Well if Bioware's next game sucks, we'll know why.
Well if Bioware's next game sucks, we'll know why
Actually disgusting. Bioware is dead.
Obviously all the good employees left about 10 years ago. Where did they all go?
>great group of women
>disgusting male in the background
wait a minute..
Bioware died years ago
they haven't made a good game in at least a decade
>and allies!
what a cunt
That's a problematic amount of white people
Oh wow there’s only one guy
I guess all their original members did leave
Holy shit
Im glad they are going to close down soon when their next game bombs
>and allies
So what are they not men?
Anita is so goddamn cute
She still exists?
>Bioware tries to insist that double downing on the political agenda is the best course
>literally just had a studio completely culled for doing just that on top of hiring people that had no experience in that field
Bioware is going to keep trying to push that agenda even as they get shoved into the coffin aren't they?
You missed the "and allies" part - numen who have willingly discarded their testicles.
An honorable death, user. God speed.
When's the last time they had a good game though.
We already knew why it was going to suck and it isn't because some dickweed walked through the office.
last bioware game I actually enjoyed was mass effect 2 and that came out almost a decade ago
the company has been long dead
>Bioware sucks, we know why
FTFY. If its any consolation these things eventually correct themselves.
of course and when they fail they will blame my soggy knees
>inb4 numale soy cuckold mod deletes this thread
Next game confirmed to be a repeat of Andromeda. They'll never learn and drive the company into the ground. These female "devs" at bioware are incompetent
they still need to catch up to ubisoft
Nice try but all the new janitors are insurgents from Sup Forums.
Good, hope Anthem crashes and burns
>Bioware is going to keep trying to push that agenda even as they get shoved into the coffin aren't they?
That's the way most leftists are till the very end. It's the same deep brainwashing that makes them think "at least I'm not a racist" as muhammed chops their heads off.
Bioware is mass effect and anthem right
This explains why anthems trailer was so cringey
that's the face of a man who goes about his day VERY CAREFULLY
>group of women
>1 dude in the back
Ubisoft games would be great if they weren't filled with so much filler, so unless that's all the women's fault, they're doing nothing wrong.
>Well if Bioware's next game sucks, we'll know why.
If it doesn't, then we will know miracles exist.
>Bioware is going to keep trying to push that agenda even as they get shoved into the coffin aren't they?
Why wouldn't they? They literally believe they are the good guys and have moral highground.
oh god I didnt know she was in my city
They have strayed
Nope, the mods lately have been slapping bullshit permabans instead of the usual 3 days for "political wrongthink." Completely infiltrated if you ask me.
we knew that years ago
>no blacks
So much for diversity huh
If you're gonna have affirmative action at least go easy on it. Try to actually find competent women, even if they're just writers at first.
>mfw Ubisoft openly admitted on r6s rebbit that the dev team during development being majority males was problematic and it's something they've been slowly fixing ever since the game released to be more representative and diverse
>and allies!
That made me laugh and not in a joyful way
Why do people even bother with her at this point, have they seen her youtube metrics lmao. Its like 95% of the people watching were watching to deconstruct her bullshit and now the attention has faded she gets like 3k views per video.
Bioware's recent games have been shit. Maybe Anita's visit will give them the inspiration they need to not make another Andromeda.
Sarkeesian is so far up her own ass that she can't even physically say or type the word 'men' because it's too problematic for her so she has to label the men as something else.
Just imagine how she gets through a day.
It honestly boggles my mind. Like back when they had Manveer. He literally went out of his way to shit talk and be racist to literally everyone he possibly could and they just smiled and accepted it. God I hate this timeline.
Let's just hope Anthem bombs and all those ugly women lose their job. It's for the good of us all.
I'm not even mad. The game studios buying into this bullshit are only harming themselves. If anything, we should be happy some studios make themselves an example and kill themselves in the process.
I‘m actually pretty curious, do you guys think Anita is a virgin?
She wouldn‘t have turned out like this if she had had a good dicking in the past.
>She's 5'4
I thought she was taller, around 6.
>there are people having faith in bioware
She did porn films in the past, so no.
Anthem will be shit and Bioware will die
that's not a good joke
I think the more likely scenario is that she got screwed over by some guy and that made her go full blown man hating nuclear. Its pretty common honestly. The same thing happens with a lot of the anons on here just in reverse.
she is mentally ill to some degree but definitely fucked and sucked 50+ chad dicks in her life
>still trying
>Bioware are shit
>Their next game will be shit
>Sup Forums will use this as 'proof' of whatever agenda they're pushing
>If by some miracle it ends up being good, they'll blame the jews/media/nu-males etc.
