Playing a fighting game with someone and they keep using fireballs, doing the low medium kick into fireball...

>playing a fighting game with someone and they keep using fireballs, doing the low medium kick into fireball, using shoryukens on your jumps, and throwing you when they get close

Why do lame people do this? It takes no skill. Pretty much the cheap way of winning. This is why people don't play fighting games.

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three hundred posts from now they will look back and they will remember that we (I) already knew you were a mellow fellow

>cheap way of winning

>inb4 FGC gets anusmad about people not liking their game

How are people supposed to play then?

Get fucking good you fucking scrub go play some fpissshit faggot

Things that need to be removed from fighting games

>Cross ups
Honestly these are so fucking cheap i'm not even sure how they allow this sort of thing to remain. They need to be blocked if you are blocking. Block direction should not have to change sides until the person is on the ground behind you.

These are also fucking bullshit. I'm tired of playing a patient game, getting some good hits on my opponent and all of the sudden this chink manages to touch me once and I lose a massive chunk of life. I hit him 5 times. He only managed to get lucky and hit me once. So why does he get crowned the winner? It's a silly and shitty mechanic that needs to be done away with.

>Frame data
These need to be heavily encrypted and hidden from public view. Once people have frame data it is no longer a game anymore it's about which nerd has studied more. They need to hide these, not give it to everyone.

Another cheap thing. If i'm blocking all your moves like a pro then thats tough luck. Maybe you should try to read me better to get a hit, instead everyone just resorts to the derpy little throw ability. Not only is this unfair, it makes absolutely no game sense. If I have my guard up how would it be possible for a person to grab me? They would be pushed away instantly.

Learn how to react to it.
Better yet, stop posting weak bait on Sup Forums and go play a game, you piss drinking frog shitter.


you need to ban cheap play, otherwise you end up with this, tourneyfags spamming cheap fireballs and cheap moves to win

fgcucks actually think this spamming and throwing takes skill

>you need to ban cheap play
I need to? Sorry champ my house my rules

You are a retard

>why do people do this?
>it takes no skill

answered your own question

well, every fighting game is a clone of street fighter 2, they're based around the same spamming and shoryukens

>how are they supposed to grab with my guard up
Having your arms close to your body makes it even easier to lock you. Bet you have no idea of "actual" fighting.

Shut the fuck up imbecile you don't know shit

>learning pokken
>really understanding shit for the first time
>predicting things and seeing it pay off
>realizing you're not fighting the character so much as the real person and how he plays
>practicing combos and landing them for real online
>actually memorizing what every last input for your character does and how they're useful

I've played so many fighting games before casually with my brother, but suddenly this pokken one just clicked and I see the genre in a whole new way. It's really fun to take it seriously. I bet pokken is babby tier or something but nevertheless, I've never been so exhilerated in a 1v1 game, it leaves my heart pounding when I win.

it's true, the only fighting games that have broken the mold and actually take skill are smash bros and bloody roar, if you've been playing for a long time you would know that, scrub

>Sup Forums gets trolled episode #255601201

Just doing the wrong thing every time? That's OP's idea of a fight?
>Hurr Durr, why are you playing skillfully, I don't like it.

>throwing hadoukens until someone jumps
>then doing a shoryuken

imagine being so autistic that you think this takes more skill than a truly advanced fighter like super smash bros

Now you can't escape desu

Yep, you're getting it. Fighting games are total mind games and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You're undeniably retarded. FULLY Retarded.

>beat opponent
>he starts using more and more grabs each time

>Beat opponent
>He switches to the character you're using
>Beat him harder
Is there a better feeling in fighting games?

t. justifying his sunk costs in a no skill genre

should have spent those valuable hours you'll never get back on a game that actually requires skill, maybe you'd be ok at smash or dota by now, but with your iq probably not.

where can I even talk about pokken? here or /vp/? or do I actually have to go to /vg/, which is reportedly complete circlejerking tripfag cancer?

>lose to him
>lose to him
>lose to him
>beat him at last

did you learn and overcome him? have you become better than him? are you even now, or is this just a fluke victory? I wonder how he feels about it himself

Nah senpai you're fucked in that department forget about discussion