it still hurts
I unironically think this may be the greatest game trailer ever made.
I watched this trailer so many fucking times
>when you thought BB shot up a cell full of kids
>when you thought he would actually become a demon
>A Visionary robbed of his future
>What took you so long?
God Kaz was so good in this
hackjima should just make a tv show and stay away from gaming
>We're not burying them at sea? What then?
>We'll make diamonds out of their ashes. Take them into battle with us.
>A shining light to our brothers in arms. Even in death...
>We are Diamond Dogs
>I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea
>I will always be with you.
>yfw you realized they revealed 90% of the story in the trailers
>all these scenes that werent even in the game
fuck kojima
>Mfw watching that part the first time
I miss those hype and theory threads
Kojima is a better video director than a game maker
Oh wow what a surprise
>the trailers actually told a better story than the fucking game
>haha mgs = movies amirite :^)
Please go.
im still mad about this
Anyone got the posts of some dude claiming to be on the dev team and revealing all this cool shit that was supposed to happen but PS3/360 limitations fucked everything up
I dont think ps3/360 ports are what ruined the game my man
>all this cool shit that was supposed to happen but PS3/360 limitations fucked everything up
I doubt that. If anything they weren't able to do all the cool shit because it just wasn't possible, Kojima is know for shooting too high with his games and wanting to add everything to them. Just look back at MGS4 with his whole "wanting to give the enemy soldiers actual AI emotions" which just turned into magazine/darts that cause soldiers to laugh/cry/scream then pass out.
I swear to god I have it somewhere here man, have this in the meantime
>Have to create a game that will run on 10 year old hardware
Yes it did. MGS5 could have been a lot more dense
>tfw Big Boss never became Bad Boss
now im angry again. Fuck you kojima
>"I'm already a demon" was a throwaway line in the first 1 hour of the game
It's been two and a half years and thinking about this game still makes me want to kill myself
Kojima should be thrown in a fucking Siberian gulag for his betrayal
>every cutscene in the entire game was used for 20 trailers for some reason
O look its another MGS thread post MGSV where all it is is faggots crying over a year after the game that they don't like it... we get it.
The fact that you cannot discuss any of the themes or ideas that ANY games had anymore is so depressing. Its just "its still hurts" and fags who like to whine on the internet
He wanted to finish it. Konami made him rush it. MGSV would have been GOTY 2017.
You do realize it took him 5+ years to make the shit we got, right? Kojima did not "rush it".
its themes and ideas were shitty
>muh anti-nuke messages
Neck parasites with no connection to any of the series was a bad theme. Not much to talk about.
Yes. But the game was not finished. He got fired before the game released. They were done with video games and he had to get this shit out the door.
It took 5 years, but it was still rushed.
I'm betting a lot of time, at least a year, was spent on developing the engine
It's a fucking lie. There is no way that this game being the way it was was not intentional. I firmly believe they deliberately designed the game from the ground up as a huge middle finger to long time fans. There's just no way around it.
This, for fucks sake. It makes me wonder whether that's all they made or that they were forced to actually release the game in 2015, so they just made the story up around the things they shown in trailers to use other ideas in their next games.
>literally 7 years in development
>they rushed it
Imagine being this deluded
>you dont get revenge on anyone, nobody does
He could have at least written the plot and planned shit out while supervising engine development though.
It was a big, ambitious game. They weren't finished. How is this even up for debate? The special edition includes a fucking half-finished cutscene of the boss battle at the true end of Act 2.
I still don't understand the story. It's so fucking inconsequential.
I still remember the day it came out. So excited coming home from classes. When I pressed start and a lady said "V HAS COME TO" and The Man Who Sold The World started playing I thought I was in for one of the best rides of my life. Turns out it was only the best for the hospital part
>I firmly believe they deliberately designed the game from the ground up as a huge middle finger to long time fans.
that was MGS 2
Kaz was the only one who actually wanted/got revenge. But even then he was bipolar thoughout the whole game, screaming about revenge one minute then wanting to save abandoned nigger kids and getting rid of nukes the next minute.
Nah. On a conceptual, subdermal level I think MGSV is the most thoughtful and inspired game Metal Gear has save for MGS2.
The issue is that the plotting is a mess, the presentation is a mess, and the actual game design is an even bigger mess than MGS4's or PW's. I still think it's a good game overall, but it's a clumsy one.
>think it's some super intelligent 2deep4me philosophical idea
>it's literally a language that kills people with parasites
Engine was in development since 2008, when they were working on Peace Walker and MGS Rising, which was supposed to be the first game on Fox Engine.
