Have you ever been scammed in an online game?

Have you ever been scammed in an online game?

When i was really little someone told me alt f4 was a cheat and i believed them does that count?

>rare black lobster 100mil

Someone told me that Sup Forums was a place to discuss videogames and I believed them

Yeah, when I started playing Guild Wars.
I was young and stupid.

Yes Runescape

That game taught me never to trust anyone online and then I became the scammer

>eve online
yeah I did the scamming, mostly. feels good man

What are some games where I can eat Pizza Hut?

As far as I can recall I don't remember getting scammed in any online game, at least a scam that would affect me a lot. Played Runescape when back in 01-02 when I was around 11 or 12, but I wasn't an idiot and didn't fall for things like armor trimming.

Can't scam a scammer. I'm an asshole...

Gimme a hug man

>what is pyramid scheme backfire

I lent my pet evo3 Salamander to a friend in Rappelz (korean knockoff grindathon) for a week because I was going on vacation. When I got back he'd been banned and the GMs told me I was SOL. It gave me the motivation I needed to quit, which was probably healthy. I haven't touched an MMO since.

hey Sup Forums can you make me a sandwich?

>trimming armour for free
>doubling gp
>hey kid follow me, but wear your best stuff

I feel for all of these as a kid.

Someone in Maplestory SWINDLED ME.
>Famed some guy and he didn't give me 10k like we'd agreed on


Almost. I remember playing Coke Music back around 2003 or so and my girlfriend in the game said we should move in together. She asked for all my stuff and brought up a trade request which is when I realized this is just a trick and she is probably a he.

Did you ERP?



Only once. It happened a very long time ago in Maple Story when I was in middle school. A player said that he would trade me one of the cash shop dragon pets for some couple thousand currency. I didn't have any means to get cash shop items then (glad I never did now), so I thought it was a great trade. I think I forked over some 20,000 or some absurd NUMBER. At the time, I didn't understand how trading worked, so he told me it would go through since it was a cash shop item. When I completed the trade, I didn't see the pet in my inventory and while I was doing that, the player called me stupid/gullible/idiot or something along those lines as he walked out of the area. I remember typing out something quickly like how that wasn't all of my money or that he didn't get as good of a deal as he thought, but that was just me trying to react to being scammed. I also remember going to the forums to post a complaint against him, but as you would expect, they told me they can't do anything about it and that I need to be careful in the future.
From there, I was never scammed by anything else after that. I guess it's good that I learned it there and didn't fall for other scams in other games after that, but it still sucked having to go through that.

I was hacked on Tibia by a guy with a keylogger on a LAN house.
Some time later he, out of the blue, wanted money for booze 14 year olds pass out drunk on the streets is not uncommon here . Didn't go too well for him.

Have you ever b e

Some guy tricked my brother down into the mole burrow beneath Falador without a light, and he was slowly dying to the small moles.
I had to rush to the bank and get a candle, rope and a spade, I went down there and he traded over his Adamant (g) to me, then I had to get my lvl 40 character past the Giant Mole boss to escape.

Was pretty scary desu, I was like 9 years old back then.

>played tf2
>traded hats and shit for games a whole bunch (got shit like crysis 2, saints row 3 and dood sex HR)
>had a nice unusual hat
>wanted to trade it for some games
>the guy just fucking takes the hat and leaves
sucked tb h

>someone deselects the item as you select your item
I haven't been scammed because it's easy to catch this shit, in RotMG at least.

I got scammed so many times in runescape as a kid it's not even funny. Fuck was I a gullible kid.
>guy offers a key that supposedly unlocks basement door in varrock
>says there's free rune armor behind door
>pay him 30k for the key, was all I had
>not the right key
>end up getting back there after a quest
>no rune armor
I've lost a lot of gold to "dupers" as well.

poor user

what an adventure

I would never get scammed as a kid as i seemed to always find a guild and rarely spoke to anyone outside of the guild I was in, My guild would always just give me free stuff because they thought I was funny. But it was actually me just being a retard little kid.
>Two guild members start arguing about some dumb shit on group chat
>I start to type in full caps like a retard
Both people would get confused as fuck and the situation would die down
I would also describe my bbw fetish on guild chat saying how fat women felt nicer to fuck and that the rolls did not even smell that bad if you washed them first.

Needless to say I have been banned from many guild chats but for some reason they still always chilled with me and gave me a bunch of stuff despite me going full retard very often.

I got baited into the wilderness when I was a kid first playing Runescape. Luckily the guy took like 3 of us out there and didn't target me first so I randomly picked a direction to run away and logged out. Had fun logging in a few days later and finding my way back. Would've been in like 05 or 06.

man, that sound great

Gimme a HERB man

I was the swindler back when I used to play FlyFF and sold my starter cash items at massively inflated prices.

Haha, and Might I add HAH

Fucking Flyff. I remember I found a player shop selling a consumable that cost like 200 for 100, according to the title. I stocked up on the consumable and only later did I realize that it was actually being sold for 100,000 and I'd just spent millions buying like 22 potions.

Whats a woman?

I bought loot boxes in overwatch hoping I could get what I want.

I scammed some guy in diablo 2 for all his gold. I was in a smaller lobby with my buddy, I had the room owner avatar so I looked different some kid joins and asks me what my "special armor" was and if he could find it( buy it)I told him it was the special armor set of judgement and that only I was skilled enough to get it but I had some duplicates I could sell him for all of his gold. We go into a game, I tell him to drop his gold and I grab it and then throw some hell trash I had in my bag on the floor and left.


>when you're so socially retarded you can't even bring yourself to interact with the scammers
Suck it normies, you ain't ever gonna get me.

No E?

>80% chance of critical on hit

Doubling gp two trades
>gives 20k
>trade again
>get two empty vials

>on WOW back in 2012 as a 13 yr old kid
>make a dwarf paladin cus "we de good guys"
>some other dwarf tells me to give him all my money for an item
>dont yet know you can put in items in the trade window on both peoples sides
>give all my money
>he hearths away

I traded my force of nature for a Bill's hat