shut down the service and you no longer have digital access to redownload the game? We seen this happen with PSP and soon to be Wii

It's for emphasis. Just imagine an Italian saying that, with the "," being a shrug and him raising his hand before finishing the rest of the phrase in a threatening manner.

Yeah just like when Steam was a thing. There is no point having PC physical release. In fact, nowadays, people don't even bother includind an optical drive because PHYSICAL releases on PC are mostly dead thanks to steam. Fukin hell, you can't be this retarded can you?

Honestly, I won't care. 20 years from now I'll move on with other games, if I'm even still alive and playing them.

You think Crackdown will sell? Shit like Persona and Nier have outsold trash like Sunset Overdive, Quantum break and Ryse.

>What happens when after 20 years they shut down the service
because it won't happen?

So you agree that they made the right decision to dump Xbox physical games?
What the fuck are you even arguing against?

>they don't have to spend so much shelf space on software that may not sell.
if they don't have any software to sell they die
no point freeing shelf space

>if I'm still alive

If you're 30 and above and still post here I think it's time you move on from Sup Forums

Who knows? You won't know anything about it as Microsoft doesn't report sales. PUBG sales are reported by PUBG corp

Redditors are the type to get triggered by being called a soyboy, though.

It most likely will. They may get a new service and thus cancel this. Steam is the only thing that will live and stay the same 20 years from now

So Microsoft is slowly but surely doing what they intended pre-launch of the One, and no one notices.

>mixer off to a strong start
wut? that shit is dead. twitch pretty much a monopoly at this point.

>Pay subscription and get video games, like other services that already exist
Is there an issue here?

Yes because digital is the future.
They can also get rid of EA physical games for all i care because exist.

It doesn't have to sell because of gamepass.
Imagine how many more people will pay 10$ to get it with gamepass rather than pay 60$ to own it.

> It's not a chat room
Is it not? Isn't 90% of that game's appeal just fucking around with friends? Something you can already do on every online game out there? Because I'm not seeing any interesting loops and long-term systems in that game.

>All fukin niche eeb game
Exactly. All that money and MS still only has AAA western trash. All of which I can play on other places anyway

>outold by PUBG
Again with the money. How is that money relevant to ME (or you) ? All that money and they closed most of their 1st party studios this gen. All that money and they cancelled Scalebound. All that money and the only thing they did was buy temporary exclusivity of a shit EarlyAccess game that doesn't even run well on their systems.

Get my point already? Money and profits are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what is done with it. Sony and Nintendo might not match the whole of Microsoft in terms of size and profit, but they sure to a whooooole lot more with what they have.

Like I said, it seems good at a first glance (just like pirating games seems good, hey it's free!) but of course there are serious consequences in the mid and long term. I wouldn't actually want that service to appear on platforms I care about.

Digital is only the future if you're a mong.
If consoles go full digital I will 100% never buy another console again.

It's like that old tale. If you just tossed a frog in boilling water it would do it's best to get away imediately. If, instead, you place it in cool water and slowly heat it up, the frog will boil to death.

>Microsoft doesn't report sales
Then how come we know Forza Horizon 3 sales then? Face it Crackdown has zero hype and at this point gonna be a ghost release. Dragonball FighterZ will outsell it on its platform