>get $5 promo code from Sony
>use it to buy The Division
>only discounts it $1.91
What the heck?
>get $5 promo code from Sony
>use it to buy The Division
>only discounts it $1.91
What the heck?
It's called sales tax you underage fuck
my fault, sorry
Taxes on virtual media?
That happens in certain states.
Yes sure, everybody does it retard
>>use it to buy The Division
90% tax tho? LUL
I live in a state that taxes digital sales so we can build roads and fund government programs. Enjoy your crumbling infrastructure, flyover faggot
uwotm8. 9% isn't even obscenely high compared to other states. OP should've set his location to Oregon like any non-retard
$49.99 minus the $5 discount is $44.99. Thus of the total price of $48.08, $3.09 is the sales tax which is 6.8% you fucking retard
That's a fucking cheap tax compared to my country.
Fuck HST
so why isn't the taxed price in the top image?
Because he's not buying his shit through the superior webstore that better details everything than the crappy PS3/PS4 client.
Top is subtotal before tax. Bottom is the final total with tax
Because the tax is already factored into the price. Now go away
Happens on PSN, Xbox Live, Switch, Amazon depending on your state, VUDU, etc.
hahaha, I pay 22% of taxes on everything digital included and infrustructure is crumbling
> so we can build roads and fund government programs
Fucking commies
It happens for certain states, I live in Illinois and they do it and it drives me nuts.
Save that 10% off you numb nuts
If that were true then the price after the coupon would be lower.