Is this how the average breath of the wild fan looks?

Is this how the average breath of the wild fan looks?

I'd fuck you.

>children play nintendo games
no way

>zelda shield
>mario toys
>nerd paraphernalia all around
When she grows up and starts chasing the bbc she's gonna be so embarrassed to bring her bull home because of her nerd dad.

the kid is clearly hispanic

stop projecting you autistic fantasies you cuck


I'd fuck you while you fuck him while he's in jail.

Niggas love Nintendo

>kid enjoying a game
>Sup Forums spergs out
Reminds me of that thread where a sony nigger took a picture of a kid playing on Xbox in the store and posted it on Sup Forums.

>Children playing video games

You should get out more


>tfw curly disheveled hair
Evertime I see long straight hair, I die a little inside.

>look at little girl playing video games
>immediately think about nigger dicks

The replies in this thread have given me a dredge of hope for Sup Forums.

CEMU question, game freezes sometimes, is it because of the 8GB ram? should i upgrade to 16 gb?

Seems fine to me. A child playing a children's game.

Heh.. a 6 year old could NEVER beat Ornstein and Smough. Just proves that Nintendo games are made for literal retards.

What the fuck happened to you that you see a little girl playing nintendo and the first thing that comes to your mind is the thought of her getting fucked by a black guy?

Nah, here's the average BoTW fan,

Go play MvC faggot

He's probably listening to the screams of his wife being fucked by her boyfriend right now.

Underrated post.

I wish that were me.

I wish, everyone on Sup Forums would just be a cute little girl.

>nerd paraphernalia all around
I see license plates, guitars and bowling pins are those nerd paraphernalia?

go outside, get some fresh air


Yes it is but where'd you get that picture of me?

>the mental state of anti Nintendo