Not really for me. The idea that snake was never meant to be a real character when he was initially made he was suppose to be a conduit for the player to experience the kinda story that could only be told through the medium of interactive video games. People made him to real though almost like the themes of 4 where he talks about in length how people canonize people and turn them into gods he was talking about snake in the real world.
V is the final point finishing his idea that snake was never suppose to be an actual character just a way for the player to experience Kojimas story. Even if you think thats stupid wouldn't it be more fun to discuss it instead of crying about the games?
Its almost like revenge just leads to phantom pain
So I just thought of something that might make people even more angry.
What if the alleged $80,000,000 that covered MGSV + the engine was also covering a MGS3 remake? The pachinko assets look too good to be thrown together by a some random pachinko dev (even if the lip syncing is a bit weird)...
>WAHHH the trailer showed Snake but I had to play as Raiden booooohooooo
>ten minutes of awkward silence
What did they mean by this?
No one's arguing it isn't finished. I'm saying it's certainly not Konami's fault, especially after seeing Kojima waste money on hollywood actors, firing established ones, and licensing worthless era songs, meanwhile shitting out a trailer every year that spoiled the entire game.
Of course it was intentional. They fired Kojima months before the release date, locked him in a room, and forced him to make trailers so they could sell you this piece of shit and jew you with microtransactions.
>I'm saying it's certainly not Konami's fault
It's nobody's fault. They didn't want to keep pouring money into one of the most ambitious games of all time. It was a gamble that they chose not to take, and it resulted in a complete restructuring of their entire company.
This. Why else would they include the "cut content" on the disk? All they wanted was to make the player feel a phantom pain.
but he actually becamo a demon after betraying everybody.
>Now go, clean up oil spills and save children!
Wow, what a demon, such wetwork.
>be depressed lately
>roll around in bed whispering
kill me
Every night I can feel Act 3... The game we lost. The game that never was. It won't stop hurting. It's like it's really there.
You feel it too, don't you?
>mfw mgsv was so bad it killed Sup Forums sings
>trailer intentionally edited in a way to make Snake look like he's lighting up a cell full of niglets
>game comes out
>killing a child is an instant game over
mgsv is the best game made in decades.
Kaz was in the hospital with you after the crash. He saw the medic with the chuck of shrapnel in his head. "What about him"
And then he just pretended to not know?
maybe they should have actually finished the game instead of wasting so much time and effort on shitty FOB shit
Yeah, but that's something Venom and Miller are victims of. They themselves aren't really all that monstrous aside from their usual war profiteering mercenary douchebaggery.
People were miffed they weren't involved in a bunch of evil shit, but the reality is that Big Boss being a manipulator behind the scenes was his founding character trait. Venom's existence might be a dumb addition to the story, but Big Boss's role in it is pretty fitting.
but then how would they scalp the players via microtransactions?
Hey, wait..
Same here, this and that Dawn of War 3 trailer are both the best game trailers I've ever seen, and both games turned out disappointing.
derete this
Greater good?
t-that wasn't kaz!!
>think the game will actually make a bold statement about killing child soldiers
>now go babysit these useless little brats, white boi
Wasted potential.
That's the point, totally agree with you.
Every metal gear game has a motto or theme, as anons had said before kojima is a film guy and he uses a action film cliche in every mgs I don't know why people get so mad when he used a 80's spy action film body double in his last game, actually fit pretty well in mgs saga.
Except you don't really see any of that. It just happens off screen or with throwaway lines also off screen. So here I'm left wondering what the point of any of this is.
It had been 9 years and Kaz been tortured by the Russians. He wasn't about to question why his gay lover has a horn when rescuing. He was also going blind.
Ocelot told him the truth when Skullface was killed.
Not going blind. The rest of the game proves that.
Then what about the cataracts in chapter 2?
He isn't fully blind but clearly his vision is impaired.
Big boss was laying right between kaz and the medic. One guy had a big piece of metal coming out of his head, and big boss didnt. I think hed remember that.
Pretty sure theres an interview somewhere where kojima just thought the eyes looked cool so he put them on kaz, who wears sunglasses a lot
>yfw the FOX engine was first shown to the public in 2011
>yfw the majority of the game's cutscenes were already shown by E3 2013
>yfw the chapter two trailer that plays inside the game contains shots from cutscenes that aren't even in the game
What did he mean by this?
As always I'll call anything without proof fake, but this is all very believable, especially the "pls don't make the game old gen" part
>Except you don't really see any of that
What do you mean? We hear Big Boss come to grips with the plan, we see him ensure it succeeds in the hospital, we hear Ocelot outline his intentions, and we know how Venom ultimately reacts to it from the timeline.
I wouldn't call any of those moments "throwaway lines."
you are lying
all of these:
are in xbox360 version game