Remake when

Remake when
Also this is objectively the best Fire Emblem because I said so

After the Thracia remake.

Thracia>Elibe=Magvell would be a cool remake priority.

Judging from what the devs have said, FE6 is next in line. Honestly though I want something new, with all the improvements made in the past few games (e.g. SoV voicing/art, CQ skill system/the structural mechanisms in levels, etc.)

You are correct

Why are they the best lords?

Ephraim is over powered as shit
Erika would have been good if they didnt give her such a shit attack stat

It's actually the only GBA game that doesn't need a remake right now despite its problems. 6 and 7 require one much more with how drastic its flaws are.

I have masturbated to Tharja without playing her game

shes from awakening

I hope the SS remake has a MU so I can have sex with Eirika.

I'd only want a remake if i could marry Lady lel on it.

begone waifu fags

no u

I also want gameplay improvements to, like substantially higher difficulty and a actual skill system.

Does it need that aspect added to the game though?
Wouldnt they need to completely change all the supports?

It doesn't need a remake, its already near perfection (not as perfect as 7 tho), they would certainly just ruin it.

She's not a very good character in her game so you aren't missing much.

because you are a redditor who loves incest memes
eirika isn't a good character at all and Ephraim is basically just Hector

Yes. They wouldn't need to change all supports, just add a MU x Eirika support.

nah, if they change it for one female theyll have to change it for all of them
also i feel like it would really contradict alot of the characters personalities
this was back when nintendo wrote characters to actually have depth and be interesting instead of making them generic waifus

Here we go again

Sorry to bust your bubble senpai but fire emblem characters have little depth outside two or three support convos, characters have always been tropey anime cutouts. "generic waifus" doesn't even make sense and applies to any girl.



If they remake this game they should:
-Increase the difficulty
-Add more chapters in the game to make it not be as short
-Change certain chapters like make that one defend map more difficult
-Unit balance is actually okay, just nerf certain units like Seth and Ephraim a bit and buff units like Knoll and Marisa
-Make Summoner more useful by expanding their summoning ability
-Replace the useless skills on promotes like Hawkeye on Sniper with obtainable skills through scrolls and learnable skills like in Fates
-Add some more characters you can recruit like an extra wyvern rider and mercernary
-Give enemies fixed skills like in Conquest
-Introduce a more easily obtainable 1-2 range sword like the kodachi or the wind swords.
-Readjust certain story aspects to make them make more sense, like why Selena still decides to side with Grado despite all evidence that damns them.
-Expand the post game
-Allow the player to buy more dragonstones post game
-Add more incest subtext between the two lords and if they're bold enough add an s support option between them.

>Good FE

Seth Emblem is shit. People only defend/like it these days because Awakening went further with this game's shit design


She's pretty terrible so you're not missing much

this will be one of that last games to be remade, i'd rather see PoR with better voice acting and upgraded models before this game

4/5 will be first

then 6/7

She's an okay character.

Giliam is best boy.

Name 3 decently written Fire Emblem characters from the GBA era onwards. Remakes don't count.

>Make it Awakening
I thought vanilla FE 8 was Awakening enough

thats not gerick
marissa, lute, colm

Where the fuck did I say I want it to be like Awakening? If anything things I said like enemies having fixed skills and harder difficulty make it not like Awakening.

How is that list anything like Awakening. 8 is already Gaiden 1.0, the only good gaiden-like.





I see Eirikas
Where are my L'arachel Sup Forumsros?

She's literally a meme, both as a unit and as a character.


The GBA games don't need remakes.

Their style doesn't really show age that much.

I'd much rather have remakes of 4 and 5.

In the dumpster

How does that even work? Do you get off to the idea of her being lovingly penetrated by her brother?



Idort here. Sacred Stones is the only FE game I've ever played and I'm thinking about replaying it. Is there a specific emulator I should use? Pic unrelated

There are more things that could be improved in a remake beyond visuals like gameplay, story and characters. Although then again, normies pay more attention to a leap in visual quality and change than those other things.

SS gameplay was always all dependent on whether you grinded or not. A remake would pigeon-hole you into one of those paths or if it doesn't then what was the goddamn point.

Your cuck memes won't work on me

please give me your myrrhs, based tasteman

surely you have some that i don't

>pigeon-hole into one of those paths
What makes you think they'll do that? And are you implying that IS can't improve certain gameplay and story aspects in the game?

