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I agree, K&L2 rules.
What happened here?? Why is he bloodied up?
>full body mutilation and shitloads of blood is a-okay
What is wrong with America?
Triads caught them when they tried to rescue Lycnh's girlfriend. Proceeded to torture them to death
was this the game that got that guy from gamespot fired?
They got tortured with an razor.
Nope, that was the first one, Dead Men, this is Dog Days.
I can't understand why nudity isn't okay while violence is
10/10 game. I don't care what anyone says.
The gameplay is garbage but the aesthetic was 10/10.
Blame christcucks
>The gameplay was garbage
Not really, the weapons were like actual weapons (with exception of the shotgun which is for some reason the most effective weapon even on long range), full automatic guns spread around.
what's the story of this ?
some guy gave a 6 or 7 out of 10 to the first Kane and Lynch game and Gamespot didnt like that because they had Kane and Lynch adverts on the site.
>with exception of the shotgun which is for some reason the most effective weapon even on long range
real shotguns are effective at long range, extreme spread is a videogame meme.
and that's nice to hear, I didnt know K&L did this of all fucking games.
Garbage was a bit harsh, it was more just extremely repetitive. You are right about the weapons though.
>shotgun which is for some reason the most effective weapon even on long range
Like in the actual real life?
>get excited for "death by thousand cuts" torture/execution
>all we got is a few cuts across the body
thanks for nothing IO
Unironically Jesus.
I bet there are gays who got off to that doughy, hairy dad body.
>muh cencorship
Not even amerikjan, but you completely missed the fucking point of that game and the pixelation you mouth breathing spunk junkie.
lets be like beta yuropoors who stare at the ground as they walk and fuck prostitutes all the time because they're too beta to actually find a girl
Kino trailer, rewatch it and replay the game sometimes.
thanks faggot i now crave ketchup
Wish we got a prequel that covers Kanes failed bank heist and Lynch working in China.
Lynch is such an unstable piece of shit.
Not garbage, pretty mediocre but I agree.
I preferred the first games story overall. Though both of the games narratives and characters are pretty well done. Kane and Lynch deserved more of a chance, too bad the games themselves are heavily flawed.
>Implying the triads didn't start by mutilating their dicks
Nobody wants to see that.
gotta save best till last
Great trailer. They definitely got some inspiration from the opening scene of Narc (the playground + "HEEEEEELP!")
More like Kino & Lynch.
Oh shit, the style is so similar, that's awesome
The handcam presentation was really great. All the cone-fire guns at the start really suck the fun out of the game. Then the game just throws hoards of soldiers at the player later like it made any sense.
You guys are right that shotguns are effective on long range, but in Dog Days they are literally more accurate and effective than every other weapon in the game, you don't even need a sniper rifle because the shotgun does the same stuff in it. The shotgun is ridiculously overpowered in this game, they somehow tried to avoid it a bit with giving you less ammunition for it than for the other guns and maybe one from 30 guys have a shotgun.
>t. mobidly obese neckbeard murican
Hardly garbage, it was pretty arcadey and repetitive. I think it was a budget thing.
I really wish they would do a good game with Kane and Lynch, the characters are great.
I think they worked on Hitman Absolution at the same time and had still rest Budget and wanted to do something again with the characters, so they made it.
Or they used K&L2 as a form of prototype how they wanted to make the shooting in Absolution.
Either way, there was clearly effort behind the game, even if it was just 4 hours.
We never got the K&L movie. Everyone wanted Bruce Willis for Kane. But who did everyone want to play Lynch? Billy Bob Thornton?
More than an K&L movie I want a K&L 3.
I bet Lynch is modeled after Waingro from the movie Heat
They released Dead Men in Hungary with a free Heat DVD and many levels are based on Michael Mann films.
Is it worth playing these games for the first time? Do I start with the first
>Nobody wants to see that.
Speak for yourself, numbnuts
Yeah first of course
what are some games where this happens to female characters
i'm asking for a friend
I bet getting cut a lot hurts, but it never looks like it does. Is it just me?
You might just be desensitized to fictional violence.
The multiplayer was really fun too. I wish more games had a trust/psycological element to it like betraying people to keep more money or whatever.
Payday 2 was nowhere near as fun as K&L2's multiplayer.
>not just showing the penises
As someone who been accidentally cut by a circular saw, you don't feel pain when the nerves are severed. Once the wound is treated and the blood starts to flow back yeah it aches like hell.
this game was pretty good.
Tired of hearing all the bad things about it, Clearly it needed some more work and devolpment time but the concept was neat.
Fighting the chinese police/SWAT team was probably one of my favorite enemies Ive never seen in any game, also the games style of not punishing you at all for shooting civs caught in the cross fire or intentionally made it feel true to the crime genre.
I also thought OP's scene was neat too
>headshots censor the victim's head
god yes.
I fucking hate any type of pain.
If I ever get cut like that I would never be the same. Especially if its anywhere around my dick, if I ever got cut there I might as well die.
The idea that some people find pleasure in pain is ludicrous to me.
It's what happens when you normalize retards that believe in their imaginary friend and magic book.
Does anyone have that article/essay thing that was written up about it? It was on a website with a black/orange color and had to do with how the gameplay drove home the plot/aesthetic, that's all I really have.
Fucking love the game btw, beaten it on Normal and then the two hardest difficulties. It's like prostrating yourself, just pure shitty pain.
This shit should have gotten all the backlash the torture scene in GTAV did.
In GTAV you torture the guy and all but later you just let him go and he call walk and everything.
The only really bad part about it was the teeth removing.
ow the edge
Kayne and Lynch would make a goid movie adaption
There are a few similar articles, I think the one you're thinking of is the review that was on, but it's down now.