ITT: the stupidest thing youve heard someone say on Sup Forums
ill start
>smash 4 is a fighting game because ryu is in it, and ryu is a fighting game character
ITT: the stupidest thing youve heard someone say on Sup Forums
ill start
>smash 4 is a fighting game because ryu is in it, and ryu is a fighting game character
Other urls found in this thread:
post more cute asian girls
He's right though
>nocturne isn't a jrpg
unless youre going to elaborate its gonna take more than that to bait anyone around these parts
Ryu is a fighting game character
Smash 4 is played and streamed at big events by the FGC
Smash is a fighting game
>resident evil 4 is better than classics b/c it doesn' t use tank controls.
i dont disagree that smash is a fighting game, its just not a fighting game simply bc ryu is in it
shit taste
I will never get tired of fighterfag autists trying to deny that ssb is a fighting game
>I have spend $xxx money on mobile/DLC/Lootboxes/Skins/season passes etc
>FGC is well respected not filled with autist like smash.
well, that's definitely the stupidest fucking shit I've read here
cute asian girls are cute
Brawl is a stealth game because Solid Snake is in it.
it ocmfy
This, the logic checks out.
>wiifit trainer is in smash 4 therefore smash is a fitness game
Cuck, soyboy. Any retarded buzzword.
>captain falcon is in smash therefore its a racing game
Huehue. It's a fighting game because fighting is all you do in it. What you thought Smash was a platformer?
Jump Ultimate Stars is also a fighting game.
overwatch is for cu
>soul calibur is a 2D fighting game.
>FFX is the best game in the series
Gay, nostalgia, I don't know what the excuse for people liking it. It killed my interest in the franchise for nearly 15 years. It fucking sucks.
Ryu is in it? Since when?
Who the heck keeps mixing capcom and square characters into a nintendo brawler?
>Captain falcon is in smash 4 therefore is a racing game
fight night and pic related are also a fighting games
Smash 4
Nintendo has ran out of iconic characters a long time ago, they can only add literal whos and non-nintendo gaming icons
>dark souls is a jrpg series
dude that was like 3 years ago
>BOTW would look better on Vita
No seriously, I heard someone say this yesterday. I don't know if he was memeing or actually this retarded.
im too tired to argue but i know in my heart that that first statement is false
Ryu is an iconic videogames character, so his Cloud for its own series.
>I enjoy video games.
Name just one character
>and non-nintendo gaming icons
sonic is in Brawl so Smash bros is a platformer
ah, i guess youre kind of right. I cant think of any new IP's besides like splatoon or something
i was thinking of characters from already existing series like adding Toad or another Kong
ness is all smash bros so smash is an rpg
Smash is a game about videogame icons partly, Nintendo doesn't own them all you know.
>I legitimately can't see the difference between 30fps and 60fps, I'm pretty sure it's just a meme
>I take Sup Forums seriously
Spending thousands of posts over the years arguing about the meaning of "fighting game", even though it has absolutely no impact on anything outside of your autistic brain and Smash gets into tournaments anyways.
Yeah, now it is
It wasn't in melee and 64, and brawl only had 2 third parties so they were more of an oddity
how would any real discussion get done if no one did
Mega Man isn't even big in sales, what makes you think "iconic" is always "=Mario/Ryu-tier"?
people like Sylux or a Splatoon character could be iconic in that reach too.
you missed my point entirely
look at all the replies to this post toget what im talking about
Sonic & Snake are icons tho. Mario and Link are. Not now, it has always been. The only oddity was because the are third party.
>it's acceptable for grown men to play jrpgs
whats wrong with that
>inb4 weebshit
It kinda does, but it had atmosphere out the Wazoo. It was enthralling even if it was an ugly mess of a game with a batshit story.
Speaking of smash
>Sheik should be taken out because she's not cannon
>I'm a huge Zelda fan!
>I've never played Ocarina
It baffles me how this video has so many likes. It's like you can taste the saltyness coming off this guy from losing to Sheik players.
thats not why he said sheik should be taken out
He said a lot of stupid shit about why she should be taken out.
