>tfw you don't care about portability
>tfw you just wanted a high-power Nintendo console that could compete with the PS4/Xbox One and that got all the multiplats/third-party support
>instead we got the Switch
Shit sucks.
>tfw you don't care about portability
>tfw you just wanted a high-power Nintendo console that could compete with the PS4/Xbox One and that got all the multiplats/third-party support
>instead we got the Switch
Shit sucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care about portability either but playing in the shitter is pretty nice
This, I don't understand how people have all this free "on the go" time.
>Wanting ANOTHER AAA multiplat machine
We've already got two, plus PC. I think the Switch has a fair few design flaws - which I won't go into in this post - but the portability is a cool aspect of the console which really increases its mainstream appeal.
Which brings me to another point: a lot of third-parties stay away from Nintendo in general, either due to being uncertain about sales figures or due to having grudges with Nintendo themselves (as in the case with a lot of old money Jap and Western developers who Nintendo fucked over back in the day). I feel like even if Nintendo put out a standard cookie-cutter "high-power" current-gen console, there's no guarantee that the third-party support would come back. Only one thing will bring back third-parties: cold hard sales, which the Switch is getting.
To sum up, I don't think the Switch is a bad thing at all. All it needs is a model revision to up things like battery life and fix design quirks, and for third-parties to see it's getting good sales and decide to invest some time into the thing instead of treating it like a dumpster fire for last-gen ports.
I dont care about portability either but AAA game development is hard, I dont think nintendo would be able to make first party games on the level of the average big budget games. They seemed to struggle adjusting to the Wii U's level of performance.
It's called actually leaving the house.
I don't see many third parties flocking to the switch any time soon. It's too easy to keep doing what your doing and make money instead of taking a chance and reprogramming or re optimizing a game for a far weaker console.
They could, it's just going to take a long-ass time to hire that many people if you have high standards. The real reason is that they don't want to spend $100mm when they can sell a $40mm game for the same price.
>tfw you care about gameplay and not graphics
>tfw switch delivered
The Switch isn't competing? You complete idiot.
>make gimmick console
>to carry that console you make a boring open world game with a bunch of cool but useless gimmicks
>tfw you just wanted a high-power Nintendo console that could compete with the PS4/Xbox One
Literally why would they do this? The ONLY reason Nintendo can still even compete is because of their first-party games, which are (usually) not technically demanding at all. This allows them to make cheaper consoles and go for a different market. Blue ocean strategy.
It's great when the wife is watching her shows, I just go and play next to her, or laying down in bed, I flick out my switch get playing right on the spot. It feels more personal.
>tfw you don't care about grafics
>tfw you just wanted a comfy handheld with quality exclusives and niche third party games
>hey mom! Im going outside to play videogames! Hold my dindins for later!
>>tfw you care about gameplay and not graphics
You can have both, user.
To be honest, I cant think of one game that has AMAZING GRAPHICS and is actually fun.
I think HD has been a curse and if we could go back to it I wish we were still in the PS2 era
>I don't see many third parties flocking to the Switch
You will be.....YOU WILL BE
What would a system that simply matches PS4/xbone bring?
A 3rd system years later that does nothing different would be a massive flop.
I don't think the Switch necessarily needs to have a /lot/ of third parties on its side, just a select few. The Wii at least had a decent array of third-party games that were actually made FOR the console, although a lot of it was drowned out by shovelware in the end which probably made third-parties hesitant to try again.
Why do you want that, OP? Why do you want to play the multiplats on a nintendo system so badly? So you can have the same headaches the rest of the industry has with day one patches, shitty ports, and nonstop dlc scumbaggery?
Nintendo has fostered a niche market that is distinct and separate from the typical console faggotry for a reason.
>it's just going to take a long-ass time to hire that many people if you have high standards
That's the issue. it takes time to hire the people on top of the time it takes to make a game. This is why Wii U had basically no games.
Only brainlets don’t care about portability.
name one console in history that had both best games and best graphics of its gen
>when youre so focused on gimmick hardware you forget the "hardware" part
>when your so focused on gimmicks in your game you forget the "meaningful content" part
Nintendo in a nutshell
The PS3.
>I want a Nintendo console that's just like Xbox One and the PS4.
>I don't want originality.
>I don't want a unique experience.
>I don't want something different than what I would receive if I had bought another console with different branding.
>I just want set-top box that can play Netflix and stream Pandora that I also can play the latest triple-A title published by Ubisoft or EA that everyone hates and starts petitions against, except it has to have "Nintendo" on the front.
>My tastes are so pitifully bland and lacking of any substance that, if it were up to me, this entire industry would be ruined because I just want the same thing over and over again without ever daring to try something new because new things scare me.
>I am the reason my parents divorced, just as I initially suspected when I was 14 years old.
That's what I read from OP, honestly.
Nintendo CANNOT release a system as powerful as the PS or Xbox like, because then they would be forced to sell it at a loss, which thy cannot do because unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is an actual video game company, which means they cannot subsidize their unprofitable gaming division with their other profitable divisions, which is what Sony and Microsoft do.
