>You can platinum it in 10 days
So this is the best the ps4 has to offer?
You can platinum it in 10 days
To be fair, every trophy in this game is incredibly straightforward.
who the fuck actually gives a shit about trophies
if you have a guide with you and are 100 levels too high yeah
>people actually waste time with trophies
get a fucking hobby
Chalice Dungeon first timer here, the dungeon's content are generated at random right? Does my base level matter in creation process for enemies' stats?
yeah because game quality is determined by how long it takes to platinum fuckhead
Its the small dick paradox
Nope, only the ritual chalice used matters.
>now lets begin the soy transfusion. Don't you worry, whatever happens...you may think it all a mere bad dream
I platinum'd this in 7 and it's one of my favorite games. I don't understand this argument.
>implying 10 days isn't a fairly long time to play a single player game
>implying you can't platinum it any faster than that
>implying 10 days guy wasn't legitimately terrible at the game
>implying that any game that takes 10 days to complete is shit
>people literally defending this awful piece of shit
you people are what's wrong with Sup Forums
>Tfw I have the same tattoo
literally not an argument
He was mostly just upset at people saying it was hard when he thought it was a very easy game.
Why are people so mad at this game? It's like it personally attacked and mugged them or something goddamn.
So do you pronounce it "Yarnam" or "Ee-harnam"?
found the sonyfag
It was actually disappointment that I felt more than anything.
Many people who know me said that managing to platinum it in 10 days was a very good achievement, as did Sup Forums initially when I first posted the trophy (initially accusing me of photoshopping).
It's not though, the game is inherently very easy.
>0 replay value or genuine variety in build
Fun for 1 playthrough but not worth $60
Also not an argument. Stop posting.
This one always makes me giggle.
You gave yourself out when you said no music, faggot
but its only like 14 bucks now
if you say the second one fast enough its yarnam so the former
You didn’t play the game, stop pretending.
ah you must think that games should take a year to complete then?
>judging the quality of game based on the time it takes to get max achievements/100% trophies
This is the greatest/v/ pasta of all time, imo equivalent to the Harry Potter one
Yes I did, these are my trophies.
W-we don’t fucking care, didn’t you hear the Switch is getting the definitive version of Dark Souls 1, the only good Soulsborne game ever made?
Only root chalices are random.
>painfully linear
muh open-world
>laughable pvp
sure, but I doubt you ever got into it if you only played for 10 days
>poor weapon choice
the trade off for having every weapon being viable unlike in other Souls games, and the DLC nearly doubles the weapon count
>armour choices immaterial
sure if you don’t care about beasthood and min maxing resistances
>no story
you weren’t paying attention
>no music
you didn’t play the game
>dull environment
disagree, did you ever get out of yharnam?
>incredibly short
it’s fine if you aren’t rushing for trophies
>combat generic hack and slash
bit of a stretch comparing it to proper hack and slashes like DMC or GoW, especially when the combat is deeper than those games
>tfw shitposters get b& and threads becomes completely silent
Show proof that you platinumed it in 10 days.
Otherwise fuck off you shit cunt.
no idea I just started playing it recently and it's one of the best games I've played in a long while tbqh senpai