Arkham City is the perfect sequel. Regardless of what you think about the Arkham franchise overall, you can't deny that Arkham City succeeded in what every sequel should strive for: retaining the core of what made the first game good, refining it, and adding new stuff on top of it while still keeping the experience coherent.
Arkham City
I'll admit I actually enjoyed Arkham Knight more than Arkham City, but I agree Arkham City was nice. I think Arkham Asylum had a comfy vibe to it, since the entire game takes place on Arkham Island and you get to explore the mental facility and what not. Just sucks that Arkham Asylum is short as fuck. You can beat it in 5-6 hours, probably less.
Yeah, Arkham Knight is underappreaciated. I think Rocksteady is an increadibly repsectable game studio: they could've just churned out another Asylum after the first one, or another City after City, but they always tried to one-up their previous game. And while my favorite is City, I think Rocksteady definitely succeeded with all three games.
The problem with Knight, its horrible optimization aside, is the Battank. Holy shit, they shoehorned it in everywhere. Fucking Riddler puzzles. It was fun once or twice, but after that it was way too much.
I kind of enjoyed the racing segments for the Riddler puzzles, though sometimes I thought it was annoying and frustrating.
>retaining the core of what made the first game good
but they dropped the Metroidvania structure in favor of a shitty open world
I actually had 0 problem with the tank I don't think it was overused unless you were doing all the tank sidequests back to back. The games real problems are
>Riddler puzzles and many side quests werent good
>Narrative is really fucking stupid at certain points
>No good boss fights (I did kind of like the underground one but it wasn't particularly good)
>All the DLC felt rushed
It's an awesome game but I would say City was more well rounded
First of all, I think City's open world suits the game very well. Secondly, they still had many sections of the game indoors. If you only play the story, then you'll probably spend the majority of time in closed areas.
>>All the DLC felt rushed
I am still fucking mad
>hey remember that boss from our last game
>yeah, the one that's widely considered one of the best in video games, that one
>he's the focus of a DLC mission!
>and guess what the finale of that mission is!
>Open world
What's the difference?
I still think Arkham Asylum was the best one
it's only real flaw is the boss fights
Rocksteady is one of the best studios nowadays, I wonder what their next project is, even if it's more capeshit, I'm gonna be looking forward to it. They made a decent trilogy, but Knight failed to deliver, I still like it, but the overuse of the batmobile, the bad boss battles and the dissapointing story lowered its quality. Arkham City is my favorite one, but gotta say Knight has the best AR challenge modes, with 8 characters and tons of maps.
I will give City that it improved the boss fights drastically. I just really like the atmosphere and exploration of Asylum
Knight probably has the best production of any AAA game ever. The amount of detail they put into that game is astounding.
John Noble's Scarecrow was fantastic. I couldn't get enough of him.
>drastically improve Scarecrow
>ruin literally everyone else
although I guess technically Harley had already been ruined
I don't think any of the boss fights in the whole series was really anything other than okay.
Literally the most accurate thing said on Sup Forums
Wow, thanks I guess.
I don't know if it's the perfect sequel but it handled the transition from a 3D metroidvania to a freeform open world game well