>Your cuck memes won't work on me
No jokes, I am being serious.

Myrrh would be 100x better if she was a manakete (male).

I don't have any new ones. Yet

SS was easy even without grinding

>Game where Seth fucks every thing
>Game where trash units like Knoll can solo because monsters are shit outside zombie dragons who only show up in the last 2 chapters + post game memes
>Any light magic user can be good because monsters suck

No worries, i'll be patient
i know how good you can be at finding the fresh ones

Visual boy

Grinding or not grinding is basically the biggest decision you can make in the game so messing with that dynamic would be the most obvious thing they could change.

The gameplay in the original is basically fine probably too easy even if you don't grind. I don't trust IS to balance difficulty in these games anymore so why bother touching it.

The story is fine for what it is, you could add additional scenes I guess but its not like there's any holes that need to be filled.

>Easy is too easy
>Normal is too easy
>Hard is also too easy
the fuck is up with that? Ephraim is the fucking man, though. woof.

So the pairings that would make the most sense would be

Erica and Seth
Joshua and Natasha
Gerik and Marisa
Franz and Amelia
Gilliam and Syrene
Artur and Lute
Innes and Vanessa
Ephraim and Tana
Neimi and Colm

Incidentally these pairings are the best ones too. Though I'd personally switch Tana with L'arachel

Ephraim what are you doing here?

Because I love her personality, design, and she's a decent unit but that's a moot point in a game so easy.

Not Ross-Amelia for that not blood related brother and sister weeb experience

fuck off cancer

this but I want the remake to make her a lesbian

Yeah no shit it has problems but compare to any other gaiden-like it's the best. Only BR rivals it because its a part of Fates so it by far has the best mechanics but the maps are too shitty.

>I don't trust IS to balance difficulty in these games anymore so why bother touching it.
You clearly haven't played Conquest. The difficulty scaling and difference between each level of difficulty is excellent and is virtually fair, I don't see why they can't use that effort for that game and then apply it to FE8 so I can have this really challenging game that tests my skills well, as well. And the story is not without its hiccups like Selena just blindly following Grado despite the atrocities its making.

Sacred Stones is basically Awakening's prototype.

Like FE5 is proto Conquest

Nah, I can never pair them up with anyone but each other. Ross has his dad.

Yes, to everything except I'd make Eirika and Ephraim.

>I don't trust IS to balance difficulty in these games anymore so why bother touching it
SS has already terrible difficulty differences since all it does is stat inflation. Compare that to HHM, NM manic or CQ Lunatic which are probably the only good difficulty setting in the series because they actually change shit around and do make it harder.

From what I remember Conquest starts out pretty good but by the time I could get children I broke the difficulty curve.

Also its two completely different battle systems, I think balancing the GBA games takes a lot of finesse because you don't have much to work with.

>Using children to break the difficulty on Lunatic
I doubt that happened, sure the children are still good, but they're not invincible as you still need to use tanks, attackers and healers right.

Where the fuck is Lute and Artur?

I think I played Hard, I had no desire to play Lunatic after my Lunatic Awakening RNG playthrough.

>Not pairing Garcia with Gilliam for the bromance of a god damned lifetime

Alright. Now, I want to to carefully review this complaint, and the post in question.

>FE5 is proto Conquest
RD is proto Conquest. FE5 is FE5, an absurdly broken game.


Well the thing with Conquest there's barely any stat inflation from hard mode to lunatic mode, rather it focuses on enemy formations, reinforcements, map mechanics, and skills on enemies, and unlike Awakening, enemy skills are entirely fixed of where as in Awakening enemy skills are randomized.

You guys are blind. It says Artur and Lute in the list.

That's what was saying, I just didn't see it because he didn't list the top first

And you have no reading comprehension. is literally telling him to look back at the post.


Oh okay, my bad.

Ross and Garcia's supports are pretty quality.
Especially as Ross grows into an absolute god among men.

>30% speed

Tanky Pirate Crit machine.
My boy never needed to hit again.

You can literally just toss ross towards a group of enemies and forget about him, that entire half of the map will just decimate itself against him.

No, he dies.
15 HP with 3 defence doesn't take anyone far.

>15 HP
>Berserk Ross

start playing Metroid

Unless you're grinding, none of the trainees are worth using.

By the time Ross is a Zerker you already have units more than capable to, as you put it, "toss towards a group of enemies"
You're not really impressing anyone as Franz has been doing that since chapter 5.


u wot