>The Doomsday Clock is now 2 minutes to midnight, the closest it's ever been since 1953, at the height of the fucking cold war
What vidya should I play while waiting for nuclear winter, Sup Forums
The Doomsday Clock is now 2 minutes to midnight, the closest it's ever been since 1953...
Other urls found in this thread:
patrolling the mojave
Fallout 1/2/NV, Metro, STALKER
The doomsday clock has no objective form of measurement
Well I figured those, fairly obvious choices.
Got anything a bit more left field?
"I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man." - Dr. Manhattan
>The Doomsday Clock
>aka a bunch of chumps that try hard to be relevant
The thing's a fucking joke that is only useful for being in headlines
Who cares what that jew-clock says
ButThis also DefCon
I don't mean to make things Sup Forumsshit or anything, but I could have sworn they moved it up like a month after Trump won and implied Trump is the reason it went up, maybe I'm thinking of a different science group?
Burgerland the second most powerful country in the world after China has the most retarded president of all the chief of states in the world and threatens twice a day to raze poor islanders from a shit country that never bothered anyone but themselves.
Thanks for that mister comic book character penned by a guy who thinks he's a wizard.
They did. Twice since Trump's election
Media outlest are always quick to alert us when it moves closer but they never report it going back
Ah, I didn't know they move it back, I just kind of thought they just left it at that time until something major happens
There is literally no reason for moving clock. There were not any bad news about N.Korea and other countries will never use nuclear weapons without a reason of total destruction of their own country by another one. Doomsday my ass
Yeah, it's completely arbitrary
>there are people who genuinely think a nuclear war is going to happen anytime soon
Oh no, not the magic clock!
A wizard who'll visit you in your sleep tonight.
Have fun.
Three of the reasons they cited for moving it are:
>the international discussion around nuclear weapons and threats of using them
>disregard for climate change
>fake news/russian facebook bots
people don't take him serious so who gives a shit
>Trump is a retard meme.
No one but lefties think this. In reality, he's doing rather well; the tax cuts are performing as planned, consumer confidence is up, pay is up, jobs are up across the US, illegal immigration is down, the US isn't getting involved overtly in conflicts and Trump is letting the military do the jo it was tasked to do, North Korea needs confronting as the strategy of the previous 20 years has led to them acquiring Nuclear Weaponry so a different tact is needed, one which is, frankly, having an impact.
Compared to Obama, Trump's doing quite well. The US is lucky to have him.
t.Not American.
>Since 1953
That's why this clock is absolute BS. In the 1980s there were something like 70,000 nuclear warheads on Earth, and today there are only about 15,000 warheads, and yet still today there is a higher risk of nuclear war?
>we are closer to nuclear apocalypse now than we were during the peak of the cold war
>all because some manlet in korea and drumpf
Really fires those synapses.
Amount of warheads doesn't mean shit, it's the intent to use them or not.
I don't think any of that contradicts him being a simpleton. The US hasn't had an intelligent president in your lifetime, your parents' lifetime, or their parents' lifetime.
Oh, and Metal Gear Solid is a good game to during nuclear war prep
>never bothered anyone but themselves
t. Kim Jong Un
they literally invaded South Korea and give death threats to every other nation on a daily basis
not that we should go at them or anything but I hate this "north korea wuz a good boy" meme
Play Doom while listening to this song on a loop
The Doomsday Clock is a metaphorical "symbol" with little to no actual backing. It's just so a group of philosophers can scare people.
How come every timeframe in relation to the Cold War is "the height of the Cold War"?
>The Doomsday Clock is now 2 minutes to midnight
what does this mean
That the world will end tonight at 11:58 PM?
Rule of cool.
>when people are afraid of nukes and not the climate
Fucking retards
Also cuba missile crisis was actually fucking Close, yet that wasn't the closest?
What's modern intent? N. Korea? A fucking fat turd knows that there is no reason to use them as an attacking weapon. Yeah, some of them would reach the USA but that also mean that in 24 hours after this there wouldn't be N.Korea at all.
