>play game for 40 hours
>still suck at it
what other games let me do this?
>play game for 40 hours
>still suck at it
what other games let me do this?
Brood War
fighting games in general
Pretty much any other fightan.
lmao 40 hours in practice mode at least.
Learn how to block that low and parry that mid instead of winning man. Be cool.
>40 hrs
Need around 10x that before you can be considered decent, op.
Is Hori Stick Mini 4 good?
Dragon Ball FighterZ releases on PC in 19 hours.
just get an actual RAP4 or not at all.
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Fighting games is like learning an instrument - shit takes years to master
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, MvC and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Tekken is a game that will require 3 years of constant practice to be even considered 'good' at.
Dwarf Fortress
Literally any game worth playing. I don't want to have it mastered in a week.
No it doesn't tekken is baby's first button masher, it lacks the depth and complexity of most other fighting games.
ready as fuck
sfv baby pls go
if you say so amigo!
someone tell me how the fuck I can run my madcatz TE1 sfiv ps3 stick on PC for fucks sake, it worked in windows 7 but not anymore in W10
sshhh keep it down in there
Hey I got the same stick for FighterZ too
Have fun user. I'm probably gonna look for some DBZ stickers
I just found a gimmick that propelled me to green ranks.
Got it yesterday
will keep it clean though I always regret putting stickers on vidya
Is it called hellsweep?
>tfw stuck on Mentor s
So, I've been playing Tekken since Tekken 3 came out, at least a hundred hours in each game, 300 hours in TTT2 cause that game was so fucking good.
I've only just learnt to block lows. TTT2 made me learn juggles, T7 has made me learn so much more. It feels silly playing a game the wrong way and then suddenly getting it right after so long, but it's so satisfying.
Now if I could just learn to throw break more consistently.
>all these fighting game nerds
try a game that requires real skill like rocket league
meant to post:
>stuck on Mentor shitter tier
>always win 1-2 rounds until they learn my game
>they always know which one of their attack will be fast enough to land on block
fucking hell now I have to STUDY yay
Fighting games in general
close to depression how slow I make progress. Doesnt help to watch Pro`s playing this game.
>fighting game plebs unironically reaction image this
I've played over 4000 hours of dota and I still have trash games and horrible losing streaks that make me want to kms
>TF2 hard game
i feel you my negro champ 1 forever right here
>being so stuck up upon kid soccer games and micromachines
wow stop posting anytime
I am in for 350 hours
still get killed by low lv faggots very often
fuck this damn game
i hate it
R6 Siege is one of those games where it can take anywhere from 50-100 hours before things start to click
>ive never played rocket league and am an ignorant reaction image posts AND claim fighting games are hard
wow kys anytime lmao
Any game with competitive playerbase..
>play any game
>straight face, stay calm
>play fighting games
>vocally wish death upon people, swear loudly and makes my heart rate jump
a-are those kids?
it's a known pedo game
Endless Legend
granted, I'm an ADD-tier brainlet
Pretty much any game where you're not going to get good by just playing it. So anything with (hidden or badly explained) depth.
its not
its a cringe game
t.blue rank
Good luck getting out of green ranks with gimmicks
Gotta give you props on how fast you got those (you)s why do people fall for such obvious bait? No one actually believes this you fucking retards
>a game actually requiring skill
ofcourse nobody believes this, Sup Forums doesn't have a grasp over what skill is
>friend tells me not to play ranked match until I get better at Tekken 7
>play player match
>get anally destroyed
>play ranked match because fuck you I just want the trophies
>play first match
>annihlate some naruto username having faggot
>revenge request 4 times
>obliterate him every time
>level up 3 times in the process
>play 3 more people
>fucking destroy them
>realize this nigga was chatting some bullshit
>play player match again to get that trophy
>high level faggot almost torches my shit
>squeeze out a narrow win in the last round
>run before the faggot can even move his cursor to the revenge request
kek and faggots claim fighting games take skill....pffffttt. And this is coming from someone who is shit at all fighting games except Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Tekken 2, and Marvel vs Capcom.
You can do that easily. Orange ranks are where gimmicks are forbidden, not yellow
Jedi outcast/academy
Is KBD necessary to pass Green ranks?
>Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Tekken 2, and Marvel vs Capcom.
Nigger, if you can get ''good'' at 3 fighting games, it means you have enough basis to torch shitters like me in ranked that have never tried too hard at any fighter before.
>So, I've been playing Tekken since Tekken 3 came out, at least a hundred hours in each game, 300 hours in TTT2 cause that game was so fucking good.
>I've only just learnt to block lows.
What in the actual fuck? It only took me like 3 days into T7 to get fucking sick of people spamming hellsweep until I learned to anticipate and block it.
Ignore this retard, you can't parry mids.
I fucking hate this board. Bunch of green ranks.
only shit ones OP
fighting games are a huge waste of time