ARMS is currently 30% off on the eshop...

ARMS is currently 30% off on the eshop. I've been thinking of picking up this game for a while but didn't want to pay full price. Is it worth it for $40?

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Do you like fighting games?

If you're fine with the content it has now, cause there's not gonna be any more.

40 bucks is a hard sell.
I mean, I thought it was fun and all but it's about 50/50 whether you'll love the combat and stay or not.
I would say no unless yer looking for a new fighting game to get into.

Its pretty fun. If you got friends to play with thats even more worth it

Also snek a best

Its an easy to learn/hard to master fighter. Very fun when you get the controls down. Great characters, active online, lots of variety but never feels unfair.



Most successful fighting game of the last 5 years

If you liked Wii Sports boxing, this is essentially that turned into a real game. If you don't like motion controls, though, don't bother.

ARMS is best played normally

Not nearly enough waifus to keep the fgc's interest.

Why no more updates? Did they give up on the game?

I'm really considering picking it up fuuug. 30% off is pretty good for a 1st party nintendo game but i still think $55 in leafbux is a bit much for the amount of content in the game.

Which is better, ARMS or Pokken?

Pokken is more fanservice oriented and plays kinda like a more traditional fighting game.

ARMS is more intuitive for someone not into the genre, but probably has enough depth to appeal to some genre veterans up for something different.

I'd say ARMS impressed me more, but then again I was never much of a fightingfag.

It's been out for like 6 months. It did ok, but they probably did most of what they had imagined to do with it.

I don't get this "content" argument.
It's a fucking fighting game. All you do is fight.

Is this about the amount of characters, stages and shit like that? Or maybe depth of mechanics?
Because I'm pretty sure nobody gives a fuck about different modes and minigames in this genre.

It's a fun, light-fighter.
I can honestly recommend it.

Both are dead, wait for Smash.

I've been playing games for, unfortunaterly, 20 years of my life, ARMS was probably the most refreshing game from last year for me. It just feels new even compared to similars. I'd def recommend it specially for 40 dollars.

Friendly reminder that your Grumpy neighborhood diaper fag Joshy made a video about Arms without even updating it since fucking launch

He tries to get Nick to hate it as much as he does but Nick isnt a dumbass

Most of the depth comes from predicting what the other person will do, and faking them out. There are no combos or anything, so it's pretty simple.
Don't bother with the motion controls if you do end up getting it, because waggle is always worse than regular controls.

Can you play the game with a single joy con or do you need both?

You can play with only one.

You can do single joy con and remap the controls. You'll have to assign something to stick click, probably the target switch because it's not as important.

It's a good deal. With that said Mario Rabbids Gold is a very good deal right now.

There are very simple combos, but they're pretty much like using a rush after you knockdown an opponent onto a trampoline in Spring Man's stage or following up on an opponent you knocked away with a wind attack. 1-2 stuff pretty much.

They need that team doing other things now

That's true, but I wasn't sure if from an outsider's perspective people would see it as one, so I didn't really consider it.

The music, presentation and designs are fantastic but I just absolutely suck at actually playing it, so that kinda hampers my enthusiasm quite a bit. Aside from my sucking, they've patched pretty much all my other grievances out at this point.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I mostly brought it up just because they literally called them combos in a beginner help video they released recently.

Can they possibly top the music if they make a sequel?

Should I get Mario+Rabbids or ARMS?

If you're willing to put time into learning how to play it, a friend for local fights and/or want some online bullshit for fun, Arms.

If you want a shockingly well designed SRPG that's a bit on the short side but might get worthwhile content later, get Mario + Rabbids.

ARMS requires enjoying multiplayer to get the most out of it.
Mario+Rabbids is good single player and has a some local multiplayer maps.
I liked both but have played ARMS more because can't get friends to play M+R multiplayer.

What is there not to understand? You literally listed everything

Having other stuff to do sometimes helps people get into games rather than going straight for git gud grinding.

Are we getting more MR content besides DK?

Nothing confirmed, but they didn't say anything about the versus mode until the week they released it.

Gold ensures all future content right?

Strictly speaking, no. They specify:
>Gold Edition includes game and season pass:
>8 new solo challenges + 5 co-op maps
>16 new weapons.
>An exclusive world featuring a new hero, coming in early 2018.

It's possible they release more for it, but it's also possibly that if they do it's free like the versus mode.

They mentioned at release that they'd do free updates as long as it's popular. Online is still pretty active but whatever

The guys that made the music made the songs for MK8 and 3D World, judging by that im sure that they will make more that an excellent job.

Do you guys think ARMS will ever be cheaper or is this sale my only chance?

Just let him throw his tantrums, baby will be happy when he gets his Animal Crossing.

Definitely worth the $40, especially if you got friends. Sometimes I just play with my fiance, and it's one of few games she will actually play. We came up with a simple drinking game for Party Mode.

>2 player party mode
>take turns playing if more than 2 people
>drink for every coin you get
>if you're on a winning streak prepare to get hammered
>matches are really fast so you're constantly drinking

It's fun desu, and badges will get you a lot of coins to unlock a lot of arms.

I'm picking up a switch tomorrow boys, what am I in for?

Some good games and comfy portability.

You mean all of those?!

Well, I'll take your word for it. I don't really play fighting game.
But ARMS did grab me by the balls for a while there. I really appreciate it.

As for major updates they said that they are done and there are currently no plans for them. Balance and improvment updates are still happening.

I'm sad it took me so long to get in to ARMS. I can honestly say it's probably my favorite fighting game now.

For anyone who isn’t aware, EVO Japan ARMS matches are going on right now.

Ah so the season pass they are referring to is the one up to DK?

Anyway besides Arms and MR Gold what are other on sale games worth picking up?

Don't forget Party Crashes, we still have 4 to go.

its what Punchout would be if it were a bad game

Punch Out isn't a fighting game.