Also, LOL at your underage ass calling the PS4 and Xbone "high-power". Get a gaming PC, kid. There is no such thing as a "high-power" console.
Nintendo consoles have the best exclusives, so those exclusives+the multiplats would make it amazing.
>Why do you want that, OP? Why do you want to play the multiplats on a nintendo system so badly? So you can have the same headaches the rest of the industry has with day one patches, shitty ports, and nonstop dlc scumbaggery?
You act as if all third-party games suck. There's some great stuff coming out(Red dead Redemption 2, DBFZ, MonHun World, Soul Calibur 6) that isn't coming on Switch.
Then what's the point of taking your videogame shit if you're just going to do shit outside?
The Nintendo 64.
Games and systems cost a ton of money to develop and buyers are so fickle that companies are dead scared of taking risk. So we get what we’ve got now more of the exact same games we’ve been playing since 2003 or so with a fresh coat of paint or since 1988 or whatever in Nintendo’s case. They pushed Sega out and they were the only ones will to take a risk back in the day.
>>I just want set-top box that can play Netflix and stream Pandora that I also can play the latest triple-A title published by Ubisoft or EA that everyone hates and starts petitions against, except it has to have "Nintendo" on the front.
Fucking this
The worst part is people are actually begging for this shit, more than they're begging for new games
people without a Switch will never, ever:
-play Octopath Traveler
-play SMT5
-play Super Mario Odyssey
-play Metroid fucking Prime 4
-play Breath of the Wild
-play Bayonetta 3
-play all the above on their comfy couch
-play all the above while traveling without the need to buy a new device and rebuy all the games for it again
>a high-power Nintendo console that could compete with the PS4/Xbox One and that got all the multiplats/third-party support
>games cost more to make
>games take longer to make
>games need to sell more to recoup the costs
>3rd party games still get ignored, so devs abandon it
I want apple and Nintendo to team up and create the ultimate meme dream machine. I’m saving my two grand now.
And people with a Swutch will never ever
-play Monster Hunter World
-play Red Dead Redemption
-Dark Souls 2 and 3
-Darkstalkers 3
-Soul Calibur 6
-Metro Exodus
You are never going to get anything high powered from Nintendo. They've consistently been underpowered on purpose so their price is lower for more than two decades now.
Why not? Having a Switch doesn't mean you can't have a good PC
>b-but nindies don't have PC!!!
yes they do
>b-but no!
yeah okay, like that shit won't be emulated in a year or two.
So while you're playing downgraded versions of game we were playing on PC a year or two ago, we'll be playing upgraded versions of games you were playing a year or two ago.
In what situation are you going to go out and have time to play vidya?
All I can think is if you ride a lot of buses and planes
Should've bought hundreds of Gamecubes then.
>Darkstalkers 3
Did I miss something?
This. I own a 3DS and Switch and I never take them with me because when I go out, I'm doing something and don't really feel the need to boot up a handheld and play a game.
>Why not? Having a Switch doesn't mean you can't have a good PC
It's retarded to have to pay 800+ dollars along side your Switch in order to enjoy multiplats. PS4 and Xbox One owners don't have to worry about that.
Witcher 3, DOOM and (subjective) Bioshock Infinite?
And that's exactly the case for a lot of people.
I spend 2 hours everyday in the train/bus to uni
People without PC will never ever play BoTW in 60 fps 4K
Manchildren who don't own their own car so they use the bus.
its already emulated. BoTW on pc
you've not lived till you've played the vidya in bed bruh. shitter playing is nice as well if you have stomach issues
That's abnormal for most people. Most of the time you can do everything on a smartphone already. Mario isn't lucrative enough to justify bringing with me another device.
You're in an extreme minority user, handheld Nintendo players have always vastly outnumbered the console owners. Even the fucking DS outsold the Wii by 150%.
>Shitting on the games he's trying to steal
Nice try nintenbro
I actually didnt like W3 much, and thought W2 was better and I hated Bioshock Infinite
I guess DOOM was good though
>I want overpriced, underpowered console
Yeah, so instead of paying $300 for a Switch and $600 for a PC, you can simply pay $500 for a console and $400 for a work laptop! And 60$ every year for online... And $10-20 more for multiplats...
How many Gigaflops is Switch? 500? I feel like it's doomed to be jack of all trades master of none console. They can't compete with Sony or MS at the console game anymore. PS4 especially has garnered an install base that no Nintendo console can ever fracture. They should've done a pure handheld with a real d-pad and maybe a simple HDMI out.
It’s 2018 everything is overpriced.
Tha- you literally just described the Switch, dude. All the dock does is increase the clock speed. And you can get Joycons/grips with a 'real d-pad' (still not sure why people complain about it but whatever).
my only stomach problems are self inflicted. I know spicy foods will fuck me up but I still eat em
A PS4 is like $200. In the mining craze it's the most financially sound platform out now. Very cheap and has pretty much all the games of this gen.
>PS4 especially has garnered an install base that no Nintendo console can ever fracture
They've already gained a huge chunk of them
Switch is not a pure handheld. It's too big and bulky with a poor battery life. It's more a tablet in total size.
Y’all are making the assumption Nintendo intends to compete or win at anything. They’re just trying to make a profit, which they’re doing.
