Jack Frost is the best mascot character in all of vidya.
Prove me wrong.
Jack Frost is the best mascot character in all of vidya
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Not so fast """""""jack""""""" frost
The voice they give him in IV is shit though
He's not hee-ven the best Jack, ho.
They fixed it in 4A, IIRC.
shh you'll trigger personakeks
can't argue with that
100% agree.
inb4 some Nintendownie comes up with his fatass hairy Italian bing bing shitter
Thats not Pikachu
That kind of atitude won't get Jack into Smash Bros.
He doesn't even look like a snowman anymore. He'd be better off with a more appropriate name, like Impmon.
He's definitely good, but he's got nothing on the manliest of men who knows how to truly embrace ones desires. Going from random schmuck to owning a castle-tank with a cannon powered by your dick and a harem of cute/sexy girls. He's like a perverted Santa Claus. Also Sugita.
Where do you download his game now?
Heh. Cease this, otouto. You're no match for me.
I can't
Here it is with the english patch already applied.
t co/G5Dh1eS90r?amp=1
No arguments here.
>le funny demon ho
jack frost more like thicc frost
>not even the official mascot of the franchise
come on dude
Those are mascots of singular games and their associayed spin-offs, you hos.
Jack is the real thing.
I wish they didn't give Shadows voices in P5. Fighting Jack Frost always breaks my heart.
I can't.
I'm going to eat Jack Frost!
Jack Frost can look like a woman?
eat his butt?
Devour him whole!
Fuck off serph
Why would I want to?
I would fuck him unironically