Other urls found in this thread:
i bet she likes fucking and sucking dog dicks.
Why is it socially acceptable for females to not growing up?
Because you are supposed to go out and work, not her.
Has anyone found her social media yet?
Wonder who she blew to get that N64.
cute smile
wish people getting photos taken of them with videogame consoles smiled like that, and not opened their mouths as if someone was raping their assholes with no lube
Let me guess, it was actually a gift for her brother "and her", and she cropped him out of the photo even though he was the only one who used it
My parents did the same thing with the Super Nintendo, it was technically a gift for my sister and I, but fuck that, it absolutely was just mine
Truth is that life is about pursuing your dreams user. If you have a standard of life you want to pursue you need to chase that no matter what others think of you .
Unique and amazing people are not made by cowering fear of what other people think.
not as cute as this though
Inb4 soyjack posters shit up the thread.
Fucking soygirl slut right here.
Lol what a pathetic virgin loser, what is she 23 still playing bingbingWAHOO LETSA GO!
I swear I know her, she used to run a game den here in Michigan.
>not making the based face
women can't do shit right
would marry that girl
Someone get that poor bastard a VR headset.
Well, as soon as they're forced to stop and the economy becomes single income family friendly again, maybe I will. Cunts can't have their cake and eat it too.
I know you're "fighting the power" or whatever but I mean you're kind of ruining it for us too
Can you maybe post porn that doesn't have dicks in it? Or at least uncut dicks? You'll still get the janitor's attention.
Holy shit is this what people do now? Spam threads they don't like with porn so it gets deleted?
All white girls do
>tfw this fucking thing has a higher chance of getting laid than I do
>tfw I have no face
This, I've seen enough videos of girls playfully letting dogs hump them, as a joke. Then they stop laughing and get all quite, followed by them trying to hold back the moans.
did u give up mr janny?
boooohooo boooohooooo~~~~~
>Not spamming console war threads, e-celeb threads, or other cancer
You aren't the hero we need.
He's the Joker, just chaos. We need Batman.
Just do it yourself and spam lolis to tickle those rangebans out of the mods.
He just can't see your low res trash.
We do need a dark nknight
>tfw can't find laughing girls cute without coming off as a pedo
t-thanks society
Wow, an actually cute face.
Look at his lips
Wait a minute
Where's the axe wound
What? No it doesn't.
I would, but I don't have a dynamic IP. I suppose I could just use my phone though. If the mods weren't such inept dipshits we could self-moderate. So instead of deleting the threads they delete any attempt at derailing off-topic shit or console war bait. The worst part is the shitposters themselves can report you. This is like dealing with LAPD or some other corrupt police department. Sitting around drinking moonshine while the robbers are cleaning out the fucking banks.
So if i want to get an autistic yakuza tatto i should be able to?
Not worse than any other tattoo.
As long as it's not on an obviously visible spot like covering half your face I don't see why not.
A five year old wouldn't have gone to university, stupid lying bullshit shirt.
Shaggy is my favorite DB character
>cute girl
>ugly roastie
the fuck happened bros?
Yeah, it's truly disgusting how they want to be embraced and don't care what it is that is embracing them and showing them affection. Fucking monsters.
>got my first tendo when i was a lil boy!
>now i'm a balding tranny and I have a switch!
So tired of the "trans" epidemic. Why can't we just send them to an island
You need help
How do you know she isn't a tomboy.
[citation needed]
that's clearly a girl you tard
>Cute means sexy
Read a thesaurus fucker
I too wish to be like the Dragon of Dojima
Cute boy
if this is the first place your mind goes, well you know the rest.
She's not canadian. Canadians hate nintendo :^)
That's a shop but congratulations on jumping the gun to defend gay furry fanart.
>Canadians hate nintendo
Yeah that's debatable..
fpbp, as usual
Fuck off nishiki, the golden dragon is best dragon
>Teacher comes "pick him up"
>adult white woman = roastie
Unless you have anything you want to share, you do indeed need help.
Anytime my dear obsessed soyboy.
can you blame her?
Lmao, and they say virgin rage is just a phenomenon
dont EVER reply to me again
you never said >mfw. The fuck is the point of that second line newfag.
Asking me goes against the advice I just gave.
There should be a limit to how many (You)s are in a reply. Like 3 at most. Anymore and you're a super faggot
Incidentally the guy who drew it absolutely does care "what it is that embraces him", that being a shoddily drawn anthropomorphic wolf. He's not a pure seeker of affection who's making a compromise inasmuch as a random fetishist on the internet.
Just wanted to add that to stress how embarrassing your post was on several more levels.
he played devils advocate and you didnt stop him from making you look like a faggot.
KnottyKnotty is top fucking tier.
You don't play devil's advocate against an argument which didn't exist to begin with, brainlet. He's a furry.
>Calls women females
Neckbeard detected
Don't you have an incel board to be posting on rather than Sup Forums?
Why did girls love the N64 so much? Almost every birthday party I went too in grade school where it was a girl they had an N64.
who said this? got a quote buddy?
When was the last time she did a video? Junglelicious 2 was her best.
Cupcake and Lise are the only decent ones nowadays.
mass replying, why is this faggot allowed to do this
You retard or just ignoring all the posts that say she's a roastie and doesn't actually play video games?
>replied to comments that werent even against the woman
face it, this is OP and he just planned to make this reply
unironic bestiality endorsement is the final straw, today ends my 12 year lightly abusive relationship with Sup Forums.
no you are a retard because I asked who said virgin rage is just a phenomenon. Im not even sure what the fuck its implying, that its rare maybe? Either way its the poor wording of a fool.
I've no idea. If I'm in the mood for her I just go to good ol' Missionary man.
I still miss the tester
Why was this your first assumption?
Harvest Moon, Kirby, Zelda. And lots of cutesy, easy, social games. Oh, and the console came in lots of pretty colors!
Why does this board mock atheists when 99% of you don't believe in God or an afterlife? It's like a form of self-hatred. Most of you are fedora tipping atheists. Every time there's a discussion about this shit you all say "you just rot in the ground, there is no afterlife".
who are you quoting
Nice repost from Reddit, fag.
Athiests who act like they're on some higher tier of mental awareness deserve to be mocked. It's ironic because they're as bad as overzealous religious nuts. Nobody cares what a persons beliefs are and it doesn't matter in the long run for them as a person, so parading around what one believes like it matters makes them look like an ass. That goes for anyone.
It just seemed weird because I still went to Highschool with a lot of them and none of them had a Gamecube or PS2, Xbox. Most had N64 or gameboy. Wasn't til Wii where they got back into gaming.
frankly I think it's more of a mocking of who they used to be. To try to put distance between them and their past so they feel like they've grown up. (they haven't)