>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
REmake, trying to get Platinum Trophy
>best girl
Resident Evil
Other urls found in this thread:
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
6 because it's the only one I haven't played
>best girl
>favorite RE game
>current RE you're playing
Going to play RE:7 Not a Hero when I get home today.
>Best Girl
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
Thinking about getting REmake on PC for nude mods. I've never given a shit about nude mods in any game but for some reason the idea of going through the entire game as Jill nude appeals to me. I don't even think it's a sexual thing, I think it's something to do with heightening her vulnerability in an already super dangerous situation.
>best girl
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
>best girl
Jill love zombie dicks
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
Remake, casually speed running the game, my on is 1:42 right now.
>best girl
Claire. I want it to be Jill but Claire just does things to my dick.
>favorite RE game
REmake or RE4
>current RE you’re playing
Revelations, grinding out raid mode on xbox
>best girl
Jill obviously
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
RE revelations
>best girl
>favorite RE game
Tie between REmake and RE2
>current RE you’re playing
Kinda wanna replay Lost in Nightmares, since it came up in one of the other RE threads the other day.
>best girl
>>favorite RE game
>Re2 is my favorite, but I played REmake for the last sixteen years.
>>current RE you’re playing
>Rerev1, because I never played the HD version
>>best girl
>Jill (best outfit is classic S.T.A.R.S.)
Nothing atm
>favorite RE
4 or 5 gold edition
>current RE I'm playing
I jump between Raid Mode in Rev2 for the daily challenges to level characters to get shit for Cipher, been playing 4 with the PLR for shits to oneshot bosses, and 5 Mercs.
>best girl
Jill or Excella
>best girls
Sheva, Ada, Sherry
How is raid mode in the first Revelations compared to the second? I have only played 2's raid mode, and it's everything I ever wanted from a Resident Evil game. I am tempted to try out the first raid mode for the characters mainly, but having more stages sounds good too.
Post cute images of RE girls
>tfw no good SFM Jill stuff
Stages start fairly simple but become much more complex than Rerev2 (check out Ghost Ship mission on youtube for instance). The main problem is that this is a port of a 3DS game. On 3DS the game was amazing for what it was, but on console it feels stiff to control and aiming is a bit janky although weapon feedback is decent. Major differences are you level all characters (that have preset set perks) at once that can all carry three weapons from the start, and the weapon mods can be put in/out without penalties. I encourage you to play it on pc, you'll have more options to finetune the controls. The campaign is definitely worth it if you haven't played it yet.
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
RE2. The 'REmake 2 hype' last week got me replaying the series. Gonna do 0 or REmake next
>best girl
>favorite RE game
>current RE you're playing
RE7 madhouse
>best girl
First is way better since it has actual thought instead of reusing maps from 6 and better encounter planning instead of just throwing enemies at you.
rem kae is bets game
best girls are jill/claire>sherry
Best girl is obviously Alexia Ashford.
Jill does things to my dick
Not a Hero
Nothing compares to my suffering.
>favorite RE game
>current RE you're playing
none, I wish it was 2009-2010 so I would play RE5 co-op
>best girl
Jill, til forever no better
RE4 or RE2
Nothing at the moment.
Rebecca, Claire or Sherry. Too hard to decide.
out of re1-3, what density of enemies did you guys prefer? less but more powerful enemies in 1 or the hordes they would throw at you in 2 & 3? Also how did you feel about the dodge mechanic in 3? Devving a RE clone and need some ideas
no need
Jill without any doubt.
RE2/3 style. Hordes, but you have some more powerful mooks that come after you as well.
Dodge mechanic was...fine? I never got good at it, so it didn't break the game, though some people argue it made it too easy.
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
None. Considering getting Revelations for Switch.
>best girl
how about hordes combined with a specific enemy that acts as a crimson head? that way I could put a crimson head in the middle of a horde so the player is careful not to kill it
>favorite RE game
Code Veronica
>currently playing
>best girl
I am intrigued.
Jill looks like she was drawn by Oda and Leon was drawn by Kubo
>tfw you'll never Excella Excella Gionne's Gionne
>Wesker passed on this prime pussy
god dommit
Sorry dude but this is the worst taste I've ever seen. At least pick Claire if you like CV.
Spotted a nu-RE babby
how do you feel about Ms. Julia Voth?
would you eat a Jill sandwich?
Haven't made that enemy yet but I think it'd be a neat idea. Working on the item box atm
Why are her feet penises?
Who dis
I want whatever she has here
do not take that tone with Ms. Voth!
Looks promising. You do all that yourself?
The dodge mechanic in 3 is nice for horde builds as it prevents stunlock. Powerful enemies work better in games where you want players to avoid enemies or place a secondary focus on combat. The real thing you should look at is ammo count. Once you design a lay-out of enemies, do runs tallying shots fire to get an idea of total ammo counts, then figure out how the break it up for the best places to reward exploration, etc. Resident 2 and 3 give liberal amounts of ammo compared to 1.
Yep, all me. Been working on it for nearly a year now. Been spending the past few days planning the entire map while I played through re1-3. Here's a chunk of my games "spencer mansion" although the location is obviously not a mansion
heres the better version. dont disgrace jill with a gif again
That sandwich looks pretty complex to eat. Her technique looks clumsy.
