Why do Western devs get shit for loot boxes and DLC but Nintendo gets a pass for ridiculously expensive physical DLC?

Why do Western devs get shit for loot boxes and DLC but Nintendo gets a pass for ridiculously expensive physical DLC?

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Because amiibo aren't blind boxed

Because Nintendo has significant goodwill from years of quality games and consoles while EA has years of negative reputation from years of money grubbing and releasing shitty and buggy games

i wish i was ijustine


Amiibos would just be $12 figures which people already defend without console faggotry. Also when you buy an Amiibo you know what you're getting, it's not a mystery box that you'll have to keep buying at $12 to eventually get what you want.

Before anyone tries making a defense for either, explain to me why I shouldn't get this content for free when the companies charge me full price for their game as is, and they're obviously not hurting for money.

I do not want companies making money. I want products at good prices. When I pay 60 bucks for a game, for example? You are never allowed to charge me a penny more for content from that game ever game, even 10 years down the line.

>Its okay when Nintendo does it

Free market you communist fuck. If you're too poor to afford DLC, then go play some indie games

it's just cosmetics

>free market
Yes, and the free market says I can get the content easily online for free thanks to some generous patrons who share it.

What's Nintendo offering me to justify buying it, instead of taking it for free?

Back when amiibos were hot they weren't compared to lootboxes. They were compared to day 1 dlc. Which they are.

Nintendo DID get a TON of shit.
Better question: Why when OP asks as completely retarded question, every user replies as though it's true?

I can't wait for Trump to put you pirate fucks in jail where you belong

Wasn't this posted earlier?

It's ok when Sony does it.

>high quality

>free content

Not in US, sry m8 :^)

>free content
the fuck did he mean by this?

>free content

Think of it like playstation network and how you get free games every month*

*70 dollar yearly fee required.

>but playstation

Nintendo destroyed all it's good will with me with amiibo
They are now EA tier

Amiibo are not lootboxes. They are disc locked day 1 dlc tied to a pricey figure that may be rare

>good will
This is what Nintendo kiddies actually believe.

Nintendo doesn't give a shit about you and they never have. If they actually cared about their consumers they wouldn't ship broken merchandise that operates at low efficiency even when it isn't

>they wouldn't ship broken merchandise that operates at low efficiency
But they don't?

Yes, they do. There hasn't been a single Nintendo console capable of meeting both high frame rate and high resolution. Miss me with your BotW bullshit, 45 fps is dogshit.

Why are shitposters so desperate to make people think Sony is making amiibos?
These figures don't have on-disc content locked behind them, so they're automatically better

They aren't better at all, no matter the company, this are still low quality figurines. The only incentive amiibo have is that you get content, which is bad, but totaku figures don't have that, their only features is that they look like shit, which leaves them absolutley worthless in every sense of the word.

Loot boxes are paying for the possibility of something.

oh boy it's this autist again

? The image comparison is with playstation retardo

or how like Nintendo charges $20 a year for online but won't even provide voice chat, which has been standard for over a decade

No matter how you put it, $20 is better than $70, friendo

This op wtf

>There hasn't been a single Nintendo console capable of meeting both high frame rate and high resolution
So you're underage, huh? Even the WiiU had most games at 1080p/60fps. Even the ones at 720p were still at 60fps, which is more than what the other consoles put out

This is such a retarded thing to think.

I don't own a single amiibo, but at least they're decent little figures and you know exactly what you're getting when you get them. And besides, aren't they only like 10 bucks? get a job you loser

Because it isn't just DLC.
I highly doubt Ness has 13 bucks of content on him. But I know people who would pay more just to have physical Earthbound merch.

Has anybody else started to notice that now toy companies are starting to do loot box-tier shit? Saw these at Target last week, you literally can't even pick the character you want.

totaku are better because you can skip buying them without missing game content. This isn't even up for debate

That has been a thing long before the concept of loot boxes even started

Has it? Besides trading cards I've never seen it with toys

just how young are you?

They had that kinda shit all the time 20 years ago when I was a kid with stuff like dbz toys. I remember I just wanted buu but I kept getting gay sayajins.

It's been like 15 years since ive seen one of these, dude

>Release figurine
>Does not affect the game in anyway
>"W-wtf they charge money for this???"

>Release persona 5 1/7 scale figure

Because weebs that are accustomed to wasting their money on figures will defend them. I used to have no problem with them since the content they added was usually stupid shit but then TP HD got an additional dungeon locked behind that shit

>an incentive to buy an action figure is the same as lootboxes

They're still around though not as popular. It doesn't matter though. The idea of random chance collect em all toys is nothing knew and has been around for a very long times. Hell most toys in general are trying to exploit how stupid kids in one way or another.