Nothing indicates that. All the numbers point to the usual Nintendo crowd buying Switch. It's selling slightly less than 3DS did in the first 10 months.
Cry more.
are we gonna have this same fucking thread every 5 seconds?
jesus fucking christ. it boggles me how some people just dont know how to use their brain
most retarded thing I've read today
love it!
You had your chance and you never took it. Now deal with it and go play the PS4/XB1 if you're looking for high specs.
For $300 you get a console that has the same hardware power as a Wii U that is all self-contained in a small portable tablet with modular controllers.
When it announced back in October 2016, my friend swore up and down there was no way they would be able to sell it for less than $500 and not incur losses.
Guess what? He was wrong.
How about I play with your moms box instead
>tfw you don't care about baits
>tfw you just wanted a high-power Nintendo thread that could compete with the whirr/todd threads and that got all the wojacks/pol memes
>instead we got this boring ass thread
Then you should stop look in the mirror
>15m units sold after 10 months, higher than Switch
Only console war faggots care about consoles "competing" with each other.
I just want to play games and have new games to play with.
That's all I want.
No ulterior motive or agenda pushing, just fun games.
It has almost the same battery life as the non-XL 3DS. Literally like half an hour of difference.
Get your well adjusted faggot level headed opinions out of here. This is war.
>it sold as much as the PS4 in its first 10 months, but let's not mention that
>the 3DS launched at $250 and got its price cut mere months later
>"All the numbers point to the usual Nintendo crowd buying Switch." implying every Switch owner is a Nintendo fanboy who also owns a Wii U
yep you're retarded
So then I take this as admission that Switch is NOT outselling 3DS then?
Seek medical help user.
>muh tail between the legs mentality
I bet you think gamecube failed because of Sony and microsoft too.
Hardware is pretty much the same as in nVidia Shield and that thing didn't cost 500.
Who exactly claimed it is?
Everybody I know who owns a Switch also owns a PS4 anyway. They're not even competing, Nintendo's trying the ol' Wii tactic of marketing itself as the "secondary" console - for people to own a PS4/Bone AND a Switch, not one or the other.
Great games from both sides. I can't help but feel like most of the people driving Sup Forums console wars don't even play many games these days and just shitpost for the sake of shitposting.
I was genuinely interested in the price comparison so I did some research. These are Australian prices.
PS4 and laptop combo:
>Refurbished PS4 is $330
>Cheap Acer laptop is $400
>1 year online is $80
>Brand new PS4 game is $90-80
Switch and PC combo
>New Switch is $470
>Gaming PC for 1080p and 60 FPS costs ~$750
(This is the 'The Crusher' build from the pcmasterrace wiki which supposedly matches Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, adjusted for Australian prices: au.pcpartpicker.com
>Brand new Switch game is $80-70
>Brand new PC game is $70-60
So yeah, overall a PS4 and work laptop will be cheaper for you, but getting a Switch and a PC is probaly a WAY better investment, and you can get a cheaper PC if you really want.
You did by saying that Switch is somehow moving on PS4's install base when it's not even outselling the previous Nintendo handheld.
>All the numbers point to the usual Nintendo crowd buying Switch
No it doesn't, there's no way to indicate this
I agree. I would buy the one with the red logo any day over the blue or the green one
fucking god man, why do people want every console to be the goddamn same
Observing the success of the PS2 and it's sales relative to the "weak" hardware, Nintendo decides to enter the following generation with the weakest hardware.
The Wii sells fast and ensures Nintendo will never enter the hardware arms race again. Neither are they a corporation the size of Sony or Microsoft which has many other divisions OUTSIDE of gaming.
On the tail end of the Wii is when smartphones start to take off. We see that mobile gaming starts to encroach on the portable games console market which Nintendo is the leader of.
Basically the Switch is a business decision. Nintendo doesn't want to compete directly with PS4/XBO, nor do they want to share the space of mobile gaming.
It literally follows the same volumes as 3DS but in slightly smaller quantity. Somehow I doubt the 3DS crowd moved to Xbone and the 360 crowd to Switch with this pattern.
Why are you comparing console sales to a handhelds?
Sounds...a bit...how do you say...slow.
So you wanted the Gamecube 2.0. That's nice, but the Gamecube didn't really work out for Nintendo so they don't want a Gamecube 2.0.
First, that wasn't me. Second, those two statements have nothing to do with each other, retard. You're comparing the 3DS and the PS4, what the fuck
i have some bad news for you user
>>tfw you just wanted a high-power Nintendo console
It was called the Gamecube and it flopped
There is no pattern, its being marketed completely differently than the 3DS was
People are buying this shit up from all fanbases
>imagine be a fanboy this iluded
He just wanted a console pair with the other brutes, how is wrong to want to play the latest games and also your favorites nintendos in the same console.
>I also can play the latest triple-A title published by Ubisoft or EA that everyone hates
Man, it's like that is the only thing industry has, there are no bethesda, rockstar, cd project in the industry. Buying a nintendo's console is like buying just for the nintendo brand, you don't get the same experience from the other consoles, you just get nintendo titles.