>Every little thing that a Nintendo employee does is some kind of clue to be decoded
I fucking HATE this shit
give an example
I really don't know how people believe this. It obviously attracts a lot of trolls, especially nowadays where the virtues of higher FPS are more well-known, but a few years back before YouTube started supporting 60 FPS there were a lot of dipshits who refused to be convinced and thought their locked 30 FPS games on Xbox 360 were the gold standard.
Even testing the difference between 85 FPS and 60 FPS on my old 85 hz CRT is a little jarring, I can't even imagine what 144 FPS on a display that supports it is like. The CRT did support 120 hz @ 320x240 but it was too pixelated and ghosted to properly experience. I'm definitely getting a 4k 144 hz display when their prices drop a little more and the new gen of GPUs release that can better handle some of the games in my backlog for that.
Literally Anything coming from someone blatently pandering to Sup Forums
Then whenever there is a rebuttal or a question to elaborate its followed with
>hurrrr u need tu go bak
>gobak2reddit xD
>pol what? Ur crazy! Paranoid! (Ironically posts a pol meme like nazi pepe or laughing merchant)
>insult of the month (soyboy, cuck, faggot, racial or sexist slur)
>if you bring up how they are repeating themselves and mention the meta like how they are acting like they are following a script they call you autistic
Then they probably message theor discord friends who also browse pol, get them to samefag and make the thread all about how women are stupid whores because they dont fuck them and how their virgin asses dont need women anyway.
Call this post autism, this is literally everyday and it never ends.
Muh entitled gamers and how it's wrong to call out developers on their shit.
>smash is a sports game
i like this meme
If you get unirconically triggered by Sup Forums you really do not belong to this site, thin skinned snowflake
>Nintendo tweeted ____, new _____ game confirmed!!!
Also there was one time where Reggie wore a Samus pin on his suit or something and everyone was livid that a new Metroid game wasnt announced
>The English haha laugh sounds unnatural, jaja makes more sense
Not vidya related but it counts
Grow up.
>I'll admit I actually enjoyed Arkham Knight more than Arkham City
>everything about the burning chibi robo post
>this upsets you
>sfxt outsold sfv
This hits the spot hard.
>"Game developer" is a fucking hack
That fucking thread on Celeste that's going on right now. Sweet fucking lord I have no idea how people can be such insufferable fucks over a videogame that they haven't played.
Wew lad.
Aonuma already said Zelda under a guise is an important element to Zelda games so it no wonder why Sheik stays and "Toon Sheik" was almost a thing
"Bloodborne is a Lovecraftian game"
pol and fit pretty much read like any given subreddit, this post is retarded
>traps are gay
If Smash is a party game, then what are the similarities between it and a franchise like Mario Party?
the clue was that the direct came unexpectedly
zip-lash was in one of them, but people where too brainlet to remember that.
>Darksouls isn't a japanese game
>Dark Souls is literally the best RPG series of all time
Nigga, get the fuck out.
Anyone who gets unironically triggered by Sup Forums is from reddit or retardera
>fighting games/overwatch/tf2/lol/any braindead game that has a multiplayer mode are games for tryhards
Yes they are, faggot
aha! most kekworthy!
Yeah, I remember the first time I seen a 60fps on YouTube. It started automatically and I was blown away
>choosing a man dressed as a woman over the option of a woman dressed as a woman
LOL fpbp!
>feminine things are gay
or maybe we dont like seeing off-topic bullshit 24/7 because you faggots cant keep your mouths shut
>pol and fit pretty much read like any given subreddit
They are if men are wearing them
>implying a trap isn't a girl(male)
Exactly, they're men
Stop posting pictures of yourself
>Overwatch was good.
>dark souls 2 ADP is good and it makes your hitbox smaller. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT
ds2fags are easily the stupidest
>implying you didn't just take 1 word out of my post to try and prove your insane, unscientific theory
>boring Paruru
nice oshimen you got there fag
Persona 5 is a _______puzzle___ game.
a defensive stat for quick/speedy characters is a good idea in theory