>when the dilation kicks in
I've known why for years already
they are all destroying themselves in the process, nobody needs to do anything
just like sjws, trannies and mentally ill people in general
at the end of the day the normal human being will survive
there's literally nothing wrong with this
Give mommy a kiss, user
Back to /r/Incels for you.
this fucking freak is the embodiment of everything that makes me not watch GDQ. Fucking disgusting.
So thaaaaats what happened to andromeda....
Also, sarkeesian is still a thing?
>(and allies)
Does she actually think she's fighting in WW3? No one gives a fuck about this 3rd Wave Feminist bullshit. It's a bunch of bored anons fucking with sperg nerds.
Why are they all white people
I thought they hated white people
This has my almonds roasting...
Has anyone asked if it should be ethical for a company to refer to themselves, for example, 'Bioware', if none of the members from the original team work there?
Why not?
I totally agree. I'm glad it is this studio who never made any actual good game that is going to die to be an example. Nobody will miss them that much.
But if it was some actual good studio...
>100% white
Female devs confirmed for racist?
Explains the tumblr-tier Mary Sue shit for the most recent women. Such trash.
Edmonton is a shithole anyway, faggot
Don't we have an actual tumblarina mod? beam something or other?
>every other woman there is taller than her
What a womanlet lmao
>women (and allies)
jesus fucking christ
imagine this incompetent scam artist comes to your office and you spend your lunch hour sitting with her having fucking tea, even being forced to take a picture with her, standing way in the back ofc. and that's the acknowledgement you get
they are always racists.
but they act like they are not.
this world had spiral down into deep shithole just because people are tolerating with victim cultures.
Nearly every time a big publisher buys a studio it ends up gutted and its brand name/IPs get whored out to make a quick buck. Bungie is the most recent one I can think of.
So why do women keep getting into gaming when it clearly should have no appeal for them?
I actually know the answer why but I want to see why you think Sup Forums.
Because either way you look at it, it's all true
Because in first place, their next game won't be good, and we know why after seeing OPs pic. And second, this is indeed a solid argument in favor of Sup Forumss political goals.
"SJWs ruin everything, therefore if you care for quality in anything you should be against them" something like this
Her videos served their purpose. They got her in a position to fleece much larger amounts of money as a gatekeeper.
As for Bioware, I can understand if they're run by psychopaths who want to destroy the company, but I'm surprised EA is willing to write them off as "the SJW brand."... while having them make some kind of sci-fi military shooter.
the rayman guy should just make his own studio
Literal hag.
Because Sup Forums is always right.
good luck finding a black female programmer.
And this is why I will never touch a game developed by a Western company.
I'll stick to my JRPGs. Japan will never yield! The Jew fear the Samurai!
that's a man who comes in one day with an AK47 and leave no wo(man) behind.
>Playing the Mass Effect trilogy.
>All I see updated are MEA
>Getting more curious and curious.
>Still had limiting armors and weapons.
>Redone the Mako but will have have the physics of the Mako in ME1 where you could try up a mountain and not die.
>Health and Armour taps look god awful too.
>Exploration map is basically like every exloration map in DA:I. I total fucking mess of whoes fucking who and where they are fucking them and why.
>Yet I'am still curious.
Did bioware leave literally anything from ME1-ME..3? because I understand a new universe and all that shit. But it just looks like a basic MEmmo. Is there anything about good about at all?
>that dude in the back
Why is he putting up with this shit? He looks like he's well over 6 feet and could easily be a Chad that all these roasties would want to call daddy if not for this soyboy bullshit.
People still give her attention and believe she holds some sort of sway, so yes. Probably the biggest bullshit scam I've seen but idiots buy into it.
today I will remind them
Nobody hates white people more than self-hating white people.
Niggers who hate whites just want to use it as an excuse to get DEM REPRASHENS AN GIBSMEDATS.
Middle easterners who hate white people just want to spread their race and religion all over the nice parts of the world.
Asians who hate white people are just trying to fit in with the whites who hate themselves, that they meet in college.
Jews who hate whites are usually only in it for the shekels they can skim off the top of the 'groids' GIBS.
It's the self-hating whites whose anti-white hatred is pure, and unadulterated by rational self interest. They are the paragons of anti-white hatred.