Yeha, thats a good idea. I did notice at the end of RE3 I had way too much ammo. This was actually the first time I had played re2 and 3, and its funny how the series strayed towards action a lot sooner and more gradually then i had thought
>favorite RE game
2 for klassic, REv2 for new RE because its raid mode is fantastic.
>current RE you’re playing
I'm playing 6 for the first time, it's as terrible as everyone said. There's stuff that I like but tons of stuff that I hate and I can't see how this was Capcom's answer to everyone saying that RE5 was too action oriented.
>best girl
don't tell me what to do
Nice. Godspeed on your endeavor.
thanks user
Yeah no, 2 was directed by Kamiya whose an action guy at heart. It also draws a lot from aliens, which way more action oriented too. Series dropped the horror pretty quickly beyond jump scares. Don't feel too bad when people inevitably say your game isn't scary either. Just focus on making the survival side fair, and you should be fine.
>best girl
RE3 Jill
Yeah I realized that its gonna be impossible anyway to create pure scares with 16x16 art so I've focused on mechanics such as inv management, limited saves and slower paced combat to create tension.
>favorite RE game
REmake and 4
>current RE you’re playing
About to start End of Zoe
>best girl
I read Heavenly Island a few days ago and I found it to be terrible. Like the artist or writer tried to self-insert as an impossibly competent otaku OC that gets to fuck a young idol with a baby face and huge tits. Claire is in the background most of the time too, like she's unimportant.
>About to start End of Zoe
You're gonna have fun, that shit was dope.
fuck, i wish i could EoZ for the first time again
>Favorite RE Game
Resident Evil 2, with REmake being a close second.
>Current RE you're playing
I'm marathoning all the RE games, and i'm now halfway into Code Veronica X HD (PS3)
>Best Girl
Really can't fucking decide, Resident Evil has some gorgeous women. Maybe REmake Jill or REmake Rebecca.
i cant enjoy that version, the backgrounds look so muddy
Yeah, i bought the Resident Evil Super Pack to replay all the games because of the REmake2 hype and i'm disliking the graphic changes on the HD version of CV:X.
she may be the youngest and least experienced, but shes a good girl
>favorite RE game
REmake followed closely by 2
>current RE you're playing
Re 7, having a good time so far but it goes by slowly due to lack of free time
>best girl
Shit that's a tough one, gonna have to say Jill though
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
I was thinking of replaying 4, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
>best girl
6 was the most fun I've had with a modern game in a long time. Playing No Mercy with a friend is great.
I played the campaign for both, surprisingly I found the first Revelations to be way better after finishing 2. Had no interest in Moira, Natalia or Alex and the story only focused on them. Barry was cool and had great lines, but Claire had zero characterisation, if she was replaced with a levitating gun that guided Moira through the island killing zombies then the game would be no different.
I liked less, more powerful enemies, but as someone already said that worked well with the tight cramped mansion in 1. Hordes worked well in 2 and 3 especially because of wide paths.
Gonna play through the last 30 mins of REDC on Vita.
Claire>Jill>Ada>the rest
Just finished Rev1 and thought it was okay. I can see that it was definitely a mobile game because I finished most chapter sections in 4-8 minutes. Did not feel too much like classic RE because you always have a goal and almost a clear line to get there. I can recall maybe 2 instances where I chose my own path and backtracked. Just not enough exploration, honestly. I thought they were going to pull a Dead Aim and the ship was going to crash, then there would be another area to explore but it never happened. Overall an okay 2 day experience. Hope Rev2 is good.
>favorite RE game
I haven't played them all so i don't know for sure, i guess either REmake or 4 at the moment
>current RE you’re playing
5. Finished the main game yesterday, was gonna start on the DLCs today but got sick
>best girl
Sheva, hands down.
>favorite RE game
Resident evil 3
>current Re you're playing
resident evil 2 and 3
>best girl
is claire getting fat?
2 is a good game in its own regard, I was just disappointed that it begins as a legitimately interesting character focused (there are only about 6 characters in the whole game who appear more than once) mystery in a great Soviet-era apocalyptic island, filled with interesting level design, but then it becomes a boring slog through empty mines and quarries killing dumbed down RE5 enemies, having already been told all the plot twists and answers hours ago. The last few levels leading up to the final boss (and the boss itself) are excrutiatingly dull.
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
>best girl
you wouldn't download a becca, would you?
Rebecca is the cutest.
Claire's Redfields!
>As if someone's personal taste is going to be insulted by some neckbeard
>Being this pathetic in thinking so and doing it anyways
What mechanics do you guys think they will add in REmake 2 like they did with the crimson heads in 1?
crimson claire
>Favorite RE
3 or REmake
>Current RE played
2, replaying all of the classic games
>best girl
Jill Valentine, always and forever.
You have good taste in waifus but seriously, zero?
>favorite RE game
Resident Evil Outbreak
>current RE you’re playing
Resident Evil 0 HD
>best girl
Add Crimson heads as semi-regular enemies, already walking around the police station.
I honestly can't even pinpoint why it's my favorite. It just it.
Wouldn't dream of calling it the best RE game though.
>favorite RE game
>current RE you’re playing
>best girl