Argue about this game

Argue about this game

Girls are hot. Not enough porn.


It was alright. Great music. Fang is the second ugliest playable Final Fantasy girl, only Freya is uglier.

Funny how I like this game a lot more after playing XV and I might play it again. How is XIII-2?

Sazh is the only worthwhile character.

Fang is beautiful what don't you like about her

Wasn't bad as everyone said it was.

this desu

felt like a proper ending of the game 20 hours in and then it kept dragging on

It gets good 20 hours in.

A black man.

It actually had one of the better FF endings. The whole scene with Fang being killed and brought back to life over and over again just to entice Ragnarok to be born was pretty fucking kino.

I remember being excited for this game as a teen, having played VII and X and getting hyped up by the hd graphics meme only to be massively disappointed.

In fact the whole ps3/xbox360 generation was shit and turned me off from modern gaming.

>Fang and Vanille are the troubled lesbian lovers
>Snow and Sarah want to have a relationship but Lightning disapproves.
>Sazh is the single father with no direction or purpose in life
>Hope is the orphan who also has no direction or purpose in life
>Lightning is the EX military soldier with no personality

Great character designs

This game has great music and art direction.

Vanille is such a fucking cocktease. Every scene she was in made me diamonds.

Futa Vanille stuff is perfection

Uh oh

Snow looks like is wearing a dress or top underneath his clothes. What's that black cloth? It legit looks like women's clothing.

Come in, Chopper Dave. Was that an,"Uh oh?" Over.

I agree.

This is more correct that The ending was really dumb because it was character's changing their minds every 5 seconds and a boss who wants to fucking die.

I really didn't like the game myself. Combat was stilted due to the menu system lag. Most character's I found insufferable (especially some in the english dub). The story is not terrible, but it's not good either.

Really, it's a 5/10 game, at best.

XIII-2 really undermined XIII's ending in a way that felt completely unnecessary

It's a underrated yet good game with a slow start that has a brilliant soundtrack, an interesting narrative, and fun combat.

it has pokemons dude play it

Why is lightning a skeleton?

No denying that, but XIII's plotlines aside, it made for a considerably better game.

This x100, 13-2 and LR really shouldn't have been made and ending it at 13 would have been fine.

>You now remember Eugenia Cooney's vagina
Oh god, I wish I could forget it so bad.

shitty fucking game. quit during side quests. even felt ashamed being a 21 year old still fucking around with some cgi dolls while some fairy fruity fucking music playing in the background.

but id be dammed if i wouldnt just be a two pump chump for both serah and vannile. got damnnn.

i like the world mythos, the fal'cie and cie'th, gameplay wasnt great though

Not Final Fantasy.

It's not a Final Fantasy game.

XIII is complete shit, even compared to XV.

It's not a Final Fantasy, and the ending is shit.

Nail on the head. The "world" design and combat are shit. The story is shit. But the characters are a travesty. They're ripped right out of a shitty anime.

The fact that it's still talked about shows it's overrated.

>only Freya is uglier

XIII-2 is actually great IMO. It gets unfairly lumped in with XIII

>impressive graphics/world
>feels super boring for the first 10 hours
>combat is a fucking abomination
>characters are meh except for the snarky nignog

Do know why they butchered there previous formular this much? (somewhat likeable characters, "good story" and flashy combat/special moves/round based)

Lightning's "Worst Birthday Ever" is still a very disgusting moment, you find out your sister has supercancer and that she wants to marry some faggot and instead of being supportive you whine about how you're having a bad party. What a scummy character.

First game is a tedious pile of shit, tutorials and corridors.

Second game gets to the point without tutorial overkill, is open ended, super customisable, makes some battle system tweaks, and offers some endgame challenges that might actually make it one of the most fun, frantic and strategic FF games to actually play. It's also short enough to be super replayable and the time travel lets them fuck about with fun scenarios like a Blade Runner future nightmare city. The story is total shit though.

Lightning Returns is miserable as a story and a game.

Don't bully Lightning!

>great character designs

It took me a minute to realize you were being sarcastic. What's actually wrong with these things as character bases?

Basically FFX with a less retarded plot, yet FFX is considered a masterpiece while FFXIII is garbage for whatever reason.

Was just about to post this

Music and graphics are nice. Everything else ranges from mediocre to bad. Sequel is slightly better and part 3 is slightly worse.

Xii-2 is the only one with a bad PC port though that shit ain't fair

If you set the story aside, just in terms of a mechanically deep and enjoyable JRPG XIII-2 is honestly one of the best games in the entire series. It's just a shame it has all of the baggage of XIII and a bad story.

FFXIII is the same corridor garbage as FFX

A Yeul who loved to shitpost about XIII...

X's plot is retarded. But XIII's is definitely a lot more retarded.

Oh and also story and themes were done better in Bravely Default.

holy fuck thank you