In the 80s, most of them were held between 2 rivals who were very willing to communicate and avoid a war if at all possible, even ignoring a launch alert to call to see if it was true first.
That is not the case with India/Pakistan.
Well realistically, the height of the Cold War was the Cuban Missile Crisis, and in that situation, a single fuck up could have actually led to nuclear war, what's going on now is nothing like that
Doomsday clock is just a propaganda tool that outlived it's purpose. Now it exists for soyboys to sit around complaining about shit that doesn't affect them with their other twitter followers.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a mild panic attack when my thermometer was slightly higher than the weather forecast anticipated.
Welcome to modern philosophers, who think twitter shitposting will bring us closer to a nuclear war than nuclear weapons actually being prepped up by multiple nations for global annihilation.
I also find it funny how many retards seem to think the President is the only person with any say on when nuclear warheads are deployed.
NK doesn't matter, what does matter is how Chyna would react to a border state being wiped off the map.
Along it the fallout of the inevitable SK losses.
You have to be 18+ to post here
This isn’t targeted towards you but I’m just saying
>Harmless banter that started with Kim, but people don’t care about Kim and played him off as a harmless madman until trump came and starting calling him out. They also forget that nuking isn’t a thing he can just do and the senate is there to block him
>China and India alone are worse than anything the US can pump out
>literally nothing
This desu.
Unless you were born after October 1962. The chances of something happening is very very slim
when countries are discussing using nuclear weapons and a new country starts testing nukes that's a compelling reason to move the clock
>Chyna would react to a border state being wiped off the map.
Are you dumb or what? The US would't drop nuclear bomb on cities (backlash from everyone) and they wouldn't even use rockets. They would destroy military infrastructure
Everyone thinks this but Trump's fanbase. Every time he opens his mouth when not on a script, he says something completely vapid. When he talks about subjects he doesn't understand, he sounds even dumber.
t. Also not American.
They already have dropped a bomb on a city, retard, and they face backlash from that too.
It's also the principle of the thing: once America does it, what's to stop any other military engagement between two superpowers in history from just nuking each other
>Honestly thinking China would allow an active military engagement into north korea
>Every time he opens his mouth when not on a script, he says something completely vapid
Every President does this. Its not just exclusive to Trump.
It's particularly bad with Trump. He's making G.W. Bush look like an intellectual.
>people actually think nuclear war is going to happen
We exist in the timeline where nuclear crisis is diverted due to a Hillary loss. Feels good, man.
Realistically, the situation goes one of two ways:
1) US attacks first. China gets extremely pissy, probably launches nukes. World is most likely destroyed.
1.2) One side refuses to use missiles. Other doesn't Said country becomes the largest genocide issuer in human history
1.3) US strikes first, China gets pissy, WWIII invasion of America through Canada.
2) NK attacks first. America blows them off the map, China just watches. Makes sure America doesn't move in to take over.
America is too important an ally and the Chinese are smart enough to know that if the US has due recourse for retaliation they won't do shit. At worst they'll respond because the Chinese citizens will see how shit communism is and that'll cause problems
well Idunno, america nuked civilians a long time ago and nobody else did it since
>NK attacks first
I refuse to accept that they could be this stupid.
There is not a single scenario in the world, where China will launch nukes at the US for attacking NK.
>Source: My ass.
>NK threatens to nuke US
>fuck off no more food for you
>NK threatens to nuke US
>fuck off no more food for you
>NK threatens to nuke US
>fuck off no more food for you
>NK threatens to nuke US
my ass is a more reliable source than your ass
>doomsday clock
>they moved it up like a month after Trump won and implied Trump is the reason it went up, maybe I'm thinking of a different science group?
Sounds exactly like what (((they))) want you to think.
Common sense.
Considering that's where niggers leave semen, I'm not sure anything good comes from your ass.
Military infrastructure is all inside and near populated areas, farmland etc. NK is highly mountainous with only 10% arable land. Everything is tightly compacted. That being said, America killed 2 million Iraqis so I dont see why they wouldnt kill that many or more Koreans
> the tax cuts are performing as planned, consumer confidence is up, pay is up, jobs are up across the US
Macroeconomic changes don't happen in a year. Head Executives have always taken undue credit or blame for business cycles. All that shit has literally nothing to do with Trump, at this point its just noise, he hasn't been in office long enough to take any sort of credit for any long term trend.
We'll have an indication whether the tax cuts had any sort of effect at all a few years from now. Literally has been out for a few months, anybody saying they know the impact one way or the other from some anecdotes is completely full of shit.
t. A guy who doesn't let common sense be blinded by ideology
>North Korea nuclear tests
>nuke button dick measuring on twitter
>openly mocking and taunting a highly unstable dictator
>Hawaii nuclear missle alert scare being taken 100% seriously due to current political climate
There's reason to be a little alarmed my dude
china has literally nothing to gain from dying to nuclear hellfire neither does the US. there's a reason why MAD has kept world peace for so long. it's because nobody wants to suffer game over due to trivial shit like a satellite deciding to bite off more than it can chew
No one had else had the bomb at the time, user. Now everyone has one.
Yes, of the two scenarios it's easily the most unlikely scenario possible. People overestimate the reality of nuclear war- no one in power in either country is THAT crazy so they would end the world.
Except Russia. 'cause Dead Hand.
It's unlikely but still possible. 1.3 is the most likely course of events in the event the US strike occurs. It's also possible China won't do anything, aside from some cold political relations.
There has literally never been a meaningful instance of modern warfare on a large scale. Finally we would be able to see how war goes nowadays and we‘d be able to play modern warfare vidya in a dozen years or so.
>They also forget that nuking isn’t a thing he can just do and the senate is there to block him
Actually, he can, and the Senate can't do shit about it. I think that his cabinet can stop him though.
WWII was pretty fuckhuge user. Just because it never touched the West aside from Pearl Harbor doesn't mean it wasn't utterly fucking massive in scale.
y'all niggas oughta play Peace Walker
I‘m talking about „modern“ warfare user. Internet, drones, nukes, jets, nuclear subs and a whole lot of other stuff has never been "properly" tested on a large scale like in WW2.
You're the leader of a nation, and your men have detected a nuclear attack on you.
You and your nation will be obliterated.
Do you pull a Father Elijah?
I couldn't. I won't sacrifice the whole of the human race over a spiteful loss like this.
It's a good thing his party doesn't have a majority share in everything huh
Imagine having leftist cock jammed so deep down your throat that you rush to your mongolian underwater throat-weaving smoke signal tribesmen to ask them what videogames you should play
Nothing will happen, and the world will move on.
Ooooh okay.
I actually don't want that. War is hell because it's personal- depersonalizing it like that does nothing but create issues, it makes war easier to swallow.
War should never be easy to swallow.
Don't forget best scenario
>NK attacks US
>Nukes California
>Trump thanks them and lifts sanctions
>America enters a golden age
Pretty much this.
People underestimate just how good things are.
Not saying that Trump would do anything, I'm just saying that there's no real check or oversight on presidents deciding to use nukes other than the 25th amendment (and that's kind of a roundabout way anyhow). Any president can order a preemptive nuclear strike, and if his cabinet is okay with it, it'll go through. It doesn't matter if a Dem is in control, or a Republican.
>le end of the world bogeyman
The Doomsday clocks represent the changes that needs to be done fucking retard subnigger, DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS SUDDENLY GONNA END AS SOON AS THE FUCKING SHITTY PROPAGANDA HITS 12?
Fucking grow up.
I don't know why people think China is hot shit. Their military is a literal joke and India would invade them the second they start a war with any Western state. India can actually fight wars unlike China.
Blow it all to shit!
They're chumps, but when you have a nuke all bets are off.
>actively developing and testing nuclear weapons and ICBM delivery systems in direct violation of multiple treaties and defiance of the UN and NATO
>harmless banter
God Sup Forums you're so fucking dumb